evilpoptart63 Member


  • "She's psycho!!!" I feel like most guys say this about all their ex's... Mine would be correct though
  • I'll join your team :smile: I haven't had a drink in a week and I'm planning on staying away from alcohol for at least 6 months then possibly add it in occasionally in moderation. I'm a part time barender though. It's fairly easy for me to not drink at home but I struggle at work!
  • I tried to make veggie burgers once with no oil. it stuck to the pan so bad i destroyed it and ended up making it ground beef style and added tons of ketchup, tomato, and lettuce. it probably doesn't sound bad but the texture was literally gagging me with every bite. I was so friggen hungry and already logged it while I…
  • I'm so happy it went well for you!! Diet breaks can be amazing! I've done a few and noticed it helped break through weight loss plateaus but the mental break from dieting has always been my favorite part. wtg hun!!
  • I've always noticed more thigh soreness as well. I very rarely feel the pain in my glutes and wondered for a while if I was engaging them enough but progress pics have definitely shown a noticible difference!!! How long ago did you up your squat game? Have you worked with someone on your form? Progress pics really put…
  • well that feeling is not part of my way of life. so yeah....the new job works well. I'm not forced into it, I'm not desperate, I made the choice to do it and have no regrets. I'm not trying to tell you to make the decision to dance as well but Im happy with my own choice.
  • Ummm yeah? I feel empowered and confident when I dance. I really don't see a problem with it
  • I completely agree...the way he made me feel about myself changed the way I looked at him
  • yeah, it definitely *kitten* me up for a long time. I thought it was pretty cruel too
  • My husband told me my stomach looked like a stretched out marshmallow and not something that could ever belong on a human and he told me many times how it disgusted him. I lost a ton of weight but his words stuck with me and even after hit a 21 BMI, he reminded me several times that I'm a 6/10 now but I would be a lot…
  • im totally logging the full 3.1 calories next time!!
  • I second this!! Its way too easy for regular peanut butter to put me over my calories but pb2 is an amazing substitute! If this doesnt work, it might help to take a break from buying peanut butter for a while. There are a few foods I struggle to eat in moderation and I've learned its better to just keep them out of my…
  • Drop your coat and grab your toes, Im gonna show you where the wild goose goes!!
  • Ive had it happen quite a few times and it's always terrifying!!! I feel like Im legitametly about to die!! Ive had it happen several times sleeping on my side so I wish that was something that helped me but everyone is different. The only thing my incidences had in common were they all happened when I was unusually…
  • I have lost 73lbs since I gave birth to my last baby. I have quite a bit of loose skin honestly. Its mostly on my stomach and I hate it! Its a pretty common problem, you're definitely not alone ❤
  • 5lbs...always 5lbs...that was my goal 15lbs ago and that will probably be my goal again of I end up losing another 5lbs. I feel like its never enough
  • Ahh yeah! I've done it quite a few times, hopefully I will learn soon haha! AndThank you!!
  • Wow, i wrote a long reply about my weight loss experience but the emoji cut it off and i dont really want to type it out again haha! Oh well, a picture is worth 1,000 words?
  • The first pic isn't actually at my heaviest. I delievered my last 2 babies 32lbs heavier and my highest non-pregnant weight I hovered at for a while was was 28lbs heavier!!! This was just the most recent progress pic I put together.... First off, congrats on losing 13lbs! Thats a fantastic start! Baby weight takes time but…
  • I own a pair of size 6 pants right now and Im at a weight that used to fit a size 9 perfectly. My 9s are from 2010 and they are baggy but when I was in highschool 2004-2007, I was a perfect 9 at this weight
  • Thank you for sharing this. I know its very personal and I think its sweet you are putting yourself out there with the hopes of helping others who find themselves with a similar mindset. I dont have body dysmorphia personally but Im painfully aware of how crippling insecurities can be and how they can compleyely take over…
  • Thank you so much for clearing that up! I have a lot of random thoughts and that was something that crossed my mind earlier since Im sure basically everyone (especially here!) Has parts of themselves they want to change. I definitely fixate but its probably within the realms of normal.
  • Because he was too busy playing call of duty to noticed she existed
  • I think im smelling what your selling... so its mainly a problem when you have unrealistic expectations of what your body should look like and put an extreme amount of effort to get there? My problem is my stomach too so I can definitely relate! It sounds like you have developed a very healthy relationship with your…
  • Thank you for sharing your insight. That didnt cross my mind but it makes sense! I also sent you a message. Sorry for derailing this post!! I'll butt out. Just wanted to say thank you
  • I think you should go for it!! There is nothing wrong with trying to better yourself in the process but I dont think you should wait for the weight to come off. I fell in love with my husband when he was 220lbs (hes also shorter than you!) I still loved him at 270lbs and I feel less fond of him at 198lbs because I dont…
  • I completely agree and I wasnt trying to justify it because his comment helped me lose weight. He was emotionally abusive for years and I know it's not ok. We're both about to start marriage councelling as well as individual therapy and I know there is a good chance I will be leaving anyway
  • Yeah he can be really mean and Im honestly still super messed up from everything he has said and done to me but I dont think I would have had the motivation to put down the fork and change my habits if I didn't have a huge reason to do so. He's still a *kitten* person but Im glad Im not bothered by my weight any more
  • When my husband told me my stomach looked like a stretched out marshmallow and it was so disgusting it looked evil, not like something that should ever exist on a human. Figured it was time to lose the baby weight. I was already insecure about my weight but that was what lit my fire and helped me get my willpower together…
  • This lady! I have always had anxiety/ depression issues that affect my eating and workout habits. It sucks. I bounce back and forth between extremes. I'll work out excessively or lose my energy/ drive and not workout for a while and Ill eat my emotions and put on weight or completely lose my appetite and drop weight too…