You will see change
You can think whatever you want .. you eat whatever you think is fit its more easier for someone to be on a healthy diet to lose weight then someone who doesnt iv done it ... it works for me so i dont really care what you do if i am happy with my weight and my body i really dont care how you lost your weight.. if i eat…
If you lift massive amount of weight it does
Are you trying to be a body builder... are you saying that a mans metabilism and a womens is the same men lose weight easier then women ... if you dont lose weight first and just skip that part...your fat will become muscle
Yeah right!!!! Try telling an Italien to stop eating spaghetti i think your grandparents would beat you and force feed you spaghetti if you speak foul language again
No its not junk food but high in sugar men who do body work need to eat this women who are trying to lose weight should avoid
Depends not all have the same metabilism if your goal is to just lose weight then eat whatever suits you fit if you believe you can lose weight just by eating junk food... bread spaghetti exc... i dont think you will some people just eat whatever and they are still skinny... but are they healthy... who knows in order to…
You can believe whatever you want poor man lost 8 pounds probably from running to the bathroom so many times you cant get a shaped body like that from eating mcda that man must have worked at 24 hours a day just to look like that
When i eat i dont intend to be hungry after an hour later when you eat mcds you do its not a fulfilling meal
McDonald's isn't food i it's poison
Eating whole eggs can have all sorts of benefits, including helping you lose weight. Studies show that replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs can help you eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours, and lose more weight and more body fat (4, 5). If you can’t eat eggs for some reason, then that’s fine. Any source of…
Maybe^ Francl27's just wants to believe in her own way to diet so she wont cut back on all the junk she swallows down her throat just so she won't leave her comfty zone thinking she will lose weight thats fine...
Thank you for this!!! Its what i am trying to prove!!!
You can use olive oil or coconut oil vegetable oil has a substance called omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are harmful in excess.
You eat the same as before than you use to but in smaller portions?? That is exactly what i am saying i am actually eating more than i use to like before i would eat once a day and eat as well chips choc... exc now i eat breakfast lunch and sometimes dinner i eat snack i eat many times a day small portions not only…
Dont believe everything you read ...!!! And losing weight from only eating twinkies maybe you will acomplish this goal but what are the consequences after... again losing weight fast is not the solution or the healthy way in that matter
Of course you can eat what you like.... there are healthy home made cookies you can make with beanut butter but i belive you need to find the space to provide with both healthy and your fav recipes you can make your recipes look more healthy like not using cooking oil and just prepair your food on a grill im not gonna stop…
Not everyone can eat twinkies and lose weight just because your professor did this is poor diet
Omg avocados thats the first thing that popped in your head i mean ok eat healthy but i cant eat the things I dont like eating
Well i dont know about that but my eating diary or whatever is saying i am not eating enough!!! So what am i suppose to do eat even though im not hungry just to complete my schedule this is exhausting
Cheat day can be pizza for me
Yes im more concern in losing fat and having abs in order to do this... how many times working out is required
Maybe for some people...but for me changing my eating habbits is more affective from my point of view of course everyone has a diff opinion im sick of excercizing and seeing no results or little... so i decided let me try a different routine and this has been working for me i only work out twice or 3 Times a week because i…
I love spinach but because i dont really like meat i use it with shrimp its called spanakorizo me garides meaning spinach rice with shrimp taste sooo good Put your spinach in a pot add some blk oil then onion and tomatoe cook your rice and shrimp and conbine all in spinach you can add any seasoning you like
Its hard to maintain not impossible just hard..m its like eating less makes your stomach smaller then you just start eating less.... but the thing is.... is our goal to eat less or to eat healthier ..... eating less is not the solution for dieting im sorry but im against it i believe eating small portions many times a day…
Beer is good for you anyways
But if you chose A you can eat as many times a day you want fitted to your calory scedhual if i eat 3x a day in my option B i dont think you have a high chance of losing weight easy
Most people do that after they achieve their goal they just go back to their old eating habbits then after a while just put back whatever it is you lost its nice to eat whatever you want once in a while so you wont break down
Well most people who want to lose weight just stop eating or start eating less but the thing is once you start eating into your normal everyday routin you gain everything back And diatrofi what we call it in greek sorry but i dont know how to say it... but you eat more healthy... than before cut down on the fried stuff and…
I dont think eating the same food everyday is good i cant do it everyone enjoys a hamburger and fries once in a while and for those who are sweet toothes and i definitely am which im trying to avoid... eating right now because i wont accomplish my goal... but i guess everyone has a different opinion relating to eating…