nikkii231 Member


  • Try to stay away from too many high fibre foods at the moment only because I have just been through a huge flare, was in hospital. Yea i can eat veg just not too much at the moment and im not a huge snacker just find it hard to stick to 1300 calories a day and feel full. I will most definitely try the suggestions of more…
    in Food Comment by nikkii231 May 2016
  • Thanks for the suggestions. I dont drink my calories as i cant drink coffee or carbonated drinks, i have 2 cups of tea with skimmed milk otherwise water. I cant eat seeds, too many nuts, tomatoes, full fat dairy products. I have ulcerative colitis so gotta watch these things but some of the suggestions i can run with,…
    in Food Comment by nikkii231 May 2016
  • Glad to hear it, i also get really bad leg cramps, dunno if thats a side effect but its driving me crazy at night coz it wakes me up then takes like 20 mins to go away. 11 more days and i wont be taking them so looking forward to not feeling hungry all the time!
  • Awsome, thanks for the replys, glad to hear it coz its horrible feeling this hungry all the time! I cant just eat coz i know if I put the weight on i wont get rid of it and its pretty hard for me to lose weight.
  • I literally just put a post about prednisone, im on it for UC but weaning as it didn't work so having remicade instead which thankfully has, so i haven't gained while on prednisone but im starving all the time! Does the feeling go away once you come off? Im managing to just about maintain my weight but not loosing anything.
  • I lost 5 stone, i was 21 when i did it, no saggy skin. Then i put on about that again through pregnancy at 27 and then lost it all again, slight change to my skin but not saggy as such, more stretch marks and a little sag, its not bad though. I think if you do it gradually and with excersise to help with tone you will be…
  • I think sleep affects weight loss so make sure you get a good uninterrupted sleep. Like another poster said i find if i eat before 7 i will lose better but i will lose either way if under my calorie goal.
  • Iv recently been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, in hospital at the mo major flare up! Also very restricted in what i eat as certain foods actually hurt traveling through my digestive system. Iv lost a bit of weight not for the right reasons but just wanted to offer support and that your not alone.
  • Haha! something i would say. Love it, u just brightened my day!
  • Have you had your thyroid checked? Just another angle and something to rule out. Otherwise I agree with other posters weigh and record every mouthful and be honest
    in HELP Comment by nikkii231 March 2016
  • Make sure you are checking your nutrition to make sure you are under those goals too but otherwise stick with it, totally normal to lose alot then your body adjusts, then you will start losing again, as long as you are being totally honest and putting every mouthful in you will lose, its all a numbers game.