Recommended Weight trend apps?

Hi there,

I am looking for an app for me to record my weight on and it will help explain the fluctuations and such.




  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Libra, Trend Weight, Happy Scale are all good ones.
  • hamstertango
    hamstertango Posts: 129 Member
    Happy Scale!
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Here's is a picture I just to prepared for another post showing some serious Easter bloat. Sodium was through the roof yesterday! No worries, it will be gone in two days :) (this is Libra)
  • elroyalty
    elroyalty Posts: 30 Member
    It's kind of old shool, but my fave is the hackers diet online tools. Not an app but can easily access on my android, ipad, and computer browsers. Next fave is trendweight. Same thing of online only, but can access anywhere. Happy weight has TOO many adjustable settings for me. I think I'm always changing things to get the prediction I want. :) But I guess it's clear I use all three... not sure if that's a good thing, but it's kind of fun. Now that I am more settled in my routine and loss has become steady (i.e. not the big fluctuations from early water loss and diet tweaks) I can see they're all kind syncing up, so any will be good in the long run Hackers diet still my fave tho.
  • subakwa
    subakwa Posts: 347 Member
    I have just downloaded Happy Scale based on this and another thread, and as a data geek I love it already! I am a big fan of dashboards too, so the progress and milestone tracker hits the spot.

    Thank you to those who have made recommendations!
  • TGraceS
    TGraceS Posts: 23 Member
    I use happy scale and I love it! Especially the predictions feature. I can see based on my current rate or overall rate of loss where I will be a few months out, and the moving average weight it cool too. Check it out!
  • IdLikeToLoseItLoseIt
    IdLikeToLoseItLoseIt Posts: 695 Member
    It would be really great if My Fitness Pal added a weight trend graph someday. It seems to be a desired form of presenting weight data.
  • julia0427
    julia0427 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks everyone for your recommendations! Just want to better understand the fluctuations so I don't get frustrated with the ups and downs. Lol.
  • dustedwithsugar
    dustedwithsugar Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Scale is great! I love charts and all data, I can look on my weigtloss chart for very long time lol
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    MFP has a weight graph, under either "progress" on the app, or "reports" up at the top of your browser.