Elyseinchi Member


  • @uyister THANK YOU for sending this pouch reset!
  • Thank you for posting these! I totally forgot about premier protein and espresso shots! That used to be a favorite! I am for sure going to try some of these tasty treats! Thanks!!!
  • You have totally got this!!!
  • Ok! I am in and I SO NEED this! My goal is to keep moving everyday! Making sure I get that 10,000 steps in the form of exercise and .... to stop grazing.... I find myself grazing and it needs to stop ... or the weight creeps back.... so I am back to eating small meals - while sitting down - and going back to the basics! I…
  • Halo Top is my favorite!
  • Sugar is the devil! (at least for me it is!) It makes me crave more... cuts my weight loss... emotionally I feel bad... over all.. YUCK! But I do find that I slide back into the sugar habit .... maybe not often but it happens... so what I do when I am feeling it.... is I pretty much cold turkey it... I eat lots of…
  • I think you look fabulous. Never mind what anyone thinks... even your grandma... she probably did not mean harm..... just lket stuff like that go in one ear and out the other. The most important is that you are feeling better. :)
  • Ok.. so my 2 cents for whatever it is worth. I have been up down and all around my whole life as far as the scale is concerned. I never got rid of my heavy clothes ... why? I don't know.... This last time at losing weight, as the pounds came off and the sizes decreased, I got rid of the clothes... FOR GOOD! Why have…
  • Thank you soooo much for sharing your experience and for sharing your pictures. Your incisions look great... soon this will be a distant memory for you. Keep feeling better every day and keep us all informed as to your progress. You are inspirational @Wonderwomanvik
  • @rachelsb1 I am so sorry about your mom. Just sent you a PM. I also live in the Chicago burbs. I am just over a year out from VSG. I lost my mom in 2011 and I know the pain / emotional eating. I absolutely agree with @Aztec4Life regarding food choices ect. I am not a big drinker --- if I do have a drink I typically stick…
  • How very exciting for you!! Congratulations and good luck!!!
  • Well I get it! I jumped right back in as well, and for the most part I am really careful... I eat before I go out.... I keep water close at hand... but If you are not in the right frame of mind, the food can get you. Plan plan plan. Be ready. You will be fine.
  • You will love it here. These are the best people that offer unbelievable advice and support! Welcome aboard!!! :)
  • Oh please... this is my story too... only I am only down 47 and was sleeved on Jan. 30th (a day early!) :) (FRUSTRATION!) Still I will say this.... everyday is a new day and while the weight is not falling off, I am beginning to see dramatic changes in my energy level and my ability to move freely and my clothing sizes…
  • I would try going back to the basics.... shakes and water... diligent about your eating.... Still you are losing... look how much you have lost already... I would listen to the others and try different sites / different foods and go back to the basics. Good luck.
  • Welcome!!! I also sent a friend request! :)
  • Yesterday I went through my closet and donated (literally) 12 bags of clothes. Work clothes, play clothes, anything that was too big. It felt so good to get it all out of my closet! I even got rid of hangars that had a 1x, 2x, or 16/18 sizing in them. No room for that anymore. I did keep dresses that fit me today that I…
  • Wow! That is very inspiring! Good for you!!! :)
  • Wow! Fabulous!!! You all are so inspiring!!!
  • You are NOT ALONE! And you CAN do this! Go back to the basics! I struggle every day and I am only 3 months out. And I know it is all about my emotions and past habits and it scares me to no end... but I keep on keeping on and that is what you need to do. I do not see you as failing... I see you as WINNING because you are…
  • I am with you regarding feeling grateful to have the taste of something awesome - yet feeling like I wish I could eat more of it. That is training your mind. I told my husband that I have really felt as if I am not satisfied lately... I will eat and yet because I am at my limit, I just wish I could have more... and he…
  • WOO HOO! That is AWESOME @StevenGarrigus !!!
  • I'm going to try that.... Sleeping in my clothes! :)
  • Happy One Year!!!! I loved your post! It's real and offers great insight and advice... all in one! You inspire me on MFP because you are real about yourself - life - dos and don'ts, etc. You have much to celebrate! I don't know about you, but 1 year is a huge milestone because at least for me, it will be the longest I was…
  • @jcavanna2 and @Lisidy I NEED to be more regular in getting my exercise in. :(
  • I am super excited for you Nicole and cannot wait to see your pictures!
  • I'm curios to know how your friend's thigh lift went. I know I will need work done... I fear the worst for me will be my legs... I am already stunned by what I did not my body letting my weight be out of control for so long..... Any information on the legs is appreciated. :)
  • That's what I am going to try!