vinnyluu Member


  • Quaker's rice cakes. the caramel corn and chocolate flavors are delicious. also if you are looking for a macro/calorie friendly ice cream go for halo top! taste like really ice cream with only 240 calories a pint!
  • What worked for me when I first started is that I just made sure i got at least .8 g to 1 g of protein x body weight. Then let the carbs and fats fall into the rest of the calories. From there i slowly adjusted to my current 30% protein/50% carbs/ 20% fat split. I've found that keeping my carbs as high as possible helps me…
  • Microwaved sweet potatoes. Cut the sweet potatoes into 1 inch pieces. Saran wrap it and put it into the microwave for 5-6 minutes. Easiest way to cook sweet potatoes!
  • If you want top quality protein and amazing taste, I recommend MTS Nutrition Whey. They have some really good flavors that taste exactly like what the flavor is. I currently have the pumpkin pie flavor and taste like someone blended a pumpkin pie in my smoothie! I know they have a bunch of other flavors like red velvet,…
  • The more you enjoy the gym, the more you will go! Take the time to enjoy it and make it fun and you'll be going often! And as far as a program goes, every program generally works if you go to the gym and do it. There are different programs for different goals. And a lot of it is also on personal preference as well!
  • I like to get in at least 30 grams of carbs with some source of protein (i try to keep the meal on the lighter side) before I work out which I have found to help me fuel me through it. I usually eat this 30 minutes to an hour before. As for post workout, I make sure to get in a well balanced meal with carbs, protein, and…
  • If you've been on the same nutrition plan for a long time, you may need a refeed day in order to help "reset" your metabolism.
  • I personally use 50% carbs/30 % protein/20 % fat. I've found that if I keep my carbs as high as possible, it makes me feel more satiated, helps my mood, and helps me mentally. But as everyone has said, its all about trial and error. I usually aim for at least 0.8g to 1 g of protein x body weight. A lot of people suggest 1…
  • Optimum Nutrition's Gold Standard MTS Nutrition Clash