slowandsteady44 Member


  • You look amazing! Well done :) if you don't mind me asking how many calories did you stick to each day?
  • hey im starting the 5 2 diet because i really do not want to count calories every day for months on end, but two days a week i can do! i think just exercising portion control and trying to be moderately sensible on the other days should be ok, plus exercise... feel free to add me and we can support eachother :) cw: 168 gw:…
  • if you dont mind me asking, how many calories a day have you been on? :)
  • haha SPOT ON! the lady is just posting a suggestion about something she enjoys and thought others might and some people react to her post with hostility and knit picking - sure facts are great, but sometimes its great to be grateful that someone is nice enough to post something she thought others on here might appreciate.
  • im 22 and i have just under two stone to lose, feel free to add me :)
  • ok then, really enjoyed this futile/pointless argument.
  • i didnt say you did, but you referred to it.
  • please put that into context of the link that you were referring to in the first place, the mercola link, and what you obviously know i was referring to. childish.
  • i might just do that, because im getting alot of flack for what i thought some people might find interesting.
  • im not promoting anything, promoting implies that people cant use their own intellect in deciding whether the doc is dumb or not. i thought it might be of interest, if you dont think so thats fine.
  • i said i didnt post the link you claimed me to have posted. i didnt claim not to have posted the video, it is the reason i made a post. again, not sure what your point is.
  • i have not stated in my post to cut it out, i even said i still enjoy refined sugar in moderation - i used the phrase 'cut down'. my title is probably misleading as to what im trying to do here - post a link to a doc i found interesting and thought others might too.
  • i posted a video that i thought may be of interest to people on here because it regards health - people are allowed to have their own opinions and form their own evaluation of the evidence presented. it is your bad and comes across as slightly arrogant.
  • please read back through the conversation and you will see i havnt posted a link.
  • thanks for that unecessary comment.
  • that is not my link. nothing is 'proved', evidence or findings can still only suggest an outcome so might or may are standard terminiology in journals, im not sure i get your point there.
  • i think is not an indication of having no proof. science is science because things are never proved, they are disproved. i cant claim 100% that sugar is a poison, just like you cant claim it is. please go on sciencedirect, a peer reviewed journal site and research refined sugar - you will find plenty of evidence.
  • processed sugar has no nutritional value whatsoever, and has been proven to be harmful to our health. you seem to equate weight to health, and while its true if you are overweight you are at a higher risk of certain cancers/diabetes/disease, being slim and not going over your daily calorie amount yet still having a diet…
  • they are called refined because they go through a process of refining - it comes from plants but it is then processed, hence the name. it does not just come straight from the plant without processing involved that strips it down to its basic molecule. protein slows the absorption of sugar down in the body - fact. if you…
  • sugars that occur naturally do not occur alone, they are found in foods that have protein and fibre in them which affect the way the sugar is metabolised - they slow the absorption down so the body can react efficiently. refined sugar comes with no such buffers, and spike insulin quickly - unnatural and very harmful. they…
  • i should have said refined sugar, i am not referring to naturally ocurring sugars that are found in fruit or just about any other whole food. please explain how this is inaccurate?
  • if you watch the doc, i think you will find that it is not based on pseudo science.
  • no, not naturally ocurring sugars in fruit that also come with a side of micronutrients. however refined sugar such as high fructose corn syrup - poisenous to our bodies.
  • if youve struggled with this for a long time i recommend a book by katherine hansen called "brain over binge" - its got amazing reviews on amazon and personally i found that it made a huge amount of sense. also if you diet for long periods of time your body sometimes naturally tries to compensate for the lack of food by…
  • I drink a lot of tea or low cal hot chocolate like options which settles my stomach abit and helps me not to snack sometimes as im getting that oral fix, though without a huge amount of calories! I also try and go study or go gym if im bored, though that doesn't always work because I would much prefer to eat and its easier…
  • you can add me, same situation! been at university for not long now and gained a stone! feel free to add me and we can support eachother :)
  • thanks for replying. yeah i dont go to the gym alot because it becomes about cals and isnt enjoyable. im happy you found something that worked for you, ill give yoga a go myself. im sure it would be good for stress aswell, since you do breathing techniques presumably.