dwulet130 Member


  • When I had sedentary it was a 500-600 calorie adjustment, so I changed to lightly active since I at least try to get up from my desk periodically. I have measured my steps/mile so at least that should be fairly accurate. I guess I'll just continue ignoring the negative calories and see what happened. Thanks again!
  • Your problems aren't problems, you're just whiny.
  • Feel free to add me. I'm a recent vegetarian (almost a month in) with an open diary who's always looking for ideas on what to eat. I'm also fairly lactose intolerant, so I generally avoid dairy, though I'm not super strict about it. My boyfriend is an avid carnivore who will happily eat whatever I cook, unless I point out…
  • Thanks!
  • Fake milk: almond, coconut, soy etc. Avocados. Chicken. Bananas. Chicken. - I hate it twice.
  • When you haven't eaten in a while - it's more effective that way.
  • [quote=" You can't spot reduce fat.[/quote] But assuming it's not fat and you want tighter muscles?
  • Oooh! Pick me! I'm 5'7", Started at 140 looking to be 130 (well, 125 would be ideal but I was never that small even when I was young). Since I'm getting close to my goal, I'm trying to focus more getting fit.
  • On my very bad days, I try to take it one hour at a time. Right now I'm trying not to eat any more before I leave work in 1.5 hours. Then it'll be small snack until dinner. Then just hold off until midnight so it's tomorrow's problem...
  • I was about three weeks in when I said "I wonder if I lost weight or if I automatically clench my stomach muscles when near a window"
  • Love is strong. I enjoy what I do (accounting) but getting up and doing the same thing with the same people every day? I would win the lottery if I could.
  • Feel free to add me too! I'm one of the skinnier ones in my group (doesn't help that I hang out with a lot of guys) so people don't really understand when I say I want to lose weight "since I already look great." I just don't talk about it. If someone ever calls me out on not eating a bunch, I just say I ate earlier or I'm…
  • My friend has the 6S and complains about the same thing when we go skiing. His has a battery recall - maybe yours does too.
  • This. He's flirting, seeing if you'll take the bait. I don't think he sounds creepy, but I'm kind of a flirt too (albeit a female one). It really comes down to if/how he makes you uncomfortable. If you just think you're on different pages, mention the boyfriend. If you get a really bad vibe that he's going to appear in the…
  • I don't. I prefer to have two large meals that I enjoy, and maybe a snack or some wine if I have calories left over. I'm not going to waste those sweet sweet calories eating if I'm not in the mood: if you don't enjoy your meal plan it won't stick.
  • Sounds like there's a couple of factors at play here, but I'm not going to judge your entire relationship based off of a couple sentences. (But seriously, is he supportive in other areas)? If he's not supportive, find someone else. Coworker, friend, family, whatever. Maybe they know the struggle, maybe their just a good…
  • A). Serving sizes are so that you can easily compare between products. A servicing size fore most beverages is 8oz/1 cup, so you can sit in the grocery store and decide is grape juice is healthier than milk. B). Yes is is *kitten* that packages and servicing sizes are not related in any way. c). What's worse is that often…
  • How long have you been wearing your Fitbit? Mine took a while to adjust to me. I do 12,000 steps a day, and at first it gave me 500 extra calories for this, not it's more like 200 because Fitbit/MFP realizes that that's "normal." I've also found that calories burnt can vary based on speed, heart rate, going uphill etc. I…
  • That's so weird. My coworker has Lean Cuisine pastas every day and they smell AMAZING! Currently sitting over here jealous with my stupid healthy homemade meal.
  • Yesterday I was good (I ate a cupcake but went line dancing so I figure it balances out). However, tonight I'm going out to a fancy dinner, and even though I planned for what I want to eat, I know there is going to be some bread or wine that I just cannot resist.
  • I find the best way to avoid snacking is to distract myself. If I watch TV, I think about food CONSTANTLY, so I try to do other things instead. Go for a walk, that's 30 minutes without food. Wash the dishes, hands are busy doing something else. Leave the house and see a movie/go shopping/whatever you enjoy. Knit. Do a…
  • Hard alcohol. Give me one drink and I could polish off the bottle. So I drink wine insteady, maybe 3 times a week.
  • Like everyone else said, it comes down to whichever works best for you. I like to think of every day as a fresh start, but the once a week or so I inevitably go over, I look at the week as a whole which is comforting.
  • Are you eating protein? That helps a ton with feeling fuller longer, as well as not losing muscle mass along with your fat. If you're still feeling hungry after eating a salad, eat a salad with a grilled chicken breast. Best of luck you!
  • OOOH! Pick me! Pick me!
  • You can log it for the future, if that helps. If you know that tomorrow you're going to have a bag of chips and an apple for lunch, you can log that now, and then adjust as needed.
    in Help Comment by dwulet130 January 2017
  • It helps to think of it one day at a time. Today, I can eat lots of vegetables and proteins within my calorie range. If I think about logging for the rest of my life it makes me want to give up. Set small, measurable goals. Maybe in February you want to lose 5 pounds. Maybe next week you want to do 10,000 steps every day.…
  • It's not really more food, but when I make a sandwich I don't bother with cheese (not worth the calories IMHO) and eat it as two openfaced sandwiches. Feels like you get twice as much.
  • People who get offended when you don't like something. (and no, I'm not referring to this thread). Chocolate is mediocre. You should be happy that there's more for you.
  • I agree that Fitbit seems to overestimate (Charge HR on non-dominant wrist, set to Dominant to reduce sensitivity). I get 12,000 "steps" a day, so I set MFP to lightly active. Then I eat in the ballpark of what MFP gives me before the exercise adjustment. So I try to eat around 1450 calories, but on any given day my…