nigiokas Member


  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 293 lbs This week: 296 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Well not my surprise I gained weight again. But I guess it could have been a lot worse. I'm looking to make big changes to how I approach this weight loss so hopefully it will work out. Here's to a great 2017 everybody! Anyway stay…
  • Tuesday Weigh-in eh? Sorry Monday. Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 289 lbs This week: 290 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Still not doing well with this whole weight loss thing. Cookie update: I did alright (it helps that a lot of them are in sealed boxes and I don't see them too much throughout the day). It's been…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 289.5 lbs This week: 289 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Hey finally stopped gaining so that's cool. I went on some bike rides this week before snow hit here. The snow also caused my sister and mom to make a bunch of cookies so now that could be a problem. Feeling pretty good today even…
  • Well after taking a week off I'm back Last time: 287 lbs This week: 289.5 lbs I can't lie I haven't been doing very well with the weight loss for a while now. The only good I can say is hopped on my bike the last few days and to my surprise I did pretty well. My legs were sore for a while but I felt good in the end. Since…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 283.5 lbs This week: 287 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Well the numbers don't lie. Not super happy about it but it could be worse I guess. These family gatherings have been a killer since my Mom likes to go overboard. Anyway I'm hoping I can eat better before Thanksgiving and then…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 284 lbs This week: 283 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Once again another traveling weekend for me but got home at a decent hour so I'm on time again. It's been a while since I've seen that number change so drastically (totally being sarcastic). I still can't be too upset I guess -…
  • Late to the party but I guess that's what traveling can do Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 284.5 lbs This week: 284 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Still staying around the same weight which I guess isn't terrible but I know I can be better. I was fairly active this weekend and I feel good. Have an awesome week…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 284lbs This week: 284.5 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Alright I'll admit the weight loss could be going better for me. At least I've stayed around the same weight. May or may not had a few pieces of candy while handing it out today... But seriously I need to refocus and start losing…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 284.5 lbs This week: 284 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now A loss this week for me! Although not much but it's better than gaining. Not much to report this week as it was pretty uneventful. Hoping I can make some better progress this week. Anyway have fun everyone! :smiley:
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 284.5 lbs This week: 284.5 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now No loss and no gain this week. I feel better overall this week and haven't been completely sedentary. I do wish I could loose a bit more per week. Lately I've been struggling to do so but it's better than not trying. I…
  • Wow it looks like I'm early this week Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 286 lbs This week: 284.5 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Alright so I'm heading a better direction now again. I was more active this week so I'm hoping to keep at it and move so more. Eating wise I could do better. Lately I find myself stuffing my…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 283.5 lbs This week: 286 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Well I looks like I'm seesawing right now. Even with the gain I'm happy that I was actually fairly active this week. Friday I helped volunteer for work at a children's home doing landscaping work so that was great exercise. Today…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 285 lbs This week: 283.5 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Heading downward again which is nice. Overall I've been better about what I eat but somedays not so much. My main focus is still trying to be more active and be consistent. Overall I feel better this week and looking forward to…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 282.5 lbs This week: 285 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Well the first time gaining weight since I've joined the group. I haven't been very active this week but I haven't been stuffing my face as much on some days. I just need to start eating better but it's tough when there's bad food…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 282.5 lbs This week: 282.5 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now A plateau for me this week but actually I'm ok with that since I've been a little more active and ate less. I'm not gonna lie today was a bit rough for me since I thought I was gonna lose my job so that's messing with me a bit.…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 286 lbs This week: 282.5 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Once again I'm surprised by my progress. Although it's been kinda tough for me and I'm still trying to figure out how to motivate myself to stay active. So far I'm still really happy with how things are going and I'm trying not…
  • Starting Weight: 292 lbs Last week: 287 lbs This week: 286 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now Slow week for me unfortunately but a family gathering this weekend made it difficult for me not to stuff my face. Also doesn't help that I had too much dessert at the party lol. Today I went on a couple trails and did a good amount…
  • Last week: 292 lbs This week: 287 lbs Goal weight: 220 lbs for now I'm surprised by how much weight I lost this week but I'm still looking to be more active. Overall I'm doing better with not eating so much (at least sometimes). Food choice needs some work but one step at time for me. As for meditation it's been going well…
  • Howdy! My first time actually posting but here are my numbers: Last week: 292 lbs This week: 292 lbs Start Weight: 292 lbs Total Lost: 0 lbs Goal Weight: 220 lbs Honestly I haven't been too active in the last week with the exception of going on about a 4 mile hike on local trail in town but now but this week I'm gonna…