ltworide Member


  • Happy weekend all! Exercise: none. Rest day. Did some housework, cleAned out my closet, boy did it ever need it! Assessment: calories & macros on track. I need to keep a closer eye on my macros. PT wants me at 40% protein & carbs 20% fat for both workout & rest days & to stay on the higher end for calorie intake everyday.…
  • TGIF everyone! Ran a circuit class today & went to my Krav Maga class. Strength: none Assessment: pizza & protein shake for dinner with kale & cucumber salad. Calories & protein macros were under.
  • Clams, single leg stance with knee hold against wall, 1 leg squats, band walks, hip hikes, bridges, single leg single arm deadlifts.
  • Happy Hump Day! Krav Maga class. Circuit work 5 rounds of: Dumbbell Step up to reverse lunge 8 reps@15 lbs/side 1 arm alternating kettlebell swing 20 reps@40 lbs 1 arm kettlebell row 8 reps@40 lbs Swiss ball pistol squat 5 reps/side Lateral bounding with crossover 10 reps Clapping push-ups 6 reps Assessment: steak & sweet…
  • Happy Tuesday! Strength: pull-ups 3x4 Barbell OHP 3x1@70 lbs Front squats 5x5@95 lbs (power) 1.5 mile run With PT: box jumps, hurdle ladder & med. Ball drills, angled barbell exercises Assessment: sausages for dinner. About 300 calories over. Not worried.
  • Happy Monday, Krav Maga & a yoga class today. No strength work. Assessment: calories & macros on track today. My original goal up to the end of March originally included rebasing strength for major compound lifts: front squats, pull-ups, OHP, deadlifts, chest press and rows. However, I got a good deal for PT sessions with…
  • I make my breakfasts & lunches for the week on the weekend to make my life easier. Breakfasts are 1 hard boiled egg plus overnight oats mixed into plain Greek yogurt, add some kind of healthy fat (hemp, flax, chia seeds, almonds, walnuts, etc), almond milk, kefir, berries & spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.). I mix up my…
  • I'll second the salsa sauce & black beans! I also like to top my sweet potato with tuna, chopped green onion, Dijon mustard & celery.
  • I usually rest "active rest" on weekends & workout on weekdays as a general rule of thumb. I do a lot of cross training as my overall goal is simply overall health & fitness so I can enjoy a higher quality of life.
  • Happy Sunday all, No formal exercise this weekend. Looked after my nieces & took my brothers dog for some nice walks. Step count around 15k yesterday. Assessment: chicken & rice for dinner. Protein macros were low.
  • I do weights first followed by cardio if I'm doing both in the same workout. However, on weekdays I usually do my cardio at work during my lunch break because (1) there's no safety rack and (2) there's only 1 barbell. I will then do strength after work at the gym I'm registered with.
  • TGIF all! Yoga & Krav Maga classes today. Strength: barbell OHP 3x5@65 lbs; 2x1@70 lbs Rear delt raise 3x10@15 lbs Lateral & 45 degree shoulder raise 3x10@12 lbs Cable external shoulder rotation 3x10 Swiss ball rollout 1 foot raised 2x10 Bird dog on ball 30 seconds/side Assessment: homemade beef stew for dinner calories &…
  • Happy almost weekend is here! Cardio: step class. Strength: barbell front squats 6x3@135 lbs Pull-ups 5x2 Assessment: calories & macros on track. Chicken tacos, salmon & salad for dinner.
  • Happy Hump Day! Cardio: Zumba 30 mins. Krav Maga class. Strength: barbell OHP 5x5@60 lbs Barbell front squat 5x5@95 lbs (speed) Parallel grip Pull-ups 5x5 Assessment: sausages & quinoa with wild rice dinner. Macros & calories on target.
  • I use plain creative monohydrate. I find it helps with muscle soreness.
  • Happy Tuesday all! @luluinca ouch that shot sounds painful! Happy to hear surgery is not needed. Strength none Cardio 1.75 mile jog 5.0 mph 1st session with PT today reviewed goals & took some baseline form & movement measures. Reviewed form on barbell front squats, OHP & pull-ups. Completed various exercises on the bosu &…
  • I think the monthly cycle can affect everyone differently. Personally, I tend to get bloated & experience some achiness in my lower back. Having said this, I find that once I get into my workout I tend to block this out & get on my workout as per normal. The only time I've had to change things up is if I'm doing heavy…
  • Happy Monday all! @MJFSH "Nutrition: I was a bottomless food monster yesterday! phew! stuffed my face, over, over and over again! yuck!" ...LMAO this made me laugh...must be a full moon or something I did the same thing yesterday...watched a movie & stuffed my idea how much crap I ingested.... Yesterday: how many…
  • Mon - strength military press 6x1; front squat 5x5; shoulder width grip pull-ups 5x2 (speed & Krav Maga Tuesday - start sessions with a PT requested focus on trying to sustaini explosive power for up to 3-5 mins at a time Wednesday - see Monday (except exercise order will be squats, pull-ups, OHP) Thursday - PT session…
  • If you enjoy Zumba, have you tried Zumba gold? It is a low impact version of the regular Zumba class. Aquafit, Aqua Zumba, swimming would be other good alternatives that while offering resistance in the water your joints are protected.
  • Currently I lift 3 days/week using large compound exercises & take Krav Maga classes 3 days/week. I try to do some stretching/rolling, yoga, walks, hikes, runs, etc. as off day activity.
  • Happy weekend! Very strange my post yesterday was cut short. Has this happened to anyone else? Yesterday's workout: led a circuit class & went to Krav Maga. No strength work. Today: went to an indoor obstacle course. I really enjoyed dirching the ring swings & falling into the ball pit! Course included wall climbing, rope…
  • One way to avoid or reduce the bruising if you want would be to use a trap bar, kettle bells, Dumbbells, or go with a Jefferson DL.
    in Bruises Comment by ltworide January 2016
  • TGIF everyone! @ninerbuff hope you did a happy dance upon hearing the good news...then you could log the exercise calorie burn for said dance!
  • Welcome @ren3liz! @luluinca if my best wishes for you shoulder could heal, you'd be in that pool out lapping everyone yesterday! Cardio: Rowing 2x250 m. +tabata round@868 m. Skipping 2x2 mins Strength: 1 leg hip thrust 1x20/side Donkey kick 1x20/side@10 lbs Fire hydrants 1x20/side@10 lbs Parallel grip pull-ups 6x3 Military…
  • I very seldom work biceps or triceps. I mostly use compound lifts using free weights, bodyweight, cables/bands. Currently my primary focus is rebasing strength for front squats, pull-ups and military presses. I strength train 3 times/week rotating between sets/reps of 6x3, 5x5 & 5x5 (power @60%1RM). I also take classes in…
  • Welcome @ren3liz ! Yes it's an open group. Led a group circuit class today. Going to Krav Maga tonight. No strength work. Assessment: chicken drumsticks for dinner. Within target macros & calories.
  • @ninerbuff Happy Birthday, hope you had a great day! @64crayons good work! Strength: Shoulder width grip pull-ups 5x2; 2x1+1 Military press 65 lbs 1x5; 2x4; 1x3; 1x2 Front squat 85 lbs (power) 5x5 Cardio: 2 sets 1 min rest: Skipping 3 mins Low pulley chops 27.5 lbs 2x10/side Indoor cycling 20 mins. Easy pace. Assessment:…
  • I'd add in skipping along with ladder, cone & bosu drills/exercises as a good, cheap way to improve cardio endurance & coordination. You could also add in crawls (Google bear, spider crawls, etc.) & other no equipment exercises such as lateral shuffles, backward sprint shuffled, Carioca, sprints backward & forward on a 45…