
So I have been doing this for 6 weeks now I literally weigh and log everything I eat the app told me to have 1200 calories a day I go swimming for an hour about 3/4 days a week I started cycling 4 miles there an back to the gym 20 min each way, I started feeling tired and dizzy so I put my calories up to 1500 a day because of the exercise but I'm still not losing weight what is wrong???? Any one else had this problem I weigh 84kg an I'm only 5'2 so I should be losing weight


  • agnewk574
    agnewk574 Posts: 1 Member
    I had this question, I haven't got a formal answer from my gym but I did get a fit bit and it tells me I should have a differential in calories. For example, I burn 2500 calories in a day, to lose 1.5 pounds a week I should eat 1800 cals to have a differential of 700. For 2 pounds a week it is a 1000 cal differential

    So everyday I do my logging to see how much I eat and use my fitbit to see how much I burnt.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member

    Read the above thread if you haven't already. Are you logging every bite- milk in your tea, drinks, fruit and veg, butter on bread etc. Rather than resetting your daily calories to 1500 it's probably better to leave them at 1200 but log your exercise as you do it. Eat back about half your exercise calories (as they are not that accurate) and see if you start losing. It sounds like you have made a good start so a few tweaks should give results.
  • leannecnry332
    leannecnry332 Posts: 31 Member
    Yes I log literally everything I eat or drink and weigh everything I log my exercise on this too but 1200 calories I was still really hungry an with exercise I was really tired and dizzy so I changed it to 1500 calories and I feel more energy etc and I don't eat my calories back when I've exercised
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    Hmmm. Sounds to me like you're building muscle instead! I'd celebrate!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Do you "eat back" your exercise calories you earn?
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    Ive had the same problem. tried all kinds of things, low carb low fat, exersize 1200 cal diet etc etc,over the past year I have very slowly and carefully tapered back my calories as I raise my exersize, and every time I do I may lose a few lbs only to gain it right back. now I am eating less than ever before killing myself with exersize and feel worse and my weight has gone up and my messurments. now im hungry all the time and exausted and feel worse off than when I started which was plenty of rest and a 2000+ calorie diet eating whatever I wanted. Im realy frustrated too and angry at my body. it has decided it wants to be the certain weight I am and nothing is going to change it. Im about realy to give up, only Im afraid if i go back to what i was doing my weight is going to go even higher now :( only thing I can figure is its some kind of genetics dictates the weight you will be and your body is just programed for that by DNA (within a relativly healthy natural diet)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    AliceAxe wrote: »
    ..Im realy frustrated too and angry at my body. it has decided it wants to be the certain weight I am and nothing is going to change it...
    I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated @AliceAxe I hope that you can take a bit of a mental break and find some way to feel less anxiety about the process. Stress and anxiety is not a way to live a life. Try to remember why you're trying to lose weight and stress less about the pace of progress. You have an entire life in which you need to love your body. Anything that you're doing that's making you hate it should probably stop.
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    AliceAxe wrote: »
    Ive had the same problem. tried all kinds of things, low carb low fat, exersize 1200 cal diet etc etc,over the past year I have very slowly and carefully tapered back my calories as I raise my exersize, and every time I do I may lose a few lbs only to gain it right back. now I am eating less than ever before killing myself with exersize and feel worse and my weight has gone up and my messurments. now im hungry all the time and exausted and feel worse off than when I started which was plenty of rest and a 2000+ calorie diet eating whatever I wanted. Im realy frustrated too and angry at my body. it has decided it wants to be the certain weight I am and nothing is going to change it. Im about realy to give up, only Im afraid if i go back to what i was doing my weight is going to go even higher now :( only thing I can figure is its some kind of genetics dictates the weight you will be and your body is just programed for that by DNA (within a relativly healthy natural diet)

    No - it really doesn't work that way - genetics does not override physics. Measure and weigh your food, and accurately log it. Get a fitness tracker to get an idea of what you are burning on a daily basis, and figure out your deficit and caloric needs from there. I use a fitness tracker and don't log exercise into MFP because I think the calorie burn is very overestimated on this app. I let the fitness tracker estimate burn as its tracking my movement and heart rate, and the fitness track estimate is what I go off of for eating. I was stuck at 120lbs - 125lbs for over year and was very frustrated until I started doing the above. It is frustrating but it's possible - you just have to identify what's failing in your program which can be difficult. Good luck!
  • damienhyatt31
    damienhyatt31 Posts: 8 Member
    I've done lots of research on this topic. I'm not a notable exercise guru at any means. In fact, I am just like you, wanting to lose the fat. It sounds to me like you aren't getting enough fiber/starchy carbs. Healthy sources of carbs are the bodies primary energy source. You want to gauge this as you go, some people can take it loads of carbs and still lose weight steadily so it varies person to person. Check out this video for my reference: Hope this helps; be patient, listen to your body and enjoy the process!
  • catsdogsh
    catsdogsh Posts: 130 Member
    If you are really logging accurately and exercising and not losing something else is happening. First be absolutely sure your logging correctly. If so you need metobolic testing to see what's going on physically
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    AliceAxe wrote: »
    Ive had the same problem. tried all kinds of things, low carb low fat, exersize 1200 cal diet etc etc,over the past year I have very slowly and carefully tapered back my calories as I raise my exersize, and every time I do I may lose a few lbs only to gain it right back. now I am eating less than ever before killing myself with exersize and feel worse and my weight has gone up and my messurments. now im hungry all the time and exausted and feel worse off than when I started which was plenty of rest and a 2000+ calorie diet eating whatever I wanted. Im realy frustrated too and angry at my body. it has decided it wants to be the certain weight I am and nothing is going to change it. Im about realy to give up, only Im afraid if i go back to what i was doing my weight is going to go even higher now :( only thing I can figure is its some kind of genetics dictates the weight you will be and your body is just programed for that by DNA (within a relativly healthy natural diet)

    No - it really doesn't work that way - genetics does not override physics. Measure and weigh your food, and accurately log it. Get a fitness tracker to get an idea of what you are burning on a daily basis, and figure out your deficit and caloric needs from there. I use a fitness tracker and don't log exercise into MFP because I think the calorie burn is very overestimated on this app. I let the fitness tracker estimate burn as its tracking my movement and heart rate, and the fitness track estimate is what I go off of for eating. I was stuck at 120lbs - 125lbs for over year and was very frustrated until I started doing the above. It is frustrating but it's possible - you just have to identify what's failing in your program which can be difficult. Good luck!

    Which fitness tracker do you use? Just curious. I'm interested.

  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    Have you lost any weight at all? When you say you're not losing do you mean the scale hasn't budged since day one or?
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    I was using a Fitbit Charge HR but they kept breaking so I am getting an Apple Watch today. I think for a wrist tracker the charge HR is most accurate (about 80%) but it gets more accurate the longer you wear it. I just can't handle how quickly they break and don't want to spend $150 every other month on a new one.

    Initially it took some number crunching and testing as I had to find where my maintenance range was, and then do a deficit off that. When I first got the tracker I would walk nightly for an hour with the tracker and the smartphone (which calculates steps) and see how closely the matched up. It was a lot of work to figure out but it got me a lot more accurate and I am now 113lbs, so much closer to goal so I can start recomp.

    I've tried a lot of diet gimmicks to get through that rough patch and found the only thing that really worked for me was increasing my healthy fat and pairing it with carbs - it did seem to keep my energy up and kept me fuller longer.
  • aquablue_1111
    aquablue_1111 Posts: 40 Member
    To OP: how do your clothes fit? Are you keeping track of measurements? When I lost the first few pounds, it didn't really sink in until I tried on clothes that were previously tight but were now a little loose fitting. The scale may not move but if you're losing inches, that is a very good sign too.

    Also, if you went from doing very little exercise to swimming for an hour 3-4 days a week and biking to the gym, your body may be holding on to water as your muscles recover from the workouts.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    To OP: how do your clothes fit? Are you keeping track of measurements? When I lost the first few pounds, it didn't really sink in until I tried on clothes that were previously tight but were now a little loose fitting. The scale may not move but if you're losing inches, that is a very good sign too.

    Also, if you went from doing very little exercise to swimming for an hour 3-4 days a week and biking to the gym, your body may be holding on to water as your muscles recover from the workouts.

    This is pretty much what I was going to say. My only other comment would be that you are on the shorter side and I'm guessing that you have a smaller deficit due to that, which can make weight changes slow to show on the scale. If your logging is not super spot on, you could end up with an even smaller or possibly no deficit.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    I recommend getting some tests at the doctor. You may have a thyroid problem or some other issue. Especially when you say you're tired and dizzy on 1200 calories. Show your doctor your food and exercise log. Good luck. I hope you find the answer.
  • leannecnry332
    leannecnry332 Posts: 31 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    Have you lost any weight at all? When you say you're not losing do you mean the scale hasn't budged since day one or?

    I have lost 2lb in 6 weeks so not a lot considering I cut my calories in half
  • leannecnry332
    leannecnry332 Posts: 31 Member
    To OP: how do your clothes fit? Are you keeping track of measurements? When I lost the first few pounds, it didn't really sink in until I tried on clothes that were previously tight but were now a little loose fitting. The scale may not move but if you're losing inches, that is a very good sign too.

    Also, if you went from doing very little exercise to swimming for an hour 3-4 days a week and biking to the gym, your body may be holding on to water as your muscles recover from the workouts.

    My measurements are still exactly the same I'm just getting fed up of seeing nothing an working really hard