ClaireBearOz Member


  • My husband adds them to his muesli, but if you don't have a low carb friendly version of muesli, you could stir them into yoghurt or cream. Or use as a thickener in any cooking (stews, curries, soups). There are also recipes around fro keto baking using psyllium.
  • I may be wrong, but doesn't what you eat with the carbs affect how they affect the body. For instance, eating carbs with fat or with higher fibre moderates the insulin response, or so I thought. But their effect on ketosis is a different matter.
  • Thanks for all this. The video is great. It has a very simple and very sane message. The discussion of when and under what circumstances protein and fats convert to glucose is exactly what I have been wondering about lately - as a wannabe geek who low carbs, fasts intermittently, exercises fairly aggressively during…
  • Lots of inspiring reflections here! Thanks everyone. What gets me through? - sleep, exercise, coffee and keto/bulletproof boullion (I'm doing IF, low carb and calorie restriction - seems to work for me)
  • I'm not hungry all day and my calorie intake is down, so the weight loss should be more reliable until I'm at goal weight. And I don't feel the need to beat myself up if I deviate from plan .. I do that fairly regularly, but not to the extent that I would call it bingeing. When out with friends, it's not always desirable…
  • LOL! So true for me too!
  • Most people do an IF fast during their sleep time and then for a few hours after they wake, then eat for 8 or so hours until sleep. It's up to you and who at works best with your shifts.
  • Here's what Mark Sisson of Mark's Daily Apple says about morning fasting (and coffee): "Coffee is actually beneficial for fat-burning, especially during a fast. One study found that an infusion of epinephrine – a hormone which coffee increases – during “starvation” enhanced its lipolytic and thermogenic effects. In other…
  • You look fabulous. Well done.
  • Yes, I agree there is a lot of differing info on this. So maybe it's relevant to say I'm post- menopausal. However, there is quite a lot of information on this topic at the healthfulpursuits blog/YouTube -example posted by someone else above. She had all sorts of upset hormones due to weird dieting and documents her return…
  • I have just been reading Primal Body Primal Mind by Nora Gedgaudas. She advocates supplementing with iodine (and points out that table salt is fortified with iodide not iodine. The former is less easily used by the body). As well as being needed for "healthy thyroid functioning ... it is needed for the normal functioning…
  • My SO doesn't really need to lose weight - well maybe just a tad. But he is very supportive of my woe and I do the cooking which he gladly eats! I do often cook some brown rice for him if I am doing a curry or something similar, or maybe some pasta a a side. But he has a terrible sweet tooth - loves things like carrot…
  • My understanding is that Intermittent Fasting (restricting or removing calories between 8pm and 12 noon) helps with the overall daily calorie restriction that some of us pursue, and it results in a surge of Growth Hormone which is also very beneficial.
  • Many years ago, before LCHF, I used to do IF accidentally - before I knew it was a thing. I used to often skip breakfast and on those days I wouldn't get hungry till early/mid afternoon. On the days I ate breakfast I would always be hungry by late morning. On the IF days I felt great. Now I understand why. So lately, I…
  • Oops. That's awkward.
  • Fresh, uncooked, on ice, with a squeeze of fresh lemon
  • Primal Body Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life (2009) Nora T Gedgaudes
  • You are wonderful
  • It won't be spiking your insulin, but will be adding calories and potentially undoing any calorie deficit you were aiming for. You should either not eat the fat, or log it and then adjust your diet elsewhere.
  • That's fantastic. Well done, you! Thanks for sharing.
  • If you are wanting to wean yourself off the need for sweet food, stick with the 85% Lindt. As I became more used to not eating sweet things, I found I could taste "sweet" in odd places. For instance, adding milk to tea made it taste sweet, so now I drink it black. I now prefer the 90% Lindt as a special treat.
  • Well done.
  • I agree, low carb is low carb. I can not tolerate artificial sweeteners (except stevia and maybe erythritol) and don't like many of the Lo carb recipes which used processed foods. I just posted on another thread that I'd probably categorise myself as Primal (not Paleo) Lo Carb and I always feel welcome here.
  • I agree with Sunny_Bunny_ carbs from vegies and salads are always welcome in my diet, but to moderation, not to excess. There are far too many other benefits (micro nutrients and fibre) from eating that way. I think if asked to classify my diet it would be Primal Lo Carb - eating as much natural foods as I can, but still…
  • Read it 10 years ago and wish I'd paid it more heed. It said I was likely to have an intolerance to carbs and would thrive on proteins. And guess what, I now know that to be true. Even at the time, I think it rang true for me. I did play around with reducing/periodically removing wheat from my diet, but never fully…
  • Leafy greens have heaps of potassium and extremely low carbs and so does coconut water. Green shake with coconut water!
  • Don't think so. The fiber is still there (unless there is some other process used commercially that removes fibre - wouldn't think so). Fiber particles are microscopic. Blending doesn't remove it.
  • Roasted, sautéed, stir fried, steamed (with or without added butter) ... Yum ... Love my vegies. Usually just add salt and pepper (and butter), if steamed. Or if I'm doing a whole bunch of silver beet/chard, I might mix through some heavy cream. Sautéed - I'll usually add chopped garlic and salt and pepper, plus lemon/lime…
  • The smell of coconut oil still reminds me of the beach. Back in the day (before sunscreens), people here would lather themselves in it to promote tanning. At Sydney's trendiest beaches you could even get it sprayed on you for a small fee. Then lie in the sun and cook! Hahaha ... How times change. So wherever you read that…