Jleigh225 Member


  • I’m 5’3 and just under 200 lbs and eating 1710 calories a day. I selected MFPs .5 lb a week. That should be quite moderate for me and I’m not currently working out except for walking.
  • 1-2 lbs of weight lost a week won’t cause hair loss BUT you have to find that deficit for you. MFP gives estimates but it’s not perfect so 1500 could be way faster than you need. Any faster than 1-2 lbs a week and you’re likely to have a body freak out. I’ve done the science on it. :/
  • I will jog 15 seconds and walk 2 minutes and repeat for 10 minutes. I did this for a few days a week and got shin splint pain quickly after the few days. :(
  • The answer is always what is more sustainable in the long term. In this case, I would say the 1600 calories.
  • If you have no issues related to diabetes, insulin resistance like pcos, carbs are just like any nutrient and just need to fit them in your calories. I have genetic issues with insulin sensitivity so eating less carbs for me is key for dealing with cravings and keeping my insulin in check. If I had no issues, I'd eat carbs…
  • I always feel like people don't explore your whys enough. Why do you feel like you can't do it in the end? What makes it so hard? For me, I begin to really see progress in myself with issues around food when I finally admitted that I'm not good at certain things when it comes to eating. I'm not good at being patient, I'm…
  • What's causing your binges? When are they happening? Are they happening after a stressful day? After a bad day on the scale? When you're just really hungry? I think it depends what's causing your binges. I think its important to get binging under control before continuing on with trying to lose weight in a sense of…
  • I guess it's just a get used to it issue. I drink 96 oz of water daily, always sure to get 3 full camelbak water bottles in a day. I recently cut my calories from about 1700-1800 to 1400-1500 and the hunger felt like a punch in my stomach. I eat lower carb, higher fat and protein and lots of fiber with lower sugar fruits…
  • Addiction is a strong word but there is certainly an association. Your brain's top priority is protecting you from stress so when you take part in an action (like overeating tasty food) to create nueron pathways that cause you to have lower stress levels your brain will in a sense guide you toward that behavior when you…
  • I gotta tell you that body shaming yourself and body shaming in general is counterproductive to your cause. If you're unhappy with where you are that's fine but you need to be able love yourself anyway and care about yourself. No calling yourself a greedy pig. You're a person and food tastes good so anyone could be where…
  • I would like to join!
  • There are not any no carb foods for vegetarians. Lower carb can be done though! Tofu, seitan, hemp and pea protein poweder, cheese, eggs, nuts, chickpeas, lentils, all the beans, fruits, and vegetables are all high in fiber and protein. If you eat those foods for the most part and keep your grain intake low you should…
  • Like others have said chicken breast, cod, shrimp, tilapia, egg whites, lentils, fat free or low fat greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, broccoli, and spinach are all great food options for your week of tightening up after a rough weekend. We've all been there..
  • You can lose with strict control on your calories without being low carb with PCOS. However, my theory with PCOS is that our appetite signals get a little out of whack with some insulin resistance and hormone issues so if eating lower carb helps you stick to lower calories due to the appetite suppression it often brings I…
  • I guess if you dont care about the enviroment or the food supply or the purpose of taxing junk food in the first place, then sure it could go back to the tax payers instead!
  • I think its a combination and normally any change requires a combo. I was in psychotherapy for 5 years where I talked tirelessly about the why and source of my issues. A lot of my challenges improved because I was aware of what the problem was and what projection and transferrance look like. However, its very often that…
  • Nah I'd prefer the government stop subsidizing corn, wheat, and sugar and those savings should go to tax cuts for local small farmers.
  • Make sure you don't have a thyroid issue and then if you dont, eat pasta. Protein helps to decrease appetite so I would not recommend it to someone trying to gain weight. Enjoy carbs and fat, they're calorie dense and easy to consume a lot of calories in one sitting.
  • I know a lot of people will tell you low carb for this but I would work with what works best for you. I have mild insulin resistance and i feel best eating a lot of fiber and carbs dont bother me. I feel tired and terrible eating a high protein, low carb diet so it just depends on the person. Try out a couple of styles of…
  • All these recipes look great! I find a chunky meat sauce to be the best on spaghetti squash. It's very watery, as it is a vegetable, so my tip I've found is the under cook it just slightly. Keep an eye on it around the 30 min mark in the oven and take it out when you can just flake it up with a fork. It should not be mushy…
  • I have been fitted for running shoes at a running store and they are wonderful. I appreciate everyones advice! I have started running very slowly even more slowly than the C25K. It's helped a ton! I've been running 1 minute, super slow, and then walking every 3 minutes for over 30 minutes and no shin splints yet at all! I…
  • I've really enjoyed everyone's responses! So intuitive eating works very well for me, but I've learned where it doesn't work well this past weekend. I think calorie counting may be important for social events that involve food. It's hard to properly eat intuitively at weddings or social gatherings with potluck style open…
  • I would get your vitamin levels checked to make sure you're not missing anything in your diet. Make sure you are eating enough fat. Protein is great but if you don't eat any fat and all protein, yes you will be hungry. Fat gets a bad rap but in moderation all macros are good. Of course, be sure you are drinking enough…
  • I've done this and unfortunately you will gain a few scale lbs after eating carbs again. Don't be alarmed, it is just water weight. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in your liver and in your muscles and to make sugar into glycogen your cells need water. Hence why you store water when you go from low carb to eating…
  • Exercise is for health and fitness. Your weight loss will be in the kitchen. If you are becoming frustrated with the lack of weight loss make eating at a deficit easier and just track really accurately. I guarantee you'll see a loss if you do that. Exercise causes my weight on the scale to increase even eating at a deficit…
  • You look fantastic!! Congrats! Would you eat 1700 calories and still eat your exercise calories or just 1700-2000 calories flat?
  • I know others have already said it 1500 for a man is starvation. Scientists in Minnesota did a starvation experiment for men to see how it effected them and guess how low the calories were? 1570. You will not get used to 1500 calories, you will probably binge because your body will make you. Slow and steady wins the weight…
  • Most people on MFP recommend eating back half of your exercise calories instead of all because MFP severly over estimates. Understand that exercise is good but it's really for fitness. The bulk of your weight loss will be in what you're eating so modify your exercise so that you can be the most successful with tracking, if…
  • Eating ice cream is awesome and fun and stress relieving, so it makes sense that you want to do that when you get home. As a recovering binge eater myself, I've learned the idea of not being overweight has to be more enjoyable than the ice cream. Ultimately you're making a choice between getting to indulge in ice cream…