Glad it's Friday but terrified of weekends

I do very well on the weekdays, always under my calories, walk during lunch for at least 40 minutes, exercise at night, drink lots of water and seeing the scale going down ounces per day.... then the weekend hits and all goes downhill....then comes Monday the scale goes up 3-4 pounds and takes all week for the scale to go down then here comes the weekend again. My weekly struggles!

Any one in the same boat? Any solutions, suggestions will be greatly appreciated


  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    Why does it go down hill? Are you not paying attention to what you eat? Laying around on your duff? You just have to keep monitoring your intake. Take a longer walk than you would at lunch, and skip the work out. You can lower your intake throughout the week to give yourself some weekend cushion, but if you go hog wild you're still going to un-do your progress. Some people like to have one day where they eat what they like, some people have one meal, some people work in daily treats. You have to find what works for you.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Pre-log meals, eat less during the week to compensate, exercise self control, do extra exercise to burn calories. Any or all of the above will work. Remember that the overall weekly calorie deficit is the thing that counts
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    I exercise a whole lot more on weekends. That helps. :)
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    That's something you will need to identify. What exactly is it that makes it go downhill?

    Eating out at all will automatically make your weigh in on Monday go up, as all restaurant food is loaded with sodium. Not much you can do about that except drink lots of water and wait for it to stabilize.

    As far as the fat loss goes, for a long time, I would account for ONE meal out every weekend, and would allow around 1,500 calories for that meal. So I would bank calories every day so I would remain in a deficit at the end of the week.

    However, now that I'm within about 6-7 pounds of my goal weight, I can't do that anymore and have had to stop going out, or if I do, I figure that I won't see any loss the next week.

    So really, you need to be the one to determine what the issue is. If it's sodium - not a huge problem. If it's over-indulgence, that's another issue entirely.

  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    edited June 2016
    First, make a specific plan for the weekend. Don't just try to do your plan for the work week, and don't just chuck it out the window. Decide what you are going to eat and when. I would give yourself a little more leeway on the weekend than during the week, but still plan it out. Is there a way you can exercise on the weekend? Maybe something you couldn't do during the week? Make a sensible plan that takes into account things you have to get done, or things you really want to do on your weekends, but also takes into account eating well and moving. Then stick to it!

    Secondly, do you ever pay attention to your weekly average? It's in the nutrition tab in the app, and it's so helpful! If you've been eating under your goal all week, you can see how many "extra" calories you could eat on the weekend without blowing your deficit for the week. I love this because it lets me go a little bit over now and then, and I don't have to worry about sabotaging all of my efforts.

    Third, stop weighing yourself on Monday! The recommendation is to weigh once a week. Try weighing yourself just on Fridays, and look at your progress from week to week instead of stressing about the daily fluctuations. If you're on a general downward trend, that's good!
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    Third, stop weighing yourself on Monday! The recommendation is to weigh once a week. Try weighing yourself just on Fridays, and look at your progress from week to week instead of stressing about the daily fluctuations. If you're on a general downward trend, that's good!

    I actually found when weighing once a week, Friday/Saturday were the best days for me because I too was better during the week than on the weekend, and any water weight fluctuations were hammered out.

  • TswvNplooj
    TswvNplooj Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks everyone. My weekends are busy, with 4 kids in every sports, church band practice, out of town games. I always end up eating out and I'm not drinking alot of water just because there's either no bathrooms available or I'm in a long car ride.
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    Stop changing your eating habits just because it's a cerain day of the week.Simple as that.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,147 Member
    Do what you do during the week on the weekends.
  • nursecasg
    nursecasg Posts: 123 Member
    Agree with all of the above information. Another thing I like to do is because I only eat out at restaurants on the weekends. That being said, I preview the menu's prior to going out, determine that it is within my calorie count for the day (either eat less earlier or exercise more prior to), then I go out and enjoy. That being said, I sure as heck cannot eat with the reckless abandon of the past, and I certainly do miss the mexican/italian/steakhouse feasts, but I know I will be able to incorporate some of these meals back in (in moderation) in maintenance.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I agree, Weekends are tough. I get up at 6am and run/walk 10 miles. That way, at least I'm starting the weekend with a solid deficit.
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    I'm not exactly terrified of weekends, but I understand. I have been yo-yoing for a number a years and it's the little things creeping in that get me - an extra bite, a little taste! I guess I appreciated reading the suggestions but if this was easy we wouldn't need MFP. Good luck with the upcoming weekend and choices.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    It's hard to structure on the weekends.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    A trick I have for eating out, which I haven't been doing and ought to get back to, is only eating half the food I am served. (This works in sit-down restaurants, not so much with fast food.) Box up the other half, and have it at the next meal. That way a 1500 calorie meal becomes two 750 calorie meals. It can be hard at first, so it helps to ask the server to divide and box up your food before you get it. If you're eating fast food, look for the healthier options on the menu, or maybe pack lunches that you can take with you and eat on the go. Sandwiches, wraps in tortillas or lettuce, cut up fruit, etc.

    I would also make it a point to drink more water and find bathrooms. That's going to help a lot. There have to be bathrooms somewhere -- surely they don't expect a bunch of kids to never need to go potty? And when you're at your kids' games, pace up and down the field following the action. Or if it's just a practice and they don't need you to pay attention, go for a walk. For church band practice, are you in the band, or is it your kids? If it's the kids, go for a walk around the church. If it's you, maybe dance around a bit while you sing or play?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited June 2016
    GaoleeYaj wrote: »
    I do very well on the weekdays, always under my calories, walk during lunch for at least 40 minutes, exercise at night, drink lots of water and seeing the scale going down ounces per day.... then the weekend hits and all goes downhill....then comes Monday the scale goes up 3-4 pounds and takes all week for the scale to go down then here comes the weekend again. My weekly struggles!

    Any one in the same boat? Any solutions, suggestions will be greatly appreciated

    Zig-zag your calories. Give yourself some wiggle room on weekends by eating a little less during the week.

    Find your "future" maintenance (TDEE calculator):
    Even if you eat this number on still aren't gaining weight. You're just losing a little slower. Eventually your goal is to eat at this number 7 days a week.
  • rosecropper
    rosecropper Posts: 340 Member
    As a picky eater on a 1200 cal diet, I've learned it's Ok to simply not eat a meal when going to a restaurant with others.
    I get a beverage, maybe a plain baked potato or small salad with dressing on the side- then just enjoy the company and not stress over food.
    It's easy to fill up at home before/afterwards, and carry something with me like fruit, veggies, or protein drink/bar to keep me going while I'm away from home.
    I tell my family & friends "I'm here for the wonderful company" and reassure them I'm not going hungry, so it's not a problem.
    Also, move your body even if you can't "exercise". On long car rides, I do leg lifts, glute squeezs, etc... or just dance to music. Never tried to log the burn on mfp, but my body is keeping track :)
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    GaoleeYaj wrote: »
    Thanks everyone. My weekends are busy, with 4 kids in every sports, church band practice, out of town games. I always end up eating out and I'm not drinking alot of water just because there's either no bathrooms available or I'm in a long car ride.

    I totally feel you on all of these points. Here's what I've been doing to try to keep it together while at tournaments during sports weekends:
    • Coffee or water to drink only - no soda, no sports drinks
    • I always pack some healthy foods in my car in a small cooler. Sometimes that's what I end up eating for lunch (because I know we'll go out for a team dinner in the evening) and sometimes it ends up being eaten by hungry little people. Common items I include are string cheese, baby carrots or other chopped veggies, grapes or berries, greek yogurt tubes (frozen).
    • I keep an emergency protein bar in my bag. If I find myself thinking about wandering to the concession stand for treats, I eat the bar and drink some water.
    • I try to stand while watching games instead of sitting on bleachers. I may even throw in some heel raises or side-to-side steps as I watch. Nobody seems to notice as long as I'm not blocking their view.
    • If I absolutely must visit the concession stand, I choose something with protein - usually a grilled chicken sandwich or hamburger - instead of candy or popcorn that won't keep me satisfied.
    • I also do intermittent fasting most days, meaning I only eat during a specific window of time (usually noon to 8 or so). That really works for me, though it's not for everyone. Google it if you're not familiar with it and do a little reading.
    • The bathrooms thing is tough - obviously they have them, but sometimes it takes a long time to get there and back to the game, or they are gross portable toilets. No advice there. I just try to think of the trip as extra steps (silver lining!).
    • Try to hang out near the parents on the team that are also practicing healthy habits. It's hard to make good choices when the person next to you is always generously offering you some of their nachos or skittles. Instead, sit near the parents that are doing the things you do. This helps big time in reducing temptation.
    • I walk laps around the sports complex during breaks between games (provided the team doesn't need me to do something elsewhere during that time). Or I find some stairs and go up and down a few times to get in some extra activity.

    I know it's challenging, and I certainly don't stick to these things all the time because I'm human and I make mistakes and I love pizza! Best of luck to you!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Weekdays I have a big breakfast + a protein shake. Weekends I do not have a protein shake. That's step one of my weekend strategy. Step 2 of my weekend strategy is to have plenty of chicken and vegetables on hand. For my Saturday lunch, I have a big meal with 100 g of chicken, 200 g of vegetables, 78 g of brown rice (converted to Resistant Starch = fiber by refrigeration), 78 g of beans. This plate is full, nutritious, and filling. That's step 2. Step 3 of my weekend strategy is to have a similarly large dinner, with the addition of a break portion. I can also deal with a surprise date on a weekend. Dinner out with my wife is me ordering a "salad, no dressing" from any place and being able to get home and reconfigure the meal plan to stay within my calorie goal. Movies with my wife are simple. I get nothing. The most important thing to me seems to be that I get a big breakfast. If I get obstructed from having a timely good lunch, it can fall apart, but I generally don't have enough dynamic complexity in my life to make that a problem.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Go hiking on the weekends.
  • acbraswell
    acbraswell Posts: 238 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I exercise a whole lot more on weekends. That helps. :)

    Me too! I focus more on diet during the week since I have less time for workouts, but definitely exercise more on the weekends (long runs, extra weight training). I normally hit the same number of minutes exercising in 2 weekend days that I do the other 5. I allow myself more calories on the weekend (within reason) because of this. Even with the extra calories consumed, because of the exercise, the Monday morning scale number isn't too frightening.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Oh, and a filling breakfast can be very helpful, too! Whenever I skimp on breakfast, thinking I need to "save" calories for later in the day, I end up so hungry that I way over-eat and it doesn't work at all. I like to have two pieces of bacon, a fried egg, and mix that into half a serving of grits. Add a cup of coffee with 3 tbsp of milk and 1 tbsp of sugar, and that's a hearty breakfast for only 323 calories. Pretty darn good! That makes it easier to have a light lunch on the run, and still have a reasonable dinner.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,649 Member
    Maybe you're pushing too hard during the week and think (subconsciously) that you can cut loose on the weekends. Can you balance things out a bit more? Relax some of the strict weekday standards so that the weekends don't loom as "free for alls."
  • haviegirl
    haviegirl Posts: 230 Member
    You are busy with a lot of kid stuff on the weekends, but that doesn't mean your goals are less important. Get walks in early in the mornings. Walk between games, stand/pace during games. If you have a step counter (Fitbit, etc), use it and make sure you get your steps in no matter what. Almost every restaurant will substitute some kind of steamed vegetable for french fries (sadly, it's almost always broccoli, which I despise, but hopefully that's not a problem for you). Or, like others have mentioned, get a baked potato and top it with salsa or something like that. Grilled chicken. A nice piece of broiled/grilled fish. You know what I'm talking about.

    I guess what I'm saying is that your goals matter and need to be prioritized despite it being a weekend. And I also agree with those who said to stop weighing on Mondays. I vote for Fridays for you, based on what you've described. Seeing a nice loss right before the weekend chaos starts might be an encouraging thing to help you stay focused on your goals.

    Oh, and whoever said to keep distance from people who pull you off your goals was right. Stay away from the candy pushers. And the funnel cake sharers.
  • elroyalty
    elroyalty Posts: 30 Member
    I totally agree with the suggestion above re: keep moving at kids' events... I'm actually sad that my kids' sporting events are wrapping up because I'm going to miss all the pacing and bouncing and walking, etc... that i was able to get in on the sidelines. I stopped bringing a fold-up chair to games, and now stand behind my husband and bounce back and forth the whole game or walk the field up and down. It just looks like I'm really excited about the game! :) I earned so many after-game dinners this season! I also second the drink, drink, drink... Some of our venues also did not have bathrooms, but I would either (1) hop in the car and run to a nearby gas station if needed or (2) just deal with it. The water helps a lot with not eating junk.
  • TswvNplooj
    TswvNplooj Posts: 60 Member
    All great advices. Do you guys think the weight gain on Monday is mostly water since I'm drinking so much less?
  • elroyalty
    elroyalty Posts: 30 Member
    Are you averaging some loss if you compare Friday to Friday? If so, then the Monday bump is from water retention.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    GaoleeYaj wrote: »
    All great advices. Do you guys think the weight gain on Monday is mostly water since I'm drinking so much less?

    Salty foods, more carbs, more activity, stress -- these can cause water retention