Laura_TX Member


  • @connierandel I am so sorry to hear about your cousin!
    in Chat Comment by Laura_TX August 2023
  • I have not done too well. My "What have you done today that is healthy" is very low level like not eating 2 cookies (just 1) and not drinking a glass of wine even though I really wanted one. I've been traveling and my friends I stayed with did not eat healthy at all and that sent me on a downward spiral. I've been on the…
  • Restfinder if you find a way for me to gift you my points, let me know. I don't really use them. It takes me forever to read a book and when I do it's often an audiobook. BTW the William Carey book, I could not read it. (It sounds very triggering for me as I've had multiple miscarriages and child/infant loss is not a topic…
  • Connie this sounds so hard. I've decided with MFP to just pick the food that is closest and not stress about it. In the old days I would have, but it's just not worth it to me. There are 2 recipes I make fairly frequently that I added to recipe builder just so I can get the nutritional info and then I added them…
  • @cmsienk I understand - the days I have to drive in to work, and they provide the food, it's almost impossible to eat healthy. I can't imagine eating on a rooftop though. That sounds nice, if the weather is bearable. (It's 106 here today.)
  • Connie, my Mom (an RN) took care of my Dad. (They were 2 years apart.) It was so hard on her that her house call geriatric doctor very strongly told her to put Dad in a memory care facility. We did, and she never really recovered her former strength and vigor. How my heart goes out to you! I empathize with you. It is all…
  • As far as what did I do healthy, last night my husband "chainsawed" a very large tree branch and we then moved the limbs to a burn pile, then I swam a little bit. Today, a walk tonight after the sun goes down when it's a little cooler.
  • I'm so sorry about the loss of your precious Mom. I know the helpless feeling as they slide downhill. The Lord did draw near to us in those hours, and small glimpses of grace were so appreciated. I wonder who will be there for me to do the things I've done for my Mom and Dad; I can't help but wonder, even though it feels…
  • After almost 60 years I think I might have made major headway in my sugar addiction. My husband has had to radically change his diet due to pancreatitis. I made small changes in mine to mirror his but didn't go as radical as he did. But slowly I see that my tastes are changing. I had croutons for the first time in a long…
  • Restfinder, Real Appeal and Precision Nutrition would say that small steps lead to big changes. I know it sounds trite but I have found it to be true. One tiny thing I did during Precision Nutrition was to lay my workout clothes out on the bed so when I got home from work, there they were, nudging me to exercise. I think…
  • Sorry I've been MIA. I am from Sparkpeople. I was SONFLOWER_TX there. I really miss SP. As far as MFP I got tired of logging my food but now that I joined Real Appeal I need a place to log my food again, so hear I am. I could have sworn MFP allowed you to scan barcodes but the app on my phone is not allowing me to do so,…
    in Chat Comment by Laura_TX June 2023
  • Today I started Real Appeal which is a United Healthcare weight loss program through work insurance. So far it is very mental. I did Precision Nutrition in 2016 and it is very much like PN. Very focused on behavior change and self-awareness.
  • Hi, sorry I've been MIA. I am currently reading "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk. Not necessarily Christian but very eye-opening.
  • Hello all, this is SONFLOWER_TX from Sparkpeople. So glad to have found you guys <3
    in Chat Comment by Laura_TX July 2021