HealthierRayne Member


  • As others have said, consistency is truly most important. I liked this visual to help explain how easily we can derail our progress by not staying consistent.
  • There is no reason why you have to wait before you hit the weights. Weight training will help you lose weight, since the more muscle mass you have the more calories your body will burn naturally at a resting state. I would suggest looking into some of the plans on as they have a lot of videos that show you…
  • She is still growing and developing, just barely entering the age of puberty, restricting calories is potentially dangerous for a child. If their concerns are that great they should seek out an appointment with their pediatrician. To try and push that responsibility on you is unfair and I do agree they are trying to…
  • That is such an inspiring story - 20,000 steps a day and 80 pounds lighter - you truly changed your life! :smiley:
  • I find this very true. It's unfortunate, but true.
  • That's really awesome progress! Congrats!!! :)
  • That's really awesome, I am glad you've busted through your plateau and are seeing results again! Clearly what you are already doing is working!
  • I also love Fabletics, the size range is fantastic, I think the quality is great and they have a customer rewards program.
  • welcome @ashgarvey02 This is definitely the place to be! Feel free to send me a friends request, I am quite active here. Congratulations on making a stand and fighting for your health, that is not easy to do especially when every thing around you makes it easy to just stay complacent.
  • so horrible, a truly unique voice and talent lost. :'(
  • Thanks so much for the input! @jakes2011 @Ademann1 @MelanieCN77
  • If you are aiming for 30 reps then by rep 28-29 it should start to get quite difficult to move the weight. It's all very subjective, if you can bang out 30 reps easily and could probably go for more then it's a little too light. If you can barely get to 25 and have terrible form for the last 5 then it's too heavy.
  • me too!
  • I agree - if it fits in the calorie goal then absolutely. We don't have to torture ourselves to lose weight, or just eat salad. While eating more whole foods is always a good idea, making the foods you enjoy work within your calories really will make for long term, sustained success.
  • It's normal if you don't have a lot to lose or have made some recent changes to your plan (be it exercise or diet) I also recommend a food scale, so you are not shorting yourself or eating more than you think. I suggest revisiting your calories needs too, especially if you've lost a chunk already as Luna mentioned. If you…
  • Same thing as above, it was the shoes I was wearing. For me I need a very flexible light shoe with lots of freedom to move, I like the Nike Frees personally. Stretching also important. It seemed to also help when I changed the speed of my running. A little slower at first and I didn't get the pains, I think that I was just…
  • I am glad other people understood the title, I had no idea what chains meant and Sweetgreen didn't help me as I have never heard of that before haha. I was picturing a ball and chain to keep someone from going in the fridge or something. Now that I am on the up and up I like Mucho Burrito - I don't know if you have one of…
  • in the app for iPhone, when you are in your diary scroll all the way to the bottom and click on nutrition then you can look at your nutrients, calories and macros (different tabs at the top) I hope this helps :)
  • What are boosters? (genuinely curious) I'd say if you've got a treadmill and it doesn't cause you any issues jump on! If you're able to park it in front of the TV, even better - it makes the time fly for me and I can still catch my shows. Wishing you the best!
  • Electric was $68 last month for a 1400 sq foot duplex, of that $24 was actual electricity costs and the rest was administration and distribution fees
  • I agree with the others - it's really just about what works for you and keeps you on track with your goals. If that is 5 meals, 3 or even just 1, as long as what you're doing is working for you there really isn't much of a benefit to forcing yourself into a trendy schedule. Some will argue the whole "keep the furnace…
  • pizza, every time.
  • 500 calories?! That would be so hard to manage, I am always surprised when I hear about what companies will do to get their clients results. Sure people lose weight quickly but as you mentioned you gain it all back, not to mention the probable health issues from being on such a low calorie diet (hair falling out,…
  • Personally I wouldn't be able to handle low carb, I find my body works best on a balance of about 50% of my calories from carbs. There are a ton of people who swear by it though - search for keto and low carb in the forums and you will find likely thousands of threads on people who have had a lot of success.
  • Try focusing more on all the awesome things you've done so far and less about what you feel you are deprived of. If stopping those old habits will get you to your goals and is making you feel healthier and you're already seeing pounds and inches lost, then know that those old habits were truly holding you back from what…
  • That is very exciting! High five for your amazing progress and hitting onederland B)
  • As an overweight vegan I can tell you that if you're going to try and gain weight on unprocessed food, it will be harder than if you go for the more processed items. Burgers, chips, nachos, ice cream, potstickers, faux meat stir fries, high fat curries, all those (vegan variety of course) have helped me to gain weight…
  • When you come in on Monday and you're not feeling real well, does anyone ever say to you 'Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays'? *kitten*, no man. I believe you'd get your *kitten* kicked saying something like that, man.