leannecnry332 Member


  • That's nonstop I swim nearly 2 miles so I think it's a bit more accurate than mfp which say 1000 but if I had a hr monitor it would prob be a bit more accurate I'm guessing
  • Well because if I eat food the portions seem really small an im hungry really quickly but if I have a smoothie an put say chia seeds or protein powder etc in it I'm fuller for longer so I won't feel the need to eat something else
  • I've been doing this for about 4 months but stopped after 2months as I wasn't seeing any results so just got back on it these last couple of weeks ive started doing smoothie meal replacements for breackfast & lunch with nutri bullet and got a garmin watch to help I weigh an log all my food but was unsure on the exercise…
  • Well I'm just hoping it helps me with my goal
  • I do weigh everything, a smoothie tends to fill me up more so that's what I prefer plus you wouldn't eat on your plate spinach, fruit, coconut oil/peanut butter etc etc so for me to get my vitamins and good fats etc etc its an easy tasty way to get your nutrients
  • I'm only replacing breakfast and lunch Then having a healthy dinner
  • Well I've tried 1200 and 1500 calories an not losing so I'm not sure what to do. I started doing smoothies as they fill me up an I'm logging everything I put in it but still not seeing anything
  • But if I'm getting all my nutrients from the bullet and logging all the ingredients if that puts me in a calorie deficit then I should lose weight right?
  • Well I've been to see my doctor this morning showed her everything I've been doing an she is going to refer me to a dietician and a trainer to help my specific needs so fingers crossed this will help me I could be eating far less than what I need to be
  • I've made it public now, the last week as I've said not really stuck to it
  • No I don't have any cheat days but this last week I have as I'm very deflated an giving up hope I will actually lose weight on 1200 calories an I'm always hungry to the point I feel sick I even tried 1500,and still not lost
  • I weigh everything I eat or drink!!
  • I weigh 83kg and I'm 5"3 every calculated is different but it averages to around 1500
  • Yes I always do everything raw, so why shouldn't I change anything? 2lb in 6 weeks is nothing. I'm classed as obese for my bmi an height an weight so its not like I don't have the fat there to lose so why am I not losing? I've read quite a few things an some say to work out my BMR which is 1569 then your tdee which is 2300…
  • I normally weigh in grams but can change to ounces on the screen, Id only eat 50% back as the calories on here don't seem very accurate for what I've burnt
  • Yes I use digital scales an I wasn't eating back my exercise calories at first but then I starred to an still made no difference
  • My measurements are still exactly the same I'm just getting fed up of seeing nothing an working really hard
  • I have lost 2lb in 6 weeks so not a lot considering I cut my calories in half
  • Yes I log literally everything I eat or drink and weigh everything I log my exercise on this too but 1200 calories I was still really hungry an with exercise I was really tired and dizzy so I changed it to 1500 calories and I feel more energy etc and I don't eat my calories back when I've exercised
  • It does kind of make sense I think sorry for all the questions just trying to get my head around it all
  • Do you know anything about BMR as mine has been calculated to 1569 so how does this work on 1200 calories a day and then exercise on top
  • I am on my feet for 10 hours a day before exercise so I put that as lightly active, an my weight height, target weight an 2lb a week loss, so does MFP set you in a defecit in calories after you have entered all the info I take it? And then any exercise done above this I should eat 50% of the calories back
  • But everyone is saying the calories burnt aren't right its what I log on MFP so it comes up with the number
  • I log my exercise on mfp an that's the number of calories it gives my
  • Im still a bit confused lol....So I log and weigh literally everything now when I signed up I said I was lightly active but I'm now actually more active as I have incorporated swimming for an hour about 5 times a week I weigh 13st 12 lb an I'm 5' 3" my bmi is 35 so do I still stick to 1210 calories a day as this is what…