Hi Everyone!

I am coming back for what seems like the 3rd or 4th time. I always lose a portion of what I set as my goal, but then slowly fall off. I don't really have a lot of friends motivating me in my home or work life. I think everyone feels like I look fine so I should not worry about it. At times I feel like certain friends even go so far as to try and sabotage my diet. I can't really understand why my attempts at a healthy lifestyle cause so much confrontation.

Most of my friends are model skinny and don't understand why I want to diet to get healthy. It is typical for a night out with friends to consist of overindulging on rich foods and drinking excessively. My husband supports my goals in theory, but really isn't helpful when it comes to mealtime. He doesn't have to diet to stay thin and thinks that exercise is all I need. I work out almost everyday and that alone has never cut it.

I really think having an online family of people here to support me and motivate me would make all the difference for me. I need to be kept in line and to know that there are people checking up on me so that I stay accountable.



  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    edited February 2017
    What exactly are your goals?
  • jamielangley00
    jamielangley00 Posts: 2 Member
    I have have heard and learning that health and body composition is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. I'm sure you want lasting results, as we all do. My advice is to focus on nutrition for health and if you want to loose weight, continue counting calories with fitness pal. I agree with OhMsDiva, about not telling people that you are trying to loose weight. Especially so in your case. I mean it's obvious that you are a very pretty lady. A lot of people are probably jealous of you and would like to see you get chubby. I'm just saying. I know women. I think the key is to get back on the wagon each day. Some days we are going to blow our fitness plans out the window. That's real life. Hang in there and continue on to your goal in silence. :smile: (Oh, I know I made a huge mistake in mentioning my health goals to a good friend.)
  • kittykarin
    kittykarin Posts: 104 Member
    You can add me as a friend if you like. It's much easier with support and you have to find that wherever you can. This community is great but if your real life friends aren't supportive or just make you feel bad about yourself when you are around them, you should evaluate those friendships and see if they are healthy for you. Maybe try widening your friend circle and try to start connecting with others you normally wouldn't be friends with. Good luck!
  • dwulet130
    dwulet130 Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to add me too!

    I'm one of the skinnier ones in my group (doesn't help that I hang out with a lot of guys) so people don't really understand when I say I want to lose weight "since I already look great." I just don't talk about it. If someone ever calls me out on not eating a bunch, I just say I ate earlier or I'm not hungry so I just had a bunch of sugar so maybe I'll try the cake a little later. Also, for some reason when I say "I'm saving my calories for alcohol" everything thinks that's legit...

    Good luck!
  • jazzyspender
    jazzyspender Posts: 49 Member
    Feel free to add me. I don't ever say I'm on a diet, I'll share if someone asks, but that's about it. This app has really helped me with logging my food, I think it's super easy to use and helpful. It really showed me where my problems were...well I knew, but there is something about seeing it on a graph! ha! Anyways, good luck!!
  • rainbowyeager
    rainbowyeager Posts: 22 Member
    I am loving all this great advice! My initial goals are to finally fit back into my old skinny jeans and feel comfortable at the beach or in shorts. I don't want to miss out on going to places I love because I feel self-conscious. Part of that is me learning to put on my big girl pants and get over it... but I also want to focus on getting back on track with health and fitness and focus on continuing to run.