Meh.. I dont wanna exercise

Ugh I HATE Exercising (unless its weight lifting). Cardio Sucks Big Time. I just dont want to. But I should. Meh!!!! What do you do when youd rather slide down a banister of razorblades and fall into a pool of lemon juice, then exercise? Please help meeee ill Give you a quarter. Thats free monies :D A WHOLE QUARTER! For some help. So do it!


  • cookieluvsya
    cookieluvsya Posts: 136 Member
    I honestly cant give you a better answer than to just get ur *kitten* up and DO IT! Sometimes it will be 10pm and I would be super pissed off, and tired to workout, but in the end I feel better.. I am sure you have heard that before but its true.. I kinda think about how I used to look and get into the mode where I WANT TO LOOK LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!!! and just dont even think about it.. just get my *kitten* up and go though the motions... I know I hate working out too most of the time..
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    You'll never be sorry that you have exercised.

    Move and your heart will follow. (She says while sitting at a computer keyboard.....)

    That will be $0.25, plz.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    I honestly cant give you a better answer than to just get ur *kitten* up and DO IT! Sometimes it will be 10pm and I would be super pissed off, and tired to workout, but in the end I feel better.. I am sure you have heard that before but its true.. I kinda think about how I used to look and get into the mode where I WANT TO LOOK LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!!! and just dont even think about it.. just get my *kitten* up and go though the motions... I know I hate working out too most of the time..

    Simple if you dont want do dedicated cardio then dont. Lift weights 3 times a week, and monitor your calories. Only reason i do cardio is so i can eat more. You do not need to do cardio if you dont like it.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Weight lifting is good. I see no problem.
  • I committee to 20 minutes. If I make it to 20 minutes I met my goal. If I have it in me to do more, I do more and then feel awesome about myself. Honestly, I almost always go past 20 because once I'm doing it I may as well keep going.

    The other thing I would say is, find something you do like. Do you like to dance? Then go to the club twice a week and dance like crazy. Do you like to go hiking in the mountains, then go do that on the weekends. Do you like to hang out with friends; join a soccer team. Start riding you bike places instead of driving. Then it's not "cardio" it actually has a purpose.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I honestly cant give you a better answer than to just get ur *kitten* up and DO IT! Sometimes it will be 10pm and I would be super pissed off, and tired to workout, but in the end I feel better.. I am sure you have heard that before but its true.. I kinda think about how I used to look and get into the mode where I WANT TO LOOK LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!!! and just dont even think about it.. just get my *kitten* up and go though the motions... I know I hate working out too most of the time..

    Simple if you dont want do dedicated cardio then dont. Lift weights 3 times a week, and monitor your calories. Only reason i do cardio is so i can eat more. You do not need to do cardio if you dont like it.

    Hmmm, see, is this true - isn't it good for your heart etc etc? I lift 3x per week and would love to drop the cardio.
  • bringit30
    bringit30 Posts: 103 Member
    I have those days too. But, I always feel better AFTER I do it. I was losing weight by just changing my eating pattern, but those days are gone. Now, I HAVE to exercise to lose ANYTHING. The pure frustration makes me get my *kitten* in gear to go work out. By work out, it usually just means my elliptical after my little people are in bed. I don't run marathons or anything. Good luck!
  • salcala
    salcala Posts: 19
    You need to do cardio in order to efficiently burn fat. I would try and find some cardio that you like. You don't have to be stuck on a treadmill. Try a Zumba class or some of those wii of kinnect games, rollerblading, jumping rope, trampoline.....the sky is the limit!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    There are plenty of times I don't want to workout - and I do mainly running and walking cardio. I just remember how good it feels to be done and just do it.

    I will actually tell myself to quit being such a wuss and just get off my @ss and go workout. I know I'm stronger than that inner voice trying to get me to be lazy, so that little voice can stuff it.
  • steffo365
    steffo365 Posts: 183 Member
    You should try Zumba! It's actually very fun and burns a lot of calories. I just went to my first class last Wednesday and can't wait to go again. Definitely consider it if you love dancing (like me, he he).:bigsmile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't like shaving my legs or flossing my teeth, either, but I like the results of when I do and hate the results when I don't.

    Same goes for exercise.
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    Ever seen that poster that say "You'll regret eating that cookie but you'll never regret working out"? I have that posted on my bathroom mirror. I'm not a very athletic person so I generally don't enjoy working out so I have to force myself to go...but I ALWAYS feel better afterwards. Try changing it up - now that weather is getting nicer, head outdoors for walks/runs or hit some trails on weekends. Take a friend - that helps me ALOT!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I honestly cant give you a better answer than to just get ur *kitten* up and DO IT! Sometimes it will be 10pm and I would be super pissed off, and tired to workout, but in the end I feel better.. I am sure you have heard that before but its true.. I kinda think about how I used to look and get into the mode where I WANT TO LOOK LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!!! and just dont even think about it.. just get my *kitten* up and go though the motions... I know I hate working out too most of the time..

    Simple if you dont want do dedicated cardio then dont. Lift weights 3 times a week, and monitor your calories. Only reason i do cardio is so i can eat more. You do not need to do cardio if you dont like it.

    Hmmm, see, is this true - isn't it good for your heart etc etc? I lift 3x per week and would love to drop the cardio.

    You are correct, cardio does have benefits, but not necessary for weight loss.
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    I NEVER Excersise!!!!! I hate it for one and two between a bad back and bad knees from too many sport injuries it's just too much on instead 3 times a week or so since I have the time (im a SAHM) I get lunch at the subway in my mall and walk around for 2 hrs window shopping to burn a few calories....thats it...ive lost over 100 lbs doing this so I see no need for more=)
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056

    "You are correct, cardio does have benefits, but not necessary for weight loss."

    Well that is depressing.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Weight lifting is still exercise! :happy:

    Honestly, if you don't like cardio, don't do it. As long as your physical fitness is ok I wouldn't worry.

    I do zero actual cardio. I walk into town and back for uni/gym/shopping (20 minutes each way, and uphill back) and as I don't drive I walk basically everywhere, so I'm not unfit. All cardio will do for me is increase fitness more, and give me more food. Since I don't "need" to increase my fitness further, and I'm happy with my calories at the moment, it's not necessary.

    Also, heavy compound lifts get me sweating almost as much as any cardio does, and I'm happier while I'm doing it! :drinker:
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    I honestly cant give you a better answer than to just get ur *kitten* up and DO IT! Sometimes it will be 10pm and I would be super pissed off, and tired to workout, but in the end I feel better.. I am sure you have heard that before but its true.. I kinda think about how I used to look and get into the mode where I WANT TO LOOK LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!!! and just dont even think about it.. just get my *kitten* up and go though the motions... I know I hate working out too most of the time..

    Simple if you dont want do dedicated cardio then dont. Lift weights 3 times a week, and monitor your calories. Only reason i do cardio is so i can eat more. You do not need to do cardio if you dont like it.

    Hmmm, see, is this true - isn't it good for your heart etc etc? I lift 3x per week and would love to drop the cardio.

    You are correct, cardio does have benefits, but not necessary for weight loss.

    I dont under stand this good for the heart business either. I mean im giving my heart quite a workout with my lifting. Your blood pressure goes way up under stress so your heart has to get stronger. If you have no endurance goals, cardio isnt neccessary for fat loss.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member

    "You are correct, cardio does have benefits, but not necessary for weight loss."

    Well that is depressing.

    As long as you have a caloric deficit you will lose weight. You can achieve this deficit from diet alone or from diet and exercise, if your deficit is the same you should lose the same amount of weight, but will be healthier doing it.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    My advice would be JUST DO IT! Even if you don't love cardio start doing it. You will feel better after that and it can tend to be addictive. Also, i have a hard time thinking anyone hates cardio THAT much. it seems like maybe you haven't tried everything? Cuz i seriously do believe there is something for everyone no matter what. Try some pole classes, swimming, running, elliptical, zumba, jumping rope, dancing, etc. There has got to be something out there somewhere that you can enjoy. Now, do you need the address of where to send my quarter? :)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    So, lift weights. That burns a ton of calories too.