Spadesheart Member


  • People seem to be able to login on desktop, but I have heard it isn't as fully featured as things are often made for mobile first nowadays. Either way, feel free to join us!
  • I tried loseit and settled on mynetdiary. Considerably more polished and functional. Feel free to join us! Trying to get the group there big and active.
  • Groups work kind of like the old newsfeed though with chronological sorting. If you have a big active group of amiable people, it's a close enough facsimile for me personally. I just like a supportive space for my own health/lifestyle related journal, and enjoy supporting others along their journeys as well. Friendslists…
  • The first wave of people leaving chose loseit, and I tried that for a while but ulitimately they have some of the same issues as mfp; its a really old app so implenting pretty standard features like pictures isn't going to happen without pain. In general I found it harder to navigate and clunky. Mynetdiary has been the…
  • Many people who particularly prized the newsfeed switched to competing apps. I'm in the middle of doing so. The most compelling so far has been mynetdiary personally, for its more robust social features. I will never join general mass social media like Instagram so that's about as good as it gets for me. Feel free to try…
    in New Feed Comment by Spadesheart June 14
  • Many people who particularly prized the newsfeed switched to competing apps. I'm in the middle of doing so. The most compelling so far has been mynetdiary personally, for its more robust social features. I will never join general mass social media like Instagram so that's about as good as it gets for me. Feel free to try…
  • Mynetdiary is a fantastic alternative. Try it out. Honestly I like their social functions and it's quite a bit less buggy Invite link to mfp migrants group: And a friend invitation from me if you'd like…
    in News feed Comment by Spadesheart June 13
  • I've been playing with mynetdiary today. Loseit is not even close. While it seems the direct newsfeed of friends that we're losing here isn't well implemented, mynetdiarys spin on social interaction definitely works for me. Theres implementation of pictures, gifs and upvotes which are all missing on loseit. It's also a…
  • If anybody wants to try MyNetDiary, I just made a group there similar to the one on loseit for people migrating away from MyFitnessPal. Their newsfeed functionality is actually better than myfitnesspals at first glance. I've just been playing with it today, but the main issue for me seems to be the recipe creator,…
  • If anybody wants to try MyNetDiary, I just made a group there similar to the one on loseit for people migrating away from MyFitnessPal.
  • Oh hey, this is promising. The social aspect seems way better than loseit. Also better for me in general as I plan a week in advance, and loseit doesn't let you do that without a subscription. The recipe creator is where a lot of these guys falter, which is sad as there are great ones readily available online that are as…
  • Loseit isnt as fully featured, but its crazy how much more buttery smooth it is. MFP is an incredibly buggy app all things considered. What are they even spending the money on here?
  • Mfp are clearly sticking with this idiotic stance. We'd probably have more luck getting the loseit app to improve their newsfeed offering than mfp not crippling their service. For the record again, for people that use the newsfeed, this is particularly awful.
  • This will actually get quite messy if they get rid of the news feed without any adequate replacement. When the majority people are unable to access what they do on a daily basis as routine, there will be significant vitriol that we haven't seen yet.
  • This is literally the only unique feature on MFP. If this is done away with, anyone who actively engages in the newsfeed has no reason to stay specifically on this site. There are many other versions of this app that are considerably less buggy. Also, frankly, the only time I have ever clicked on an advertisement on this…
  • Starting a full journey again after a few years. Happy to have some new friends!
  • I have been working out on and off for the last couple years (more off this last year) but have always hated running. With gyms closed, and weather nice, I figured it was worth giving it a shot as a main goal. In a handful of runs, I went from hardly being able to run a km without having to walk to being able to run 10,…
  • I think we mostly agree. I will say that major form breakdowns for me have generally occurred when linear progression stopped. I think this is probably where it comes from for a lot of guys; feeling like you're doing more and getting stronger every week is the drug that gets people into the gym, chasing that high gets…
  • I went for a swim the other day after years. Used to swim all the time when I was a kid as we had a big pool at home. I just...sink now. Like I just crossed my legs and literally just sank to the bottom of the pool.
  • I appreciate the commendation. You will look much better than I do as you lose weight. Your chest, delts and traps are all very well developed, they'll really start to pop out as you trim down. This makes sense, I believe I read that you had a very physical job that you have been doing for years. You probably have a good…
  • This was 8 months from about January 2019 to August 2019. About 265 lbs to 195 lbs at 6'3". The Covid period had me put 20-30 pounds back on and ruin my consistency, which I have just about lost again so I'm basically at the same build, with perhaps a couple pounds of extra muscle. The plan is to go down to 185 and do a…
  • Okay, in general I agree and that video is ridiculous, but I'll add a counterpoint. For some exercises, I am not a form junkie, especially if it's relatively safe, it's being done to an exhaustion at some point in one of the sets, and it's a compound lift where other muscles can be utilized. If you're pulling cables and…
  • So, with this period of lockdown, I've been finding getting out for a run a lot easier to motivate myself to do than weight training in my apartment. The weather was perfect today, and I ate a bunch of junk so I thought it might be worth going tonight. What I was not planning for was doing the farthest distance of…
  • Awww you're a one lady self esteem boosting crew. This is a problem for a lot of guys, so it's very sweet of you to vocally say your preference like this!
  • I do think I am being critical, the 4 people I've spoken to have indicated that the hair itself just looks fine, which is true. I do wish my follicles were thicker, that being said it isn't as dense as it was when I was much younger either way. I started creatine a while ago and I think I might stop, I think that might…
  • They really should have made a laughing reaction haha
  • You are probably right. I do wonder if it's being overly critical due to it being something I'm sensitive about. Like I work with 150 old people, I would expect someone to say something, those guys don't have the best filter. I'm trying to ask people in my daily life to see what they think... Which is somewhat awkward.
  • If the work is consistent, which it kind of hasn't been the last week and a half, I do a deload every 5-6 weeks.
  • Haven't done direct chest exercises since then, but I think I have isolated a cause. I don't really want to let up on the exercise though as I think it's a really good strength goal, so I guess I'll have to figure out a way to manage it. The "pullup bar" that I use is a keyboard mount piece of an old desk that I have set…
  • First off, name checks out. I believe you are correct, I would lean towards strained muscle ligament, especially considering it is historically my weakest group, and I am hitting it probably from more angles than I normally do. There is no indication of any heart issue, even from my fitness tracker. I've eaten a bit more…