"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Happy Friday!!!!

    Strength: Bulk Legs, Chisel Balance to be done, after work! I run out of time this morning

    Cardio: nada

    Nutrition: food of gods for tonight, yeay for pizza night!
  • ren3liz
    ren3liz Posts: 45 Member
    Thx for the warm welcomes everyone. Happy Friday!

    Hit the gym briefly this morning.
    Cardio- 30 minutes total split between rowing, fast walking at high incline on the treadmill, and stationary bike. Just couldn't stick with one thing his morning and I was lacking energy. Will plan for another - better - workout this evening.

    Assessment- a lot of days eating at or just under maintenance lately. Wine of the month club came, oops. Diet has been overall healthy, but over my calorie goal to lose.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Had a great walk/run this morning and actually ran 2.1 miles of the 3.5 total..........that's a first for me!

    Cardio: 2.1 mile run and 1.4 mile walk!

    Strength: None

    Assessment: Having a pretty good week all in all and looking forward to going out to dinner tomorrow night!

    TGIF and have a great weekend everyone!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    Well the good news is...............................NO TEARS. Just a 3rd sprain of the MCL and doc says not uncommon for up to 6 weeks with healing. I'm on my 3rd now so I'm cool.

  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Well the good news is...............................NO TEARS.
    Aw, good for you not crying at the doctor's office. :p

    Glad it's nothing too serious, and you're halfway healed already.

  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yesterday and today
    Cardio: Stationary bike 20 min 130 calories- yesterday only

    Strength: probably 70% cardio/ abs. 30 day shred

    Assessment: Eating well, working out regularly. Food is slowly getting better (turf toe). No complaints.
  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Well the good news is...............................NO TEARS. Just a 3rd sprain of the MCL and doc says not uncommon for up to 6 weeks with healing. I'm on my 3rd now so I'm cool.

    Glad to hear that!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Well the good news is...............................NO TEARS. Just a 3rd sprain of the MCL and doc says not uncommon for up to 6 weeks with healing. I'm on my 3rd now so I'm cool.

    Excellent news!!!
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    TGIF everyone!

    @ninerbuff hope you did a happy dance upon hearing the good news...then you could log the exercise calorie burn for said dance!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited January 2016
    @luluinca if my best wishes for you shoulder could heal, you'd be in that pool out lapping everyone yesterday!

    Thanks, that's really a great wish!!! I have an appt Tuesday with an orthopedic surgeon, not sure how much I'll know at the first appointment but I'm pretty sure it's a rotator cuff tear.............hopefully not too bad and hopefully I'm wrong!

    This is my 4th injury in 2.5 years but I'm not giving up................there's always a work around an injury and the other 3 went away with time and effort so I'll fix this one too!

    The thing I'm most worried about is whether I'll be able to swim this summer............but I'm determined!!!

  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    It's a great day to workout indoors here!

    Strength: None, still a bit sore from some variations the other day.

    Cardio. Killed it on the elliptical. 98 minutes, 10 miles, 1400 calories, machine calculated.

    Assessment: Still munchies to be had to catch up!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    luluinca wrote: »
    @luluinca if my best wishes for you shoulder could heal, you'd be in that pool out lapping everyone yesterday!

    Thanks, that's really a great wish!!! I have an appt Tuesday with an orthopedic surgeon, not sure how much I'll know at the first appointment but I'm pretty sure it's a rotator cuff tear.............hopefully not too bad and hopefully I'm wrong!

    This is my 4th injury in 2.5 years but I'm not giving up................there's always a work around an injury and the other 3 went away with time and effort so I'll fix this one too!

    The thing I'm most worried about is whether I'll be able to swim this summer............but I'm determined!!!
    Hoping for the best!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! 3rd week since injury and still a little gimpy. Just working on rehab. I'll see if I can do some light bike riding today.

    Cardio: stationary pedaling- 30 minutes (80 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Taco Bell last night.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    luluinca wrote: »
    @luluinca if my best wishes for you shoulder could heal, you'd be in that pool out lapping everyone yesterday!

    Thanks, that's really a great wish!!! I have an appt Tuesday with an orthopedic surgeon, not sure how much I'll know at the first appointment but I'm pretty sure it's a rotator cuff tear.............hopefully not too bad and hopefully I'm wrong!

    This is my 4th injury in 2.5 years but I'm not giving up................there's always a work around an injury and the other 3 went away with time and effort so I'll fix this one too!

    The thing I'm most worried about is whether I'll be able to swim this summer............but I'm determined!!!
    Hoping for the best!

    Thanks Niner..........I have my fingers crossed! Whatever it is I'll deal with it!
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    Happy weekend!

    Very strange my post yesterday was cut short. Has this happened to anyone else?

    Yesterday's workout: led a circuit class & went to Krav Maga. No strength work.

    Today: went to an indoor obstacle course. I really enjoyed dirching the ring swings & falling into the ball pit! Course included wall climbing, rope climbing, rock wall, tire pull, crawling (so nice to have mats under your knees). I tried the battle ropes, first time wow what a workout that is. Afterwards sid a 3 mile light walk/jog.

    Assessment: pizza & wine last night, over calories. Today homemade soup for dinner. Calories & macros on target.

  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    @ninerbuff : Yay on the good news!

    @luluinca : Fingers crossed for your shoulder.

    Happy Saturday!

    Cardio: 4 mile run with my friends (our weekly meetup). Kept things light as still getting over my cold, plus one buddy is only a week out from her recent illness. Easy pace.

    Food: on target.
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    @ninerbuff Awesome news!!!!

    Strength: Had some time on hand so got a bit carried away. Bulk Back, Chisel Balance and Hammer Conditioning and me, all done!

    Cardio: Zip Zero

    Nutrition: Had pizza last night, exactly like how a hungry beast does.
    tonight staying reasonable. still have to bring my protein up so thinking of snack ideas for a bit later
  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    Got up and went to the gym this morning before nerding out all day playing games with friends.

    No cardio, just strength.

    Strength: Squat felt so good except I'm not used to doing so many reps/set. lol 10,10,15,10,10,10
    Bench- 10,7,5,3,2,2,2,1,1,1,2

    Food-pizza & beer. and then tons of junk food while gaming today. lol
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Took a rest day yesterday but worked hard around here and then went to PF Chang's for dinner.....yumm.

    Today I made it to the gym. I'm trying really hard to enjoy running since I can't really enjoy weight lifting right now. It's going better than I expected and I may go to one of the local tracks tomorrow and just run for as long as I can, without overdoing it of course, and see how I do.

    Cardio: 8 min stairmaster as part of circuit training and 24 laps around the basketball court (about 17 minutes) as part of strength training.

    Strength: Foam roller/dynamic stretches. 40 min circuit training including 2 sets each of 12 good morning w/50 lbs, 15 goblet squats w/25 lbs, 10 each single leg physio ball bridges, 10 physio ball pikes, 2 min forearm plank, 15 decline situps w/10 lbs, 20 decline scissors, 10 decline leg lifts, 12 monkey pulls w/8/8 lbs 12 back extension w/20 lbs and 4 min stairmaster after each set. 80 min strength training and running including 3X8 laps around the basketball court, front squats <1X5 w/65 lbs, 1X5 w/75 lbs and 1X5 w/80 lbs>, leg press <single leg warmup of 12@130 lbs, 10@180 lbs and dbl leg 12@310 lbs, 10@400 lbs, 8@450 lbs and 6@470 lbs>, 2X10 cable chest press w/20/20, 2X10 cable wood chop w/27 lbs, 2X16 side lunges w/20/20 lbs, 3X12 bridges w/45 lbs, 3X10 bicep curls w/12.5/12/5 lbs and 3X10 inner thigh w/100.

    Assessment: Didn't really log dinner but I'm sure I went a little over last night and tonight we're having a turkey but I'm keeping the trimmings reasonable so I shouldn't go over.

    Have a great football day if you're into that.............go Broncos!!!
  • ren3liz
    ren3liz Posts: 45 Member
    Hello all, happy Sunday!

    Cardio- Two mile run outside. 26 degrees here...not bad. 250 cal.

    Strength- 3 circuits.
    1- Squat 8lb x 15
    Deadlift with back row 8lb x 20
    Holding bridge with chest press 8lb x 20
    2- Wood chop 8lb x 12 each side
    Reverse fly 8lb x 15 (could not get good form or truly complete this move at 8lb)
    Squat with overhead press 8lb x 20
    3- Side lunge with bicep curl 8lb x 20
    Lawn mower- 8lb x 20 each side
    Overhead reach with leg lift- 8lb x 20 each side.
    Link here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/549931804478748646/

    Assessment- at calorie goal all weekend- saved all calories today to enjoy drinks/football snacks. 3 days of work this week then vacation!!
    Feedback on the lifting program above appreciated :)