badnoodle Member


  • badnoodle Weigh in Day: Sunday PW: 188.4 CW: 190.1 Shark week.
  • badnoodle Sunday PW: 188.4 CW: 188.4 I think I might have misread the scale in the dark last week, because I've been absolutely on track this week. Might be salt, though, I've had a hard time staying away from that. I don't know how people with higher calorie goals than mine manage to handle sodium restrictions. Got my…
  • Oh that's a great NSV, @laurelfit57. Nobody should have to endure too-tight pants! I managed to overcome a mild dinner emergency: the planned roasted pork loin had to be nixed because the pork was still frozen solid. But instead of junk, air fryer brussels sprouts and a chicken sausage got me through 00s Emo Playlist night…
  • badnoodle weigh in day: Sunday PW: 188.6 CW: 188.4 So a mixed bag of a week. I'm happy to report no binges (yay!), but I wound up eating out a lot more than I wanted to and ate a lot more than I wanted to. And then there was an overnight trip up to Pittsburgh for my partner's birthday (yesterday) and mine (today), which…
  • Username: badnoodle Weigh in: Sunday PW: 192 CW 188.2 -3.8 I'm badnoodle, and I live in West Virginia with a couple of cats and an ever growing mountain of unfinished craft projects. The first three weeks of October were pretty rough for me in terms of diet, but I'd like to think I finished strong with one whole week…
  • Two good days for me - the meal planning seems to be doing its job. I accidentally went to the yoga studio three days in a row, and my quads were like "lol, no" when I rolled out of bed this morning. They definitely did not like spending so much time in Chair Pose. We're having a little spot of warm weather, and the fall…
  • badnoodle Sunday weigh in PW 192 CW 192 I have been struggling really, really badly the past couple of weeks with a strong resurgence of B.E.D. symptoms, which (at least for me) are highly exacerbated by calorie counting. So despite an embarrassing amount of bingeing, I'm happy that I haven't gone backwards week-over-week.…
  • badnoodle Weigh-In: Sunday PW 187.1 CW 192 Not a great record, but that is the effect of Mexican food and hot wings on the same day. Bloat city, but it'll be gone in a few days.
  • badnoodle Sunday weigh in: Previous: 189.2 Current: 187.0 Still fighting this blasted cold, I think I'm going to have to go to the doctor this week, because two weeks is just ridiculous. Busy weekend: made it to the Saturday morning yoga class and actually did some halfway-decent chaturangas for once. I've always had…
  • @DrewsAnna I love the idea of pink birthday hair! I make pretty much the same dish you do, but I call it "Egg Roll in a Bowl" and serve it over shirataki noodles. Actually, that's on the menu for dinner, since there's a cabbage in this week's farm box. @micaroo4, @bethanie0825 @AmbersWay those are some nice steps on your…
  • badnoodle Sunday weigh in PW: 192 CW 189.2 Today I actually had the confidence to post a selfie showing my actual face to strangers on the internet. I have never, ever been brave enough to do that before.
  • I'm badnoodle, and I live in West Virginia with two cats, and a large tank of vociferous firebelly toads. I have lost 80lbs this year after being diagnosed with T2 diabetes, starting Ozempic. and moving to a lower carb diet. But I really struggled in September with staying on-plan, and community accountability is really…
  • Hello, everyone! Since both @trooworld and @Katmary71 asked, I'm the bad noodle because my head has never been screwed on quite right. As a result, I've been professionally weird for the last twenty years. I've lost about 80lbs after a diagnosis with T2 diabetes and getting on a solid medication regimen, but I liked that…
  • I've been keeping my spent injectors, and I realized that today marked six months of Oz. And I absolutely believe it has been a wonder drug for me In six months, I've:* lost 80 lbs * dropped my body fat percentage from 58% to 35% * brought my A1C into the normal range * started seeing a reduction in dark skin folds…
  • SW: 271.4 CW: 203 GW: 150ish A frustrating week of absolutely no progress, even though I was quite active and stayed under goal every day. Either I'm sleep eating or those measly chicken tenders were made of solid butter or something. The new insurance plan kicked in, and my meds went up from $24 to $180 for a one-month…
  • Hey everyone, I've been AWOL the past few weeks traveling and then catching up from spending 28 days away from home, but I've been reading everyone's posts. Y'all are awesome. :smile: I'm badnoodle from West Virginia. T2 diabetic, low carber, occasional kayaker. SW: 271.4 CW: 203 GW: 150ish While traveling, I did OK. The…
  • SW: 271 CW: 207.8 (-1.7) Goal: 150-ish. Thread is quiet this month - guess everyone is out enjoying the weather instead of keyboarding it, lol. Pretty good week for me. I was pretty sedentary the first half of the week trying to get work projects done that were occupying so much of my time. But I got to go out for a long…
  • Ahoy-hoy, everyone. I've been around MFP for awhile, lost a person's worth of weight, then gained it back in The Year That Must Not Be Named. I got a nasty health wake-up call in February and have been aggressively back on the weight loss/health improvement train, and I'm about halfway to my goal weight. I'm a lower-carb,…
  • SW: 271 CW: 209.5 (-1.5) Goal: 150-ish. It was a wonderful weekend for me. On Friday, I took advantage of a discount to try hot yoga for the first time. I'm in a college town, so I was *by far* the oldest and largest person in that room. And I was very, very confused by all the new terms. But the instructor was really good…
  • June! Halfway through the year already. SW: 271 CW: 211 Goal: 150-ish. I was traveling the last week, so I have no idea where I actually ended May. But I tried really hard to log everything and stick to reasonable portions of foods that I adore and really struggle with portion control on. And it was really hard to get the…
  • SW: 271.4 CW: 220.4 (-8.6 for May) GW: 150ish Goals: get 7,000 steps a day: 13/24, 👎 get all 25 g of fiber a day: 19/23 👍 stretch goal: get 9000 steps a day: 7/24 stretch goal: get 85g of protein a day: 13/23. 👍 This week has been really great for me. On the scale victory front, I finally cracked the big 5-0 of fifty…
  • Which meter you need will depend an awful lot on how frequently you're supposed to test. If you're only doing it a couple times a week, or you aren't actively recording your measurements, you can get away with a cheap but awkward shape, or one that doesn't have the cheapest strips (since you won't use that many. BTW, you…
  • I finally, finally got to take out the kayak for a nice 4 mile run last week. I live near a lock-controlled river, so there's very little current. You work going up and you work coming back. But it did precipitate a bit of a disaster: I store the kayak on an overhead lift system in the garage, and I didn't quite get it…
  • It is high spring here, and when it's sunny outside it is absolutely gorgeous. I just have been finishing up big end of the year work projects and haven't been able to move around as much as I would like. But on a NSV, I can finally wear a ring of my great-grandmother's that I never could before. And more importantly, my…
  • It's unfortunate that so many places have really terrible children's meals. Like hot dogs and chicken nuggets instead of a much smaller portion of pulled pork or pad thai or lasagna or whatever the adult menu looks like. I know you can always just eat half of an order, but it's food and money waste if you can't keep/use…
  • Oh thank lord almighty and all his fuzzy socks, the spring semester finished without too much disaster and fanfare. All that's left is three committee meetings and some faculty development. And my summer course didn't have enough enrollment, so I don't have that this summer. It was rainy and cold all week, so I was kind of…
  • I felt bad about not wrapping up in last month's thread. I finished April with an 11lb loss. And on Saturday, I went though my entire closet and tried on everything. I also pulled a couple of boxes of too-small clothes out of storage, only to discover that they were already too big! So a huge load of stuff went to donation…
  • Morning everyone! It is an absolutely glorious spring day today, and I am totally going out to the arboretum this afternoon for a good walk in the sunshine and 70° temperatures. A big psychological bump for me this morning: 40lbs gone from my start point, and 50lbs from my absolute worst point. It would be nice if that…
  • So last week was not very good in terms of diet compliance, mostly because I would literally have an easier time saying "no" to heroin than to a plate of Tex-Mex. That orange grease just speaks to my soul. But we're into the last week of April, so let's finish strong. SW: 271.4 CW: 233.4 (-0.8) GW: 150ish Goals: get 7,000…
  • A good week. Lots of rehearsal for the community theater production of Imaginary Invalid, which has kept me from doing much walking or other evening exercise. On the upside, I have managed to avoid all the chips and other carb-y junk food we seem to keep backstage. I keep waiting for the right alchemy of weather and lack…