professor700 Member


  • I'm about 30 minutes north Atlanta in Kennesaw Ga...Waxhaw is about 4.5 hours.....
  • Hey gamommy, I had my surgery done with Christopher Hart at Atlanta Bariatrics. I am over 4 months post op. The first week I WAS RAVENOUS! so ravenous in fact, that it scared me! All I could do was fantisize about all you can eat sushi. But the acid rumbling up like that was the WORST HUNGER PANGS EVER! It did scare me…
  • Its called being hyper-kinetic ...I dont mind at all!
  • yea, I know what you mean. Matthew Weiner, M.D. (bariatric surgeon) suggests that surgery changes the body's set point and as a result post surgery patients feel the "need" to move much more. Even in their walk they will swing their arms much more forcefully in an effort to burn more calories. It is the body's way of…
  • if your free t3 is low you will experience heat and cold intolerance. For some people bariatric surgery induces a transient hypothyroid state due to the consistent low calories. If that is the case, it will pass with time.
  • Why can't you drink? I will have like one... Just mix it with a lot a lot of fluid and go really slow and I seem to be fine. But I guess not everybody does that. Just occasionally for me
  • I second that.... If you go to Of all the procedures, surgeries, and cosmetic procedures listed, the gastric sleeve is the only one that has a hundred percent satisfaction rate. And that is from thousands and thousands of reviews.
  • At 3 months I ate from 800-1400 cal usually it was based on how much activity I was doing. I now hover at around 1200 and I'm 4 months out. I'm still losing like crazy and some days when I run an hour or so I might eat 1500 calories but like I said itd usually 1200...;)
  • Yep.... Sometimes I feel like the food is attacking me! It's like it's just sitting there giving me the finger because it knows that I can't eat it... Hahaha. It does get easier with time but yes, I understand, it's a weird feeling it's like very intimidating.
  • I wouldnt say surgery is the easy way out but it is easier. The question is-What's wrong with easier? Do you get a medal if you do the hardest way possible? Im serious. Before I had surgery I struggled and struggled for years. Yes, it was hard. It was a hard life. I thought about food all the time. I was in a war with the…
  • I just ordered from have no experience with levis but hey-they are cheap and Im sure they will be going to goodwill as well, soon -when they fall off! Although I am sure the goodwill peeps will be considerably less excited to receive them....haaaa!
  • No one can tell you to get surgery or not get it. They can only tell you their experience. Heres mine; VSG is the best physical choice I have ever made in my life. I am free, finally.
  • You're going to love it! They say there's no Magic Bullet. And there really isn't. But this VSG for me was a mind blowing salvation and freedom. Congratulations on your new life. Unlike everything else, it actually works!
    in Hope Comment by professor700 July 2017
  • too small now for ALL my 150$ pairs of 7 jeans and true religion joeys ....yes, Im happy! The goodwill peeps are going to think they died and went to heaven!...
  • Hey... My surgery was March 3rd, 2017 ...for almost 4 months Ive been doing this....on my own. It is nice to see other folks in the same boat!
  • I have the same thing happen to me when I go ultra low carb. Meaning below 15 grams. Stress of any kind on your body will shoot your cortisol levels up which will cause your blood sugar to rise. I am not a diabetic nor have I ever been. When I go super low carb my blood sugar fasted in the a.m. is ultra high. Once I get to…
  • Sorry for the poor grammar I'm sure you get the point I'm using voice recognition software
  • I have been keto for about 10 years now. A few years ago I was hitting a stall pretty regularly and wasn't really able to run as fast as I normally did. I got so frustrated I finally went and drank the glass and a half of red wine dry Cabernet. Interesting Lee, my energy levels came back and I lost about a pound and a half…
  • I run.everyday.rarely take a day off and I love it! The best thing for me is to run early in the morning in a fasted state. If I eat before I run I just feel a little sluggish for some reason. Before I had surgery it was kind of like that too but not to the same extent. So now I run fasted and I still drink lots and lots…
  • If you're not a Christian I apologize ahead of time. This is a verse though that helped me and I thought I would share it with you. "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in You" Isaiah 26:3 You'll do great! I pray your recovery is quick and painless!..:)
  • I lost to 176 surgery day. I am super pleased that I had surgery anyway. When you are smaller you will lose weight slower, so, trust me, you won't blow away. My father is a physician and I asked him what he thought when people started saying..."oh, but you don't need it. ..etc.etc" He said " that's like knowing someone is…
  • Try thyroid support... Thyrogold is a great over-the-counter supplement that I use and it works really well for me. Sometimes your thyroid can get sluggish due to eating such a low amount of calories for an extended period of time. It's your body's way of trying to slow you down
  • Make big recipes and freeze em.... that way you know what's in your food and that it's good for you because you have control over what goes into it
  • Try collagen protein..I use great lakes brand. It's relatively tasteless if your other food is seasoned well and it blends into anything even water. However you CAN taste it in water and. ..yucky....don't recommend that. I put it in Chili, Pudding.. Just about everything and it works really well and I can't taste it
  • With pureed foods I am allowed to eat crunchy chips. I eat 2 or 3 and really chew them. For me they are easier than pudding or anything else that is heavy.
  • I was sleeved March 3
  • It looks like we are the chosen few here... Hehe. It did take me quite a long time to adapt and I never really did feel like I was as fast as I was when I was sugar burning. However I have to say that once I am fully adapted and then I go for a run where I take about 10 to 20 grams of carbs just before I run... ooo buddy,…
  • That's interesting... Back when I used to fast I had lots of energy! You know, people who are unfit that are exercising are really working harder than trained athletes. Because it's harder on their body because they haven't become so accustomed to it. I'm definitely interested in hearing their experiences as well because…
  • Creating the new normal isn't an easy thing to do. I grew up obese and found low carb and finally keto after several years of dieting and even getting a PHD in biochemistry. The most important thing to do is what you are doing which is finding other people that are actually sane and do keto themselves. I would recommend…