valerieblaydes Member


  • Holding that 219, but I started a pretty intense workout challenge when I got home, so I'm pretty sure my muscles are holding water. So sore!!!
  • Start 247 Previous low 215 Regained 230 Today 219 I hope next Friday I'll be back on track to keep losing. Starting Shakeology and Core de Force MMA workout challenge on Tuesday with an accountability group on the Beachbody forum. Lasts a month, but of course I'll double post my stuff here while I'm doing it. I think I'm…
  • This is what it has in it already. And the nutrition info I'm working with:
  • Yeah, exactly like that. My "coach" (i.e. The Facebook friend who's getting a discount to peddle this stuff to her friends--I'm only a wee bit sarcastic here) suggested I throw green leafy stuff in there...I hadn't thought of that idea, but it's a good one. I ordered chocolate, so I'm thinking nuts would be tastiest. More…
  • Shakeology is something Beachbody sells--its expensive but basically it has all your multivitamin stuff, greens, antioxidant superfoods, fiber, and probiotics in one scoop, so they want you to drink it once a day when you're doing their workouts. I figure it will save me money on all that other stuff, plus keep my protein…
  • I promised to weigh in then forgot to post it! I'm not gonna update my profile but I gained a fair amount of weight over the six weeks after November 6th. 15 lbs. I don't want to post that and upset the group's progress, but I'll say that I've lost 6 1/2 pounds of it so far. I've been around 20 grams of carbs for two weeks…
  • I will post here that I clocked 230 when I left my house. 15 pounds gained over 6 weeks...I didn't update my profile with a weight, but I'm working hard. Strict low-carb induction rules, and I had lost 5 pounds 2 days ago. I *will* weigh in tomorrow, and I hope I'm closer to my 215 low. I'm still reading and cheering you…
  • @fwitsend1277 i know that time will tell...the people who voted for him are already seeing him going back on everything he promised...I just hope he can't do too much damage in four years.
  • @Fwitsend if I'm honest, I went into a somewhat depressive eating spiral for the last six weeks or so. There isn't much that makes me feel hopeful, and then I'm cooking sweets for a living. I'm getting back on track, but I've eaten and drunk everything I could get my hands on. And unfollowed a lot of Facebook friends LOL.
  • Nice work, @hoovhome! I'm still thinking of you and sending healing prayers your way :)
  • Whoops--it was another three weeks at work, and I had a lot to deal with. Spent two weeks building up a stockpile of desserts for the Thanksgiving holiday, while eating my way through my feelings about our new president elect. I ate a lot of flour and salt and chocolate at work. Stayed mostly in deficit, but I'll wait…
  • @hoovhome you know what is best for your body! And it sounds like healing is underway :smile: Great news!!!
  • Sorry I missed last week--had parents visiting and we worked our butts off in the yard and around my house. Starting weight: 247 Last weigh in (10/14): 219.7 This week: 215.2 4.5 lbs lost
  • Starting weight 247 Last week 222.3 This week 219.7 2.6 lbs!!! Thank God I think I've FINALLY broken through this plateau. I was stuck for the LONGEST time!
  • Last weigh in 223.6 Today 222.3 Lost 1.3 lbs Slow and steady :smile:
  • Sending love and healing thoughts your way!
  • Back at work in salt-land, and Friday was Aunt Flo, so I didn't weigh in, (stepped on the scale, 2 lbs up from last weigh in) but I want to cheer all of you on!!! Woohooo! On my grind, staying off the flour and working hard. Getting tons of steps but not getting into the gym. Super tired this time--so many people to feed!
  • Sorry to miss Friday--I weighed, but stayed the same :smile:
  • Strength and healing your way!
  • SW: 247 LW: 224.7 Today: 223.6 1.1 lbs :smiley:
  • Prayers for you and all your supporting people! You've got this!!!
  • @fwitsend It's an interesting job--because it's 7 days a week 12 hours a day, I'm off for three weeks out of every six, and still make twice as much as I ever made cooking 40 hours a week in town. Plus, there's no sitting in traffic every day. I kind of love it--I can roll right out of bed and get dinner in my pajamas, get…
  • 224.7! It's only .3 lbs but I *am* at work in sodium land and I haven't posted any losses in FOREVER. Expect progress when I get home, because the sodium drops and all :smile:
  • For transparency's sake, that's my Sunday :smile:
  • I'm still here, but no changes. As usual, I flew to work and my sodium intake tripled, and I mysteriously gained a bunch of weight. I'm staying well under budget, though, most every day another thousand less than the thousand calorie deficit my MFP calculates. This lower back pain tells me it's also about to be that…
  • Praying and waiting to hear from you...
  • I started this journey at 247. I'm 225 last time I looked...let me set some milestones: 1) at 200 I should begin to fit all the clothes I bought in 2012 the last time I was under 200. It's a good time to start donating big stuff and trying on things. 2) at 185 I should fit every single thing in my closet EXCEPT for three…
  • Love, prayers, and hugs @hoovhome
  • I am going to hit decent step totals today, come hell or high water. Back on the horse!!!
  • I'll be back in the game next week, promise