judis100 Member


  • I've been really struggling with binge eating after dinner. One thing that has helped is to make a pot of tea - something a little sweet like Trader Joes Candy Cane or Teavana Chocolate Peppermint. It fills me up and warms me up and some times that's enough to stave off the eating.
  • I totally hear you! I've lost 82 pounds over the last 18 months but REALLY stumbled over Christmas/New Years. Truth is I've been really struggling for a few months, but this holiday I pretty much gave up/in and needed this week to get back on track. I went to an OA meeting yesterday and last night I started eating in a…
  • This is totally INSPIRED! Thanks so much - I'm going to try this after dinner tonight (my witching hour).
  • I love this post! And it's true - when I can keep Gratitude front and center I'm so much happier! It's easy for me to tap into that when I do service, and also when I've had a scare that turns out ok. But not so easy otherwise - have to work on that. And for me, I'm not sure if its true that stopping the ED behavior is…
  • I love snow days when I can be homebound and cook! I'm still working so snow days (like today) either mean working from home or extra time on the road :-(
  • Yes congratulations on a HUGE accomplishment! The holiday meal thing is tough when your family is committed to foods you're not comfortable eating. I think you're going to have to learn to really stick your ground with what sounds like a lot of pressure to eat less healthy. Some of that may be unconscious sabotage, but it…
  • On the tea thread, I've been trying out different desert teas to help me avoid sweets, especially with/after dinner. So far I really like Trader Joe's Candy Cane Green tea and Teavana's Tiramisu tea (that one has a bit of caffeine so not too late). Anyone else have a desert tea they like?
  • When I'm worried about being alone in a house full of food, I'll often find a reason to leave the house. Maybe you could go to the gym a couple of times over the weekend- try out a new class if your gym offers them. Or going downtown to the stores is always a good distraction, especially this time of year I'd look for gift…
  • I work in IT - mostly guys. The few women I work with noticed & complimented me on how good I looked pretty early on, but the guys didn't start telling me I looked different, did I change my hair? until after about 50 pounds - cracked me up.
  • I totally hear you! I binged thoughtlessly last Wednesday, tried to rein myself in Thursday but found myself holding an empty bag of nut mix (previously full) Thursday night. It didn't help that my kid came home from school upset because one of her "friends" told her she was going to be deported (because she was born in…
  • Totally - have binged the past 2 days; it feels awful. Trying to stay on track today.
  • Haha - so True! I'm another emotional eater, working hard at being an ex.
  • @Alatariel75 you're a riot! @DS41980 what an annoying co-worker - I'd be irritated with her too. Since she didn't say it, I will: Great job - your hard work has really paid off!
  • Wow this has been an eye-opening thread! For myself, I totally agree with the OP. Both of my kids are now in HS so FINALLY I have the time & energy to get up early (as in 5am) and start the day with a workout. Yes I probably could have done this sooner, maybe 5 years ago. But NO WAY could I have done this 10 years ago when…
  • It's a new thing for me to try and "sit" with my feelings instead of just reacting by eating, and I've been learning some things about myself. And for me, exercising every day has been HUGE, it's a time I seem to process uncomfortable things that have come up, and it reminds me every morning that I want to make healthy…
  • That sounds horrible, actually - not sure which is worse, the insult or knowing they were talking about you behind your back. And you're so right that emotional eating is such a short term fix. I've been working on distracting myself with walking or other activity instead of eating. Then I practice a million brilliant…
  • Use this as a learning opportunity. I often overeat as a way to NOT feel something. If that resonates, see if you can figure out what you're trying not to feel. And ok you're disappointed in yourself for making bad choices, but think about all of the GOOD choices you made all day before your binge, and the day before that,…
  • I think it helps a lot to have an accountability partner or group - both for the support and the sense of letting someone down, which for some reason is a bigger motivator than letting myself down (sadly!). Also, it helped me to be scared of becoming diabetic. But probably the most important contributor to my success was…
  • I've turned my kids on to heuvos rancheros (eggs poached in salsa with some grated cheese on top- served on tortillas for them and over salad for me) - it cooks in under 5 min. So eggs, mild salsa & grated mexican cheese mix are always on my shopping list. A favorite snack is deviled eggs - I cook about 1/2 dozen…
  • Hi Ricelean- I'm older than you, a working single mom, and I wish I'd had your wisdom at your age! And I agree that getting the food in order was the most important - I spend a few hours on the weekends with food prep so I dont have to do much more than heat up or combine during the week. I'd love to know what your main…
  • I'm so sorry for your loss! I'm grateful for my health and my ability to be active!
  • This is a great idea for me too - Add me too!
  • My unintentional strategy: I had a large-ish dinner Sunday night, was up and down so much I barely got a chance to eat! For holidays and celebrations, I find wine the most challenging - its so easy to forget I'm limiting and overdo.
  • I'm new both to LC and this group. Have been reading "Refuse to Regain" by B Berkeley and trying her Primarian diet (similar to Paleo). I live in Vermont, single mom to 2 teenage girls.
  • I'm really trying to pay attention to my feelings around food now, and I've noticed a couple of things. Sometimes I overeat because I'm not busy enough, ie bored, and when I catch myself about to eat that way I've been trying to redirect my energy to food prep - cooking down vegetables form my farm share, cooking beans,…
  • This is SO true for me. Once I stopped waffling about exercising and having to decide about it every morning, instead just wake up knowing I'm going to start the day on the treadmill, it's saved me a ton of mental energy.
  • I am an emotional eater, have always eaten when I'm anxious. This year I also realized I'm a food addict. I came home for lunch one day looking forward to the BLT I was planning to make but my 14yo daughter had used all the bacon I'd made the day before feeding her friends. I felt such a rage, and when I came down from…
  • Thank you TzFyreFlye for starting this discussion.
  • Hi Cruefan- I found it pretty easy to lose weight when I was younger, and was surprised by how much harder I've had to work at it now that I'm post-menopausal. As others have said, if you commit to it, it can be done but the results are slower for me, both in weight lost and body re-shaping. But it beats the alternative of…
  • I love 1 or 2 walnuts for an energy boost or when I'm feeling cold