

  • Strength training is great for losing weight (increases your metabolism and conditions the muscles) but generally doesn't burn that many calories unless done without breaks. I don't know much about the Gazelle but I would assume it would be considered similar to an elliptical.
  • I would suggest the 20minutes everyday. This will help form the habit. Plus, if something was to come up you can double it up the next day. Hope this helps!
  • I prefer the class setting because you get to know people and that creates accountablility. Plus you want everyone to see your hot moves! ;-)
  • Def get new shoes. To run you need running shoes. Plus they say that shoes are only good for so many miles, so I'm sure your 3 year old shoes are def past that. :-) If you get tired of running you could also try renting a zumba dvd or something like that. For cardio, it doesn't matter how you get your heart rate up and…
  • If I were you I would switch from counting calories to watching portions and food groups. This will be a lot easier without internet. If you go to you can find out exactly the amount of portions of each food group you should be eating. Good luck and have a blast!
    in My dilema... Comment by salcala May 2012
  • You need to do cardio in order to efficiently burn fat. I would try and find some cardio that you like. You don't have to be stuck on a treadmill. Try a Zumba class or some of those wii of kinnect games, rollerblading, jumping rope, trampoline.....the sky is the limit!
  • 2009 when I got married. When was the last time you felt guilty for skipping the gym?
  • Well you should be eating throughout the day but it should be good foods. Pack some snacks; granola bars, fruit, something to that effect. If after a snack you still want to snack, I would pop in a piece of sugar free gum!
  • Honestly, it depends on what your diet is. If you diet is watching your calories and hitting all of your food groups then you should always be on it. When it comes to calories, once you hit a particular weight you will just go into maintenance. What kind of diet are you on?
  • I have been watching what I eat based on my food pyramid and watching my calories and I lost 6 pounds in a week and a half. It's a great resource. I was eating too much meat and not near enough fruit.
  • I would not count it. MFP determines how many calories you should eat based on the amount of calories your body burns naturally. We can count cardio because our heart is raised higher than usual. If your heart rate is raised during your stretching than count it.
  • If you doctor has you on this for an extended period of time I would get a new doctor. There are alternatives for wheat and meat to get your nutriants but you need dairy. It's on the food pyramid, the government doesn't put that out just for fun.
  • I used to say the same thing, "My bones and guts weigh more than they want me to", but I have seen my sister, same body build, reach her BMI goal. I do agree that it's not the best tool but it's something to work for. I not easy but if it were easy everyone would be skinny.
  • The amount of fruit you need depends on your daily calorie intake. Fruit does have a lot of sugar but it's still important to get in the right amount. It has it's own category on the food pyramid, meaning there is not substitue for fruit. I usually stay around 1200 calories and, the website with the food…
  • By how much are you going over? Those numbers are just guidlines. If you are going over by a lot you might want to cut some protien out of your diet.
  • Ok.....So I know I'm starting late but I really want in on this. I am currently 158. I am going to make my June goal 2 pounds, since I have a week and a half. So I need encouragement! Thanks.
  • What is C25K? Awesome workout! You have great will power
  • First of all, it's only important how you look at yourself. People can sense a person's confidence. Women who are confident radiate a sexy vibe. Feel good about yourself and others will follow. Secondly, about your clothes, remember when shopping that certain styles of clothes are made for certain body styles. I have a…