Thanks kimny for your op. What do you think though if I added some fennel seeds to the green mix, do you think it would lessen the gas if not totally counteract it, since the Indians are known to chew on them after meals for antiflatulent properties, among other health benefits.
Nkkxjohnson: thank you but I'm from Singapore and we don't have Trader Joe's. By the way, would Superfood powders be a close equivalent to protein powders?
Cjdecz: thank you!! now I'm thinking how can I buy /try a small tub of any generic protein powder but I haven't seen them in small enough tub sizes for a newbie like me!
That's really helpful to know! Thanks!
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you, AJ, I have a pretty healthy weight for my size, height, at 48 kg. I've recently revamped my diet by adding smoothies, legumes, fish, chicken, eggs, matcha tea , milk from non gmo cows etc. This after a recent first stage breast op! Using the app here, it states that my goal for cholesterol should be below 300…