jennyi27 Member


  • I get your point. This is something that I think I have better addressed this time around, but mostly in terms of exercising. My time is very limited (my daughter is in a LOT of activities for which I must be her chauffer while my husband is in another state in med school), so I really try to make the most of the time that…
  • AMAZING! You are an inspiration for the rest of us!
  • Feel free to add me. I like to support others, have others support me, and see everyone have success!
  • Iced coffee. I couldn't get enough of the stuff, but it was loaded with sugar. It was a trigger food for me, and I knew that if I was going to be successful at all I was going to have to pass on it. I miss it every once in awhile, because it truly was delicious. I've also had to sacrifice down time. As a mother of an 8…
  • Wedding DJ, Part-time Taylor Swift groupie
  • I can totally relate to your post. We started a BL Challenge in January, and it just ended last week (12 weeks). If it weren't for the nagging support from a co-worker, I wouldn't have agreed to do the Challenge. The day of our first weigh-in, I started tracking with MFP. This tool has helped me realize just how much my…
  • You can definitely see the difference! It is really easy to get hung up on what the scale says, so sometimes it is important to keep distance from that. Just keep tracking! I am losing weight in the same places you are, so looking at your pictures is kind of like looking in the mirror. :smile:
  • I can tell you one thing. I was ADDICTED to iced coffees. I would drink that stuff all. the. time. I would get some from McD's in the morning before work, and I would come home and have the kind you can buy in the store with dinner. Because I knew it was a trigger for me to want to have other sweet beverages and foods, I…
  • if i ate all burger king instead of eating fruits and veggies, i would be so bloated. all of the sodium would make me retain water!
  • Usually when I wake up I have a cup of milk (supposed to take medication with food, but I don't eat that early). It helps to hold me over until about 8:30-9. Then I usually have 2 boiled eggs with coffee while I am at work. The protein from the eggs keeps me satisfied all morning. For awhile I was making fruit smoothies…
  • I didn't die after changing up my normal elliptical routine at the gym to one with more intervals and less rest/down time. And while I didn't DIE, I am sore today! That's #1. #2 is kind of scale related. I entered a biggest loser competition at work in January, and our last weigh in was today. We haven't received the…
  • I like the skinnycow ice cream sandwiches, and I am partial to the mint. :-) It is big enough to satisfy my sweet tooth, and it tastes good too! Having something that is pre-packaged also eliminates the chances that I would over or underestimate the calorie content of my food. So there is definitely something to be said in…
  • Amazing job! I will send you a FR. I always love to have people to motivate me and who I can motivate in return. :smile:
  • one of my goals as well. :smile: Congratulations!
  • I have always avoided chairs that have arms like the plague. I didn't fit into them, and they would practically cut off the circulation to the rest of my legs because my thighs were so big. I still am not comfortable in some, but today I went to a meeting at work and sat in a chair with arms, and I was not in pain! Maybe…
  • You look amazing! Check out those legs!!! :smile: I hope I can find your level of success. Bravo!
  • This is exactly what I was thinking! My goodness, you all look fabulous, and I would be THRILLED to have bodies like yours!
  • Don't get me wrong, it is great when the pants start to loosen up. However, I wish that I could choose where the weight loss would come from. For example, why can't the fat be lost from my thunderthighs, innertube, or saddlebags? Why does it have to come from my butt? I am worried that it looks like I pooped my pants!!!…
  • HOLY CRAP! You all look so fantastic!!! I'm 5'9" and was wondering what kind of weight range to shoot for, and seeing your pictures definitely helps.
  • Congrats! I can't wait until I hit the 50lb mark. You are looking great!
  • Yes! I think that sounds great. As a working mom, I know I always tend to put my needs after those of my little girl and my husband. It's difficult to make myself a priority (not just due to lack of time, but also because I struggle emotionally when I try to put myself first), so it would be good to get support from others…
  • I have 100+ total to lose, but I have lost about 40 so far. I would welcome any friends who can offer some positive words of encouragement and motivation. Feel free to add me!
  • It sounds like you just need a little boost so you feel better about the decisions you are making and have the motivation to keep moving forward. After all, it's really hard when it feels like you are doing all you can, and the scale won't budge! I know some people may disagree, but this helped me once when I got into a…
  • I saw my husband for the first time in roughly a month (he is attending med school in another state), and he said he could really see a noticeable difference. I have only been at this for about 6 weeks, and I have a LOOOOOONG way to go, but it means a lot coming from him (especially because he is a skinny mini!). He said…
  • Losing weight is a journey, and everyone's journey is different. Be proud of yourself and what you have accomplished. Shout out from Wisconsin. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • Tonight we are having parmesan encrusted tilapia (trying to eat more fish these days), mashed potatoes, and honeydew melon.
  • I call it my "innertube". Lol. For me, it serves as a natural belt for my pants! I would love to get to the point where it gets small enough for my pants to fall down!
  • That's amazing progress already!!! Way to go!