Staying Full

She's anyone have any t 3rd icky or know if healthy foods I can eat to help me fuller linger between meals??


  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    The only way for me, personally, was to eat more often. People always told me to eat protein but it seemed to have 0 effect for me. I would try to have eggs in the morning and still felt completely hungry after 2 hours.
  • rnelson88
    rnelson88 Posts: 122 Member
    Increase fiber and protein intake. Also make sure you increase your water intake. When I feel hungry between meals, I drink about half a shaker bottle of water and feel full for at least another 30 minutes. That was my trick to losing 55lbs in 6 months. Protein/Fiber/H20= Bye Bye FAT!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I try to volume eat for meals...meaning for a meal I'll have loads of nutrient dense lower calorie foods like veggies and lean protiens..this fills me up and gives me some leeway to have fresh, warm bread or chocolate or beer or some combination. The mindset I'm trying to stick with is that meals are for sustenance and snacks are for treats. It mostly works...until they deliver that bread basket at the restaurant prior to my meal. Like Oprah, I love some bread.
  • deveroux766
    deveroux766 Posts: 19 Member
    Great advuce! I need to lose about 55lbs before next year!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    Yeah, I have to agree with water between meals. When I'm on a calorie deficit there are a few hours in the day where I'm just hungry. Not ravishingly eat-all-the-things hungry, but hungry. It's just the way it goes in deficit. It gets easier as time passes, but water is my afternoon friend.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Lots of protein
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    I eat every 2-3 hours with high protein, nutrient dense low calorie meals and try to drink 10 cups of water per day. That combination will leave you so full you will be begging not to eat.

    Here's an example day for me. I'm a 5'2" female weighing ~104lbs. This is around 1200 calories.

  • deveroux766
    deveroux766 Posts: 19 Member
    Yeah, I have to agree with water between meals. When I'm on a calorie deficit there are a few hours in the day where I'm just hungry. Not ravishingly eat-all-the-things hungry, but hungry. It's just the way it goes in deficit. It gets easier as time passes, but water is my afternoon friend.

    Sounds good!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    She's anyone have any t 3rd icky or know if healthy foods I can eat to help me fuller linger between meals??

    Is that English?

    First you need to determine if you're eating too little. And no, not because of the mythical starvation mode, but the fact of the matter is this: if your deficit is too large, no tips or tricks are going to keep you full throughout the day. I can't tell you what too large of a deficit is since I don't know your stats, but if you're losing more than a pound per week and have less than 50 pounds to lose, I suggest you eat more.

    If you're eating at a moderate deficit and are still hungry, you can try eating smaller meals more often. Some people feel more full with 2-3 large meals a day and others prefer to graze throughout the day - you have to figure out what works for you. In general, sticking to high volume foods will keep you full longer. Fruits and vegetables, obviously, but fat helps satiate you, so make sure your fat intake is decent. Protein is also good for filling you up. Staying hydrated is a great idea, but drinking water does nothing for my hunger, personally.

    And finally, you're going to have to expect some hunger while cutting weight. You're eating fewer calories than your body is burning, so yeah, you aren't going to feel full all day. I have the appetite of a 250 pound man and I was occasionally hungry even while bulking, so it really depends on you and how much you like to eat. I find that I eat out of boredom and because food is good, not just because I'm hungry, so keeping busy helps me a bit. Feeling ravenously hungry every day is a sign you need to make a change, though.
  • deveroux766
    deveroux766 Posts: 19 Member
    She's anyone have any t 3rd icky or know if healthy foods I can eat to help me fuller linger between meals??

    Is that English?

    First you need to determine if you're eating too little. And no, not because of the mythical starvation mode, but the fact of the matter is this: if your deficit is too large, no tips or tricks are going to keep you full throughout the day. I can't tell you what too large of a deficit is since I don't know your stats, but if you're losing more than a pound per week and have less than 50 pounds to lose, I suggest you eat more.

    If you're eating at a moderate deficit and are still hungry, you can try eating smaller meals more often. Some people feel more full with 2-3 large meals a day and others prefer to graze throughout the day - you have to figure out what works for you. In general, sticking to high volume foods will keep you full longer. Fruits and vegetables, obviously, but fat helps satiate you, so make sure your fat intake is decent. Protein is also good for filling you up. Staying hydrated is a great idea, but drinking water does nothing for my hunger, personally.

    And finally, you're going to have to expect some hunger while cutting weight. You're eating fewer calories than your body is burning, so yeah, you aren't going to feel full all day. I have the appetite of a 250 pound man and I was occasionally hungry even while bulking, so it really depends on you and how much you like to eat. I find that I eat out of boredom and because food is good, not just because I'm hungry, so keeping busy helps me a bit. Feeling ravenously hungry every day is a sign you need to make a change, though.

    Ha sorry about the weird wording Im legally blind and using my cell wo sometimes...(often) I miss type!
  • elroyalty
    elroyalty Posts: 30 Member
    For me, I followed all the advice above and still felt hungry a lot. I'm pretty little, so overall caloric intake pretty low. What works for me (though is clearly different for everyone) is to have very small breakfast/lunch and a large satisfying dinner with seconds (all within my calorie count of course). I've never been a big breakfast/lunch eater and am fine drinking lots of water and a couple of cups of coffee until about 6 or 7 o clock dinner when I'm of course ravenous! But then I can eat relatively a lot (not gross overstuffed) and feel nice and full till bedtime. When I started I followed the advice of eat more small meals throughout the day and was mostly hungry all the time, especially by bedtime after a small dinner. For some people more frequent meals is the ticket. For me, it was less but bigger. My weight loss has been consistently the same both ways (same calories), but I'm much more satisfied feeling overall with one large meal.
  • tryin2die2self
    tryin2die2self Posts: 207 Member
    The easiest way to feel the lasting effects of food is pretty simple, eat foods as close to the source as possible. Tossing out processed foods in favor of "real" food will keep you feeling full longer. Calorie dense foods. Veggies. Whole grains. Etc.
  • jdejonge1986
    jdejonge1986 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd have to agree with the water between meals thing. When I started my weight loss adventure, I was at 419 lbs. Started at 3,000 calories a day, and I was hungry CONSTANTLY. I learned that increasing my water consumption helped curb my appetite, as well as gnawing on sugar free gum to subdue the toughest of the hunger pangs. Now, I'm sitting at a lean 331, 2000 calories a day, lots of exercise, and still lots of water in between meals and before bed. Also try 1 or 2 hard boiled eggs in the middle of the afternoon. They're pretty dense and full of protein. Sometimes 1 or 2 eggs in the afternoon actually lasts me until the next morning.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    If I don't get enough protein I get ravenous.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited March 2016
    First learn the difference between "full" and don't always have to be fact, I'd say wanting to feel "full" is how we all ended up needing to lose weight in the first place. There's a big difference between being full and being satiated.

    Secondly...a *kitten* part of dieting is that sometimes you're comes with the territory...we made our bed by wanting to feel full all of the time, and now we have to lie in them. Not saying you should be stomach eating itself starving...but yeah...part of dieting is being a little hungry....more fiber helps...more protein helps...but really, you're cutting out anywhere from 500 - 1000 calories per day from your'll likely to have a little hunger going on.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    Holy cow! How on earth do you cook like that all the time? That looks delicious!
    I find that hot meals for some reason stick with me longer than salads and sandwiches. Something about a hot meal seeming more like a "real meal" than grabbing a sandwich. I stay full better if I pack homemade frozen food that I can microwave at work than if I gobble down a traditional bag lunch. I think it's just a mental thing, but hey, whatever works!
    I eat every 2-3 hours with high protein, nutrient dense low calorie meals and try to drink 10 cups of water per day. That combination will leave you so full you will be begging not to eat.

    Here's an example day for me. I'm a 5'2" female weighing ~104lbs. This is around 1200 calories.


  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    She's anyone have any t 3rd icky or know if healthy foods I can eat to help me fuller linger between meals??

    Is that English?

    First you need to determine if you're eating too little. And no, not because of the mythical starvation mode, but the fact of the matter is this: if your deficit is too large, no tips or tricks are going to keep you full throughout the day. I can't tell you what too large of a deficit is since I don't know your stats, but if you're losing more than a pound per week and have less than 50 pounds to lose, I suggest you eat more.

    If you're eating at a moderate deficit and are still hungry, you can try eating smaller meals more often. Some people feel more full with 2-3 large meals a day and others prefer to graze throughout the day - you have to figure out what works for you. In general, sticking to high volume foods will keep you full longer. Fruits and vegetables, obviously, but fat helps satiate you, so make sure your fat intake is decent. Protein is also good for filling you up. Staying hydrated is a great idea, but drinking water does nothing for my hunger, personally.

    And finally, you're going to have to expect some hunger while cutting weight. You're eating fewer calories than your body is burning, so yeah, you aren't going to feel full all day. I have the appetite of a 250 pound man and I was occasionally hungry even while bulking, so it really depends on you and how much you like to eat. I find that I eat out of boredom and because food is good, not just because I'm hungry, so keeping busy helps me a bit. Feeling ravenously hungry every day is a sign you need to make a change, though.

    Ha sorry about the weird wording Im legally blind and using my cell wo sometimes...(often) I miss type!


    Aaaaaand I'm a jerk. Sorry.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    DKG28 wrote: »
    Holy cow! How on earth do you cook like that all the time?

    I cook and prep on Sunday's. I work full time and have 3 kids, so planning is key. I make a giant egg white and veggie scramble for breakfast. Enough for 5 days. Then I portion out my meats like brisket, chicken breast, shrimp. Make a big batch of sautéed veggies and mushrooms. I usually do a soup and add protein powder to the liquid. I love Fruit, so I try to portion that out too for the week.

    Sometimes I just can't bring myself to eat that much, and opt for a yogurt and cheese stick, or a protein bar. I'm a boredom eater. I really never get hungry, so making sure I can easily grab my next meal helps with the boredom snacking. Or Quest protein chips.
  • deveroux766
    deveroux766 Posts: 19 Member
    She's anyone have any t 3rd icky or know if healthy foods I can eat to help me fuller linger between meals??

    Is that English?

    First you need to determine if you're eating too little. And no, not because of the mythical starvation mode, but the fact of the matter is this: if your deficit is too large, no tips or tricks are going to keep you full throughout the day. I can't tell you what too large of a deficit is since I don't know your stats, but if you're losing more than a pound per week and have less than 50 pounds to lose, I suggest you eat more.

    If you're eating at a moderate deficit and are still hungry, you can try eating smaller meals more often. Some people feel more full with 2-3 large meals a day and others prefer to graze throughout the day - you have to figure out what works for you. In general, sticking to high volume foods will keep you full longer. Fruits and vegetables, obviously, but fat helps satiate you, so make sure your fat intake is decent. Protein is also good for filling you up. Staying hydrated is a great idea, but drinking water does nothing for my hunger, personally.

    And finally, you're going to have to expect some hunger while cutting weight. You're eating fewer calories than your body is burning, so yeah, you aren't going to feel full all day. I have the appetite of a 250 pound man and I was occasionally hungry even while bulking, so it really depends on you and how much you like to eat. I find that I eat out of boredom and because food is good, not just because I'm hungry, so keeping busy helps me a bit. Feeling ravenously hungry every day is a sign you need to make a change, though.

    Ha sorry about the weird wording Im legally blind and using my cell wo sometimes...(often) I miss type!


    Aaaaaand I'm a jerk. Sorry.

    No worries! :) You had no way of knowing something like that!