Hard to have Motivation

ManILovePizza Posts: 3 Member
edited January 2017 in Motivation and Support
My boyfriend kind of stumps me as far as motivation goes.
Anytime I try talking to him about wanting to lose weight he goes on a fit, tells me he thinks I'm perfect as is. But it's not how I look to him, I want to do this to feel better about myself! He doesn't seem to understand this. Him never listening to my goals or allowing me to speak about it kind of makes me lose ambition. He is the only person I talk to, so I have no one else to vent to, so him supporting me would be all I can get and it would help more than he knows.
Anyone else have this issue? How do I get it through to him?


    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    No, I've never went through that. Mine has always been on the opposite side of the spectrum. How about you just DO IT and don't involve him in your fitness and health goal plans?
  • kyladefranco
    kyladefranco Posts: 34 Member
    I wouldn't let him justify how you feel. If you want to work on being a better you then you do that. My boyfriend will occasionally tell me he likes me "softer" but my goal is to be fit and strong. I understand his opinion but the only person you really need to be happy with is yourself.
  • HG210
    HG210 Posts: 103 Member
    That does not seem supportive on his part in fact he sounds like an enabler. You need to do what is right for you. I agree, don't bother discussing it with him. It will only discourage you. If you need motivation, talk to someone with the same goals. That is what I do. Here at work several of us are trying to lose weight. We all encourage each other.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Just do it on your own and get support from
    Like minded people. Good luck
  • ManILovePizza
    ManILovePizza Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone. I guess I depend on his input a bit too much. I forget to be independent
  • cashidy
    cashidy Posts: 152 Member
    I understand this. Your boyfriend is usually who you spend your time with, so when they are not into fitness and don't support you, it makes it hard! You end up doing the same things as the people you hang out with after all. I would try to talk to him. If he still doesn't support you, try to find a friend or someone who does and will go to the gym with you and such.
  • cashidy
    cashidy Posts: 152 Member
    My bf never works out or supports me because he doesn't have weight issues, he never gains weight. So, I go to the gym with friends and use this app for motivation.
  • dwulet130
    dwulet130 Posts: 108 Member
    Sounds like there's a couple of factors at play here, but I'm not going to judge your entire relationship based off of a couple sentences. (But seriously, is he supportive in other areas)?

    If he's not supportive, find someone else. Coworker, friend, family, whatever. Maybe they know the struggle, maybe their just a good listener. But there should be someone who won't fight you on this. As for the bf, I'd just stop talking to him about it. If there's really nobody else in your life (maybe something that also needs to be addressed) add me as a friend on here. I'll comment on your posts and be supportive.

    Good luck!