


  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    caffeine or musclepharm assault :) sometimes i go without any and push.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Mostly just coffee. There are times though, usually deep into getting into overreached territory before tapering for a comp that I reach for my powder burn 2.0 by Rivalus. Nice clean focused energy with no crash afterwards.
  • FluffyAndFestive
    FluffyAndFestive Posts: 53 Member
    elite_nal wrote: »

    Ummmm why don't I have any of these? And since they are posted in the pre workout section I have to try this as a pre workout. :)

  • vinnyluu
    vinnyluu Posts: 9 Member
    Optimum Nutrition's Gold Standard
    MTS Nutrition Clash
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    edited December 2015
    1) I take the Aleeve before a 6-13 mile run. Knee pain otherwise.

    2) DMAA is banned from being added to supplements and marketed as such, but you can get it in the US. Powder Form OR in HT Jacked 3D (

    In powerform USE A SCALE MG Scale

  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    erockem wrote: »
    Depends on what I'm feeling like.

    Combo 1: Caffeine pill + Aleeve + Benadryl + Creatine
    Why would you take an NSAID before a workout? Exercise is done to "inflame" the tissue and using an NSAID would counter that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Trying to think back here, but back in the day bodybuilders would stack it -- and I can't remember exactly why -- but it was supposed to facilitate the gains better or something.
    ECA- ephdra, caffeine and aspirin (or white willow bark) yes, but aspirin was very low dose and made to extend the effects of EC. I can't think of any other stack that would have NSAID's in them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    ECA or now ECY was not used as a pwo, at least to my knowledge. It's used to increase body temp, increase metabolism and decrease appetite. There are some older studies that have shown increase in fat metabolism which it was why it became all the rage before FDA here in the US banned it in sups or as a stand alone. This was way before the issues with meth came along. To my knowledge the only way to get ephedrine is when it's combined with Guaifenesin, a mucus thinner, as part of an over the counter asthma relief pill. Unless, of course, you live outside of the US, where it's still legal in other countries.
  • EHaney19
    EHaney19 Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2016
    You only need 3 ingredients in a pre workout. There in every pre-workout along with a bunch of hidden ingredients that serve absolutely no purpose. Their used to bulk up the product and make it sound like a serious combination for extreme power and gains. They disguise these unnecessary added ingredients as a " pre-workout matrix" or "proprietary blend"
    The only 3 you need are creatine monohydrate, beta-alanine, and l-cittrulline, which you can purchase in bulk from a bulk supplement store. I personally use * The dosages needed are 5g creatine, 5g beta alanine, and 8g l-cittrulline. You can weigh out everything with a digital milligram scale. They sell them online. Combine all 3, with a Tbs. of Gatorade powder and there you go. I also include a 200mg caffeine pill for energy. Supplement company's are all about profits and most under dose their ingredients in the products there selling. Particularly pre-workouts. By purchasing, weighing and combining everything yourself, it ensures your getting the exact amounts needed for a hardcore workout, without questioning anything. Supplement company's are not regulated by the FDA, therefore they pretty much can do as they please with their supplements, without having to live up to what's on the labels.
  • EHaney19
    EHaney19 Posts: 11 Member
  • JACave21
    JACave21 Posts: 34 Member
    Jack3d before they took all the good stuff out
  • DebbieMcHammer
    DebbieMcHammer Posts: 1 Member
    Agreed, there are actually thousands of people that make their own stacks, Ill try to give 2 examples quickly for those that care. Here are stacks that PEOPLE have made:

    and here is an example of the popular ECY and ECA stack:

    I personally agree and use L-Citruline Malate (NO) and Caffeine.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Of all time? OG Jack3d
    Now: Shadow X by Cobra Labs.