elroyalty Member


  • Are you averaging some loss if you compare Friday to Friday? If so, then the Monday bump is from water retention.
  • I totally agree with the suggestion above re: keep moving at kids' events... I'm actually sad that my kids' sporting events are wrapping up because I'm going to miss all the pacing and bouncing and walking, etc... that i was able to get in on the sidelines. I stopped bringing a fold-up chair to games, and now stand behind…
  • Yes! And get of MFP while you're away! Actually, I just got back from a 4 day vacation three days ago. I started out thinking I would try to stay in maintenance and estimate and log, etc... But after day 1 I was like "screw this" and didn't even think about it for the rest of the time. Granted, I was at a music festival…
  • Hydrocoach syncs with fitbit now (didn't before) and it gives reminders. Love it so much I gave them 5 bucks for the pro version even tho I didn't need the extra features I think (can't remember what pro adds to it...)!
  • Yes. Last night I watched mine change by the second from +600 from fitbit, to -3 from fitbit, to 0, to 600, etc... sucks that I can't trust it at a glance and have to calculate in my head - having it calculated for me is the whole freakin' point of paying for mfp (since otherwise, I can do the math myself!)
  • I use cooksmarts (with an "s", i hear there is also a cooksmart, no "s") and LOVE love love it. It's a pay service (but cheap and totally worth it) as I am too lazy to come up with my menus every week. Recipes are balanced, usually surprisingly lo-cal, but hearty, Balance of protein and veg, and have "normal," vegetarian,…
  • It may be because now more sources are validating a natural way for many of us to eat... I was always told the way to be healthy was big breakfast and spread snacks and small meals through the day was the only way to eat or you would be fat and unhealthy from eating almost all calories later in the day, and I found it a…
  • Me too. I think the most helpful part of the whole if thing or movement or whatever is that it helped me realize there was nothing wrong at all with my natural eating pattern. When I started cutting calories I switch to many small meals a day because that's what most of the advice tells you to do. And that eating a lot…
  • It's kind of old shool, but my fave is the hackers diet online tools. Not an app but can easily access on my android, ipad, and computer browsers. Next fave is trendweight. Same thing of online only, but can access anywhere. Happy weight has TOO many adjustable settings for me. I think I'm always changing things to get the…
  • If you go here: http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ i believe there should be a link that you can file to sign up.. I did it a while ago so I think that's the link I used to get the updates - you should be able to choose how often. I just get one email a day or so and scroll through it. Haven't had anything to throw away…
  • LOL I didn't even know that's what the "raw" part of it was! Just saw "shake and meal replacement" and thought, maybe somebody on here uses it!
  • Meant to add that weighing in once a week for me made me more crazy because I found that I could be the same weight or even up a little from exactly a week before on a particular week even though I may have been down two pounds in the middle of the week and that was my real trend. But some people swear by once a week weigh…
  • I found that what helps for me is actually to keep weighing in everyday but to log it into a trend weight calculator like trend weight.com or the online tool at the Hacker's diet. In fact there's a description of this up and down and the frustration it can lead to if you don't focus on the trends in the Hacker's diet book…
  • btw... have you tried pb2 powder - personally, i think it's about 4000 times better than jiff, dunno why, just creamier or something after adding the water ... (could just be me tho) - i get it at walmart or from amazon
  • Siggi's!!!! It's actually Icelandic but the same thing. Lower in sugar than many, I think. I checked a long time ago against many others, but I've eaten it for so long I haven't checked against others recently. I only eat the plain and vanilla. In fact, at the beginning of the week I mix 2 tubs vanilla with one plain just…
  • For me, I followed all the advice above and still felt hungry a lot. I'm pretty little, so overall caloric intake pretty low. What works for me (though is clearly different for everyone) is to have very small breakfast/lunch and a large satisfying dinner with seconds (all within my calorie count of course). I've never been…
  • yah. it's not much, but honestly, that's what i get for being a munchkin and wanting to lose weight (munchkin = short, not "skinny"). I'm at about 500-750 calorie a day deficit, so even my maintenance level is pretty low. i work out about 1/2 hr each day, but have a sit on my but for 8 hrs a day job. I certainly wasn't…
  • I had the same problem - I tried the fill up a 32 ouncer and keep it with me, but after a few hours I realized it was still mostly full, but I couldn't drink so much all at once, and then gave up.... So I signed up for a water tracker app that yells at you every so often to drink a certain amount - you set the amount and…
    in Water? Comment by elroyalty March 2016
  • If it's something you really love and eat regularly, try asking how they make it! If you're a regular customer and they're good business people, and you explain you don't want to change how they make it, just want to be able to keep eating there, they may oblige! For example, I recently asked a business owner for…
  • I don't eat my calories back and feel fine, even though i've only been on 1150 for about 30 days (i'm pretty short). I just changed my settings so that MFP doesn't add them in for me. So i only ever see my calorie goal and no additions from exercise.
  • Meant to add - this is the way I go instead of the other great options because I cannot stand artificial sweetners of any kind... even stevia (which I know is "natural) leaves me gagging.... so if you need more of a "real" sugar, the mini bars (or even the 100 calorie packs of "bad for you" things) can be a good alternative
  • We're the same way... and used to eat huge slices of cake, pie, oreos, what have you after every meal. I found that cutting them cold turkey for a couple of weeks really helped to re-integrate them in moderate amounts. I found that trying to go from eating lots to eating less was harder than eating none... for the very…