Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Sian : WTG on the loss!!! You are doing great!!! Can't wait to see whan you post before and after pics!! :happy:
    Heather: Great job with the bike riding!!! I miss bike riding, hopefully doon I'll get a bike...:smile:
    Kelly: You are too sweet! *muah* Rememeber, a lloss is a loss is a loss! You already know what to do and I'm proud that you've come this far!!! WTG!!! :drinker: Loved the pics!!!! YOu can see a difference for sure!!
    Terri: Thanks for always being positive!! You help me on days I feel like slowing down. :flowerforyou:

    Hopefully I'll get some pic's of me up, I'm gonna delete all pics and upload them in order, starting with my senior year pic, then slowly coming up to my wedding pic from 08( I think was between 230-240 then ) and hopefully more recent pic of me with hiding my chubby face (trick of light and hair placement..) XoxoxoX Bru

    Edited: I added pics.. the first in my photo album on this site is my Senior pic (black shirt and hair '03), then after I moved in w/ Nick ('06), My wedding ('08) My dreaded Drivers License Pic (also '08, right after the wedding in Dec, I think) Christmas pic ('09) Then me at my cousins graduation in May ('10)
    Looking through all of my saved pics, these are the only 'true' pictures of me, although I have a ton, I always use my long hair to hide my cheeks and chin, or lighting and anglesof my camera phone.
    I took off all of my pics on here because they weren't true pics, for example:
    May (early, like the 10th or so) 2010
    and the actual no lighting, etc tricks me May 22nd, 2010
    I did this for years, constantly using light and angles to make myself look better on myspace and facebook, but when I look in the mirror, I'd be upset because I really didn't look like the other photos. So I decided to join here in April, and in May I did the camera trick again (with the above pic) and I told myself, no more. Only 'normal' pictures.. Sorry for rambling, lol..
  • Izzys_mom
    Izzys_mom Posts: 64 Member
    I'd like to join this too. I only started on MFP last week and have already lost 2.5 lbs!!!!!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Congrats to u all for doing amazing job. I weighed in today at 229lbs. That was 2lbs loss. Good evening every one and good luck

    06-01-10 236lbs
    06-07-10 233lbs
    06-21-10 231lbs
    06-07-10 229lbs

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have returned, and boy oh boy have I missed you! Just checking in to say hello. Today is my first day back, I have been MIA for all of June, so I don't think I will lose the 5 lbs but I am starting up again with eating healthy and once I get the green light from my Dr I will start to exercise again. I'm starting to feel normal again so I can't wait to start losing!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well the scale better like me after today's workout! I started out this morning doing my belly dancing, then I took 2 walks on my breaks @ work today. Then when I got home I, once again, did C25K Day1/Week 1. I am going to do the entire week this time! After I had dinner, then I went out for a quick bike ride (storm was coming AGAIN). I'm also up to about 25 8oz of my H2O for the day. I may have one or two more before I turn in for the night. But all in all I call today a success! Now I get to do it all again tomorrow! However tomorrow I will do my Jillian Shred on my rest day from C25K.

    Here's to all of us having a GREAT week! :drinker:

  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    i can do this. I was 180 begining of june. I actually already lost 5 lbs this month.

    So starting weight is 180 for june first. my gaol weight is 135 for right now but its healthier for my height to be less.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have returned, and boy oh boy have I missed you! Just checking in to say hello. Today is my first day back, I have been MIA for all of June, so I don't think I will lose the 5 lbs but I am starting up again with eating healthy and once I get the green light from my Dr I will start to exercise again. I'm starting to feel normal again so I can't wait to start losing!

    Great to see you again! You are looking awesome! It must feel great to be so close to your goal! Welcome back!
  • I'm up for this challenge! I had a goal for one pound a week, so this is close!
    Weigh in for me: June 21st: 187 lbs---goal for July 21st: 182 lbs. :bigsmile:
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    I'm in! My starting weight on 6/20/2010 was 199 lbs my goal weight to get to is 145 lbs.
  • Mad I missed this! I'll have to do the july one.
  • count me in ladies.
    starting weight 133.
    we can do this! :o))))
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALS:
    I'M LEAVING ON A JET PLANE TONIGHT! Yes I am excited to come to America! CAN YOU TELL?:tongue:

    Welcome back Jenn We missed you and hope you are feeling better and healthy.:heart:

    Took my new profile pic on my cruise. the flowers were beautiful!:flowerforyou:

    Next time I check in I'll be on your side of the world. SEE YOU ALL soon . Phyljen:wink::smile: :laugh:
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Hey June Challengers!

    I was sick for a few days and started eating "normal food" on sunday night. Decided to wait til today to weigh in to let the water weight loss from sickness go away! :)

    Happy to say I'm down 2 lbs! wahoo!

    Officially 126.5.

    1.5 away from June goal!
  • salcala
    salcala Posts: 19
    What is C25K? Awesome workout! You have great will power
  • salcala
    salcala Posts: 19
    Ok.....So I know I'm starting late but I really want in on this. I am currently 158. I am going to make my June goal 2 pounds, since I have a week and a half. So I need encouragement! Thanks.
  • I'm in for this challenge. I'm new to MFP and my ultimate goal is to weigh 135 for good My 30th birthday is coming in august so I would at least like to be 10lbs lighter by then. My current weight is 156lbs. 6/22/10.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    jessicabrowning, chelseap891,joanewright,CudyBug , husker_gal, mrsbmoore517 Welcome to the group!! Good luck on your goals, if you ever need anything, there's always someone close by to help out :happy:

    phyljen enjoy your trip!!!! Be safe! Ps love the pic :flowerforyou:

    kelly you are such an inspirartion to me!! You always push through and do such a wonderful job!!! Keep it up! :drinker:

    rcatr congrats on the loss!! It always puts an extra pep in my step when I see a loss! Keep it up! :drinker:

    salcala: Welcome!! I think you'll fit in the group just fine. C25k is Couch to 5k. It's a plan to prep you to run a 5k or just learn to run without being winded. You can find the plan at coolrunnning.com There is also phone apps for it too if you need it. Just search C25k on your phone. I have a droid and searched it and I found a free app and love it! :smile:

    So many new members!! Welcome to all (sorry if I missed anyone)
    I told my Mom and a couplle of aunts that I'm having a small bbq this Saturday to show off my almost finished kitchen. It's been almost 2yrs since I've had a kitchen (which was when we still lived at a different house..) and the hubby has been taking his sweet *kitten* time :grumble: There's not much left to do, and I wanted to have a huge bbq, but for now, it's just gonna like a female bbq only :smile: Grilling up some boneless skinless chicken filets, and I have some red onion, broccoli, tomatoes, red potatoes, green pepper, cucumber..I'm sure I can figure out something! Hope you all have a fantastic week and I'll see you all around Friday :D
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning everyone! I'm posting from my parents house in OKC. It's going pretty good. I found a new dress and shoes for the wedding. Just have to get my daughter to approve it and we're set! She is getting into town from Phoenix tomorrow. I'm starting to feel some pressure. We have SO much to do before Saturday.
    So far I've done ok as far as eating. I'm really trying to keep my mouth shut about healthy eating because some people seem offended or threatened or maybe just kinda guilty when I talk about it. It's really hard because it's important to me. I think my tongue is hanging by a thread from me having to bite it all the time! LOL!

    Phyljen, so EXCITING to be coming to the US! Have a wonderful time!

    Good luck to everyone! I'll post some pics onto my profile later.
    See ya!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Hello ladies! It is time for me to make a confession.

    I haven't been posting much (though I have been reading) because I am having a REALLY hard time getting back in the game. I went on a junk food binge followed by a week of vacation followed by family visiting, and I have gained a lot through this process. I have felt like such a loser! I didn't want to tell you my weight until I got to a "safe weight" so I have just been staying away. I realize now how ridiculous this sounds.... as if you guys would judge me, as if we all don't have the same goal!

    So here it is. First, I am changing scales. I have been weighing on both for awhile but the convenient one gives a higher weight (about 2 lbs higher) and I started on the less convenient one, so I always post the lower weight! This is the best time to switch scales though since I have gained a lot. I am weighing in at 162. Just a few weeks ago, I was at 154 at an all time low. I feel like I have totally blown it but I am ready to move forward now! I haven't gone on a crazy binge since I started in January so it was bound to happen. Time to move on!

    I know this is a bit ridiculous but I feel so relieved now! Phew!
  • I am going to try...its not a hard goal so hopefully achieved but 8 times 5 is 40 lol...
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