ashleyylo Member


  • That seems like a whooooole lot of leftover calories. If you truly (ie if you've been logging accurately) have that many left over I think you should try to eat at least some of those leftovers, or "save" them for when you go to a special occasion or something and are bound to eat more.
  • The Hunger pains could also be because you are thirsty. Are you drinking enough water/liquids?
  • What about having a list of things to do when you feel a binge coming on? That's a coping skill I've learned through some support groups. Like, painting nails, coloring book, going for a walk, calling a friend, reading a chapter of a book, etc. and saying to yourself, "I will do this thing first, then re evaluate how I…
  • I think it's great that you've recognized the place you are in. Do you think that a tunnel vision focus on food allows you to avoid focusing on something else in your life? For me, when I become more obsessive on food, it is usually a sign that there is something bigger going on for me, and a focusing on food is like a…
  • i add pepper, celery, and about a tablespoon each of sweet chili sauce and balsamic vinagrette to a can of tuna. i think it tastes pretty good, but I like tuna....
  • Thanks everyone! I do weigh myself at the same time (in the mornings after bathroom), but I also know I need to not focus on the number, as it isn't what is most important...and will just lead to unhealthy obsession for me. I thought my scale was a decent one (weight watchers scale), but who knows. i put it on the same…
  • You are an inspiration! Also had to comment just to say I love the hanson shirt!!! ❤️
  • Hi!!! I am in recovery as well. I found that is app can be helpful at times and detrimental at others in terms of my ED. Have you been logging your meals? Have you found it helpful or no?
  • I so sorry you are going through this. I suppose by now you've had your appointment? How did it go? I suffer from ED as well, it is horrible. You are not alone
  • Also in ED recovery. I have some days I have such a healthy mindset, never thought I"d get here. Then I have days where I can't believe how easy it is to just go right back to old behavior...
  • Wow, I'm so glad you've found something to help with the bingeing as well as what sounds like a wonderful psychiatrist. I suffer from ED as well, it's a tough journey, but there is another side. We can get there!
  • Um...the rest of my reply went anyway. Anyway, have you checked out the oh she glows blog? Lots of vegan recipes, super yummy!
  • Sorry, but huh? Chicken is not vegetarian
  • X2. Try not to be discouraged. Think of it this way --your next bench mark will blow this one out of the water!!!
  • I might try a week with just the weights to see how you feel, then add cardio on rest days. I am doing a (modified) SL and have continued with doing cardio. I don't think it would be detrimental as long as you aren't doing like hardcore sprinting or something every "rest" day. The cardio will help with the calorie…
  • I used to drink a lot of diet soda. Once I switched back to regular (rather, I was challenged to do so as the diet coke for me, was a disordered eating crutch)...I now can't stand the taste of diet. However, other than an occasional ginger ale, I don't like to drink those calories/sugar, so I opt for sparkling water with…
  • None of these sound like "splurges" to me LOL. I like ice cream and breakfast sandwiches Edit: duh. It said "healthy". Oops! Well, in that case...sorbet and omlettes?
  • I still feel this when I go into the "boys" side of the gym (you know, where the squat rack and heavy weights live). However, the more I "feel the fear and do it anyway", the more empowered I feel. There is nothing quite like loading up that barbell to make you feel like a badass. When I feel like people are looking at me,…
  • Don't have anything to add over what has already been said but just wanted you to know that you have my support! So many here have been in your shoes and made a change. I KNOW you can do it too!!! It is NEVER too late. Do not start tommorow. Start this minute!
  • Do you mean you are often below the 1300 or above? I am also pescetarian. I am following this so I can steal ideas!! I struggle for enough protien, but tend to use egg whites/Greek yogurt/cheese/as ways to get at least a good portion of my protien. Also tuna salad
  • Following! I feel sad because my bum is disappearing
  • Is there a friend you can bring along with you? That helps me when I feel intimidated. Also, if you've never done step before, it can definetly feel intimidating. Stick it out for a few sessions as you get the hang of the movements! It's great cardio! And looks really dancey and fun!
  • I started getting shoulder pain as well when i started lifting. It was hurting in the front part of my shoulder. I had the fitness coordinator/trainer take a look and instead of my shoulder it was actually a knot in the back part...he suggested massage. I have yet to do that, but he gave it a bit of a rub and it felt…
    in Lifting Comment by ashleyylo April 2016
  • This happens to me all the time!! I think it is, as others have said, I might be holding my breath or taking shallow breaths
  • Agreed. No such thing as "pretend running". Outdoor running is outdoor running. Treadmill running is treadmill running. I have heard that putting the treadmill at a 1.0 incline simulates outdoor running terrain. I like the treadmill in the winter and for interval/sprints. I also like that it helps me control and maintain…
  • Personally, I would tell your friends to calm the eff down -- styles, your body, and possibly your taste can have changed drastically by wedding time. I would focus on other wedding prep and not even bother with dress shopping until the begining of 2017 so that you have a few months to look and buy...and then time to…
  • You are doing amazing so far! I would suggest just keeping up what you are doing so far for another week or so to get into the habit of logging and moving your body. Then you can start to make even more changes slowly-add some distance to your walk or another set of exercises to your workout. Commit to drinking more water.…
  • Maybe rather than focusing on how mad you are at yourself and how hard it is to get around the track 4 times, try to take a positive approach on things. Notice the good choices you begin to make (balanced breakfast, oh I said no to that donut, I drank more water today, I had a side salad instead of side fries, made it an…
  • Could you use how great you felt when you lost weight to motivate you to do so again? Maybe just remind yourself every day/every meal that you have a choice to make a change. And that you choices could result in you feeling and being healthier, increase your lifespan and allow you to do new things!