climberpilot Member


  • My wife and I both saw noticeable differences within a couple weeks, mostly just from adjustment to our diet. I don't know that those changes would be noticeable to ourselves individually, but I saw it in her and vice versa. Reading body fat% has been huge for us as well. When the pounds just don't seem to fall off, it's…
  • Interesting replies. I think I can do the bench and deadlift, but I'm certain I couldn't do the plank.
  • My wife and I have been working on getting in better shape for a little over a month now, and have each lost about 5%. She was mid-to low 20% range and I was about 28%. You have largely described our diet and workout routine, so I'm guessing that if your making sure your getting the right kind of calories and operating in…
  • Mine are still unclear, which is odd because I'm generally very goal oriented. Lose a couple inches around the waist, gain a few around everything else... I'm also thinking I want to deadlift twice my body weight.
  • Yeah, I read up on it a bit yesterday after I posted this. I seem to be trying to move a bit faster than I probably should.
  • I'm new to the 5x5, and I haven't decided what I think of it, but the feedback I've seen of folks who have done it have been almost all very good. Yesterday I did deadlifts, and I did 5 sets of 5. Today I'm pretty sore... like..... really sore in my core. I would say do it as prescribed. Oh, and according to the…
  • Because I'm a fat guy who remembers being in shape and wants to get back there.
  • -That there is almost never a free squat rack. I've started going at 5:30 am just so I don't have to stand in line to do squats. -old man balls. I know it's a locker room and your gonna get naked, but do you really need to have long conversations with your foot up on the bench I'm trying to sit on that way?? -all the…
  • "This is easy, your muscles dont control you, you control them!" "Don't be such a p#!sy!
  • So are you seeing progress with your lifting? I just started the 5x5 last week and am still trying to figure out which weights I should use.
  • I'm Ryan. I'm 38 and recently moved to Minnesota. I used to be pretty active, but over the last few years have slowed down for career and family reasons. I'm here because I just started the 5x5 program and am starting to learn about strength training as a means to lose so E weight and get in better shape.
  • Get over there! You'd be surprised at how many of those buff people started out in the same place you are!
  • I really like them for breakfast. I wake pretty early and tend to skip eating often. Shakes are a fast, easy way to relieve this.
  • Wow, thanks for all the feedback folks! You're all pushing me that much closer to getting one of these things!
  • 38 here and just getting started