


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm curious, you say you always weigh raw, but there is a Rice entry that is for 268 g....was that raw or cooked? If raw that one is really off. If cooked, it's probably okay.

    I know I'm kind of far back here but I see this entry used a bit and it's wrong:
    Chicken Breast - Chicken Breast, Boneless, Skinless, 120 g 55cal

    120 g raw boneless skinless chicken breast is closer to 120 calories according to the USDA
    The one day I'm looking at that entry was used twice in different amounts, but just those 2 entries that day were enough to add 200 extra unlogged calories.
  • jessiethe3rd
    jessiethe3rd Posts: 239 Member
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    2 lbs in 6 weeks is not nothing. AS I SAID IN MY LAST REPLY, I think you shouldn't change anything except tightening up the logging so it's as accurate as possible. Really, you got this. Just keep at it and keep getting a bit more accurate with things. Maybe only eat back half of your exercise calories.
  • weali
    weali Posts: 37 Member
    Aside from the measurements and weight...are you seeing any changes when you workout? Like if you use weights have you been able to go heavier/more reps? How about cardio are you able to go longer with out getting breathless/working up a sweat?

    If your showing improvement there then remember that's GOOD THING too and you deserve a pat on the back from yourself
  • catstratch
    catstratch Posts: 18 Member
    OP, all the points that synacious made above is very good and you should look over them. Live and learn!

    On another point, if your diet and exercise make you this frustrating and miserable, it is not sustainable. You are overloading yourself. I'd suggest FIRST- try to stick to your diet, logging accurately and consistently to your intake goal for at least 2 weeks. I guarantee you'll lose some weight if you commit fully to your diet.
  • leannecnry332
    leannecnry332 Posts: 31 Member
    Well I've been to see my doctor this morning showed her everything I've been doing an she is going to refer me to a dietician and a trainer to help my specific needs so fingers crossed this will help me I could be eating far less than what I need to be
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    as someone else already has replied, your diary is inconsistent and there are questions over the accuracy of what is logged as well, it really looks like you might be just telling yourself you aren't eating as much as you actually are...
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Well I've been to see my doctor this morning showed her everything I've been doing an she is going to refer me to a dietician and a trainer to help my specific needs so fingers crossed this will help me I could be eating far less than what I need to be

    While seeing a dietitian and trainer won't hurt (so long as the trainer's qualified), synacious took the time to point out specific things in your diary you might want to take a look at. Before jumping to your "specific needs," it would be easiest to just tighten up your logging. Everyone needs to be in a deficit to lose weight, which means taking in fewer calories than you burn. "Specific needs" don't change the need to ensure you're in a deficit. Most people who aren't losing as expected are not logging accurately. It's a learning curve.
  • louhogg1
    louhogg1 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes I log literally everything I eat or drink and weigh everything I log my exercise on this too but 1200 calories I was still really hungry an with exercise I was really tired and dizzy so I changed it to 1500 calories and I feel more energy etc and I don't eat my calories back when I've exercised

    You certainly need to eat some of your calories back because your burning so much. My trainer always said that too me.