Swtdwy Member


  • Did an easy 22 miles Friday afternoon. Tough 36 miles yesterday in the Malibu Hills. 3600' of climbing
  • Rained out yesterday.
  • Very cold for these parts (low 40s into the 50s) but beautiful day to ride around Ojai. 53 miler. Felt pretty good most of the way.
  • Had to deal with a little rain, but got out yesterday for a 20 miler.
  • Rain like I've never seen in SoCal on Friday. Still some rain and wet roads and debris on Saturday. Sunday group ride was a perfect 58-62 degrees, overcast. All the rain we've been having have made our eternally brown landscapes green. Great ride though. 69 miles with one real climb, and a few other kickers - about 3K'…
  • Was hoping to leave work early and get home and ride for 1.5-2hrs, but no such luck. Taking Friday off, but 100% chance of rain. Looks like scattered rain over the weekend, so maybe I'll get some riding in.
  • I had two excellent rides over the weekend, avoiding the rain. Fun and fast group ride Saturday...out and back 43 miles total. No huge climbs, but a couple .75 to 1 milers averaging 5-6%. The way out though is mostly uphill. About 1800' over 21 miles. Slight tailwind made it a lot easier. Lots of fast pacelining on the way…
  • Anyone own a KUAT bike rack?
  • Have the day off today but it will be raining today. May hop on the hybrid and ride the 5 miles to get my car out of the shop. Kinda fun riding in the rain. Well not when I'm all kitted up and mud gets into my road bike comoponents. But on the hybrid might be fun! Some good group rides planned for Sat and Sun, so should be…
  • I might have to look into Zwifr. I know a lot of people who do it. And it may be the ticket for me to do an hour or so on the trainer at night, since I don't have much opportunity to ride during the day. Is it an app? How does it work?
  • Hmm seems a lot of cataract surgery going around! Speedy recovery! No riding until Saturday for me.
  • Rode a decent 33 miler on Saturday, which included one decent 1.5 mile hill. Rode a fast 40 miles yesterday with our group (well on the way out is was with a group, and on the way back just me and a friend - they continued on up a 9 mile hill, whereas I went back to watch the Super Bowl). Conditions were fairly cool for…
  • Got in a really good 40 miler over the weekend. Some in my group are doing a century on super bowl sunday. Not me. I may do half. Whether not as bad as it is for Kevin, but we've had a lot of rain and high winds recently.
  • Just goes to show how much, not so much misinformation, but incomplete info there is. Back in 2010 when I started WW, it was mostly a low fat diet. I did lose weight and my numbers (Glucose, LDL etc) did go down. I'm trying this now to see how it works. When I get back to fighting weight I do plan to transition to a more…
  • I think a lot of the food "truth" has been revealed bit by bit by various GoaDs over the years, who have been successful in taking off the weight and keeping it off. Eat real food, mind your portion size, etc. I do think that the prevailing thoughts on carbs, proteins, and fats are often way off. I found this talk from an…
  • I took Wednesday off (pure self preservation or the traffic would have rendered me effectively lobotomized). So I had 5 glorious days off. I was able to ride on four of those days. All short/medium rides - 32/28/24/20 miles. Put me over 3000 miles for the year. Felt pretty good for most of them. All fun rides with DW and…
  • I've been so lame. I haven't weighed in or gone to a meeting in many many months, but never seem to get over there to cancel my membership. What's that called? Anti-flounce?
  • Nice to see you Sarah!
  • It's actually raining right now on SoCal (although most people in other parts of the country wouldn't even consider this a drizzle - here it's torrential!) but still hoping to suck it up and get some miles in!
  • DW eschewed the group ride this morning (it's a nice route but we always flat on it and we wanted to sleep in a bit!) We did a nice 24 miler on the bike paths. Still strict on the Keto diet and definitely felt better than last week. We rode for about 1:40 with only a few short breaks. I actually felt stronger the last 40…
  • Wow. Sorry about the mechanicals folks. Glad you were able to get back home safely. The Vegas Honor Ride was overall very cool. Police escort down the strip. Unfortunately I was not riding very strong so I had to cut it short. I'm keeping very strict to my Keto diet, which meant at this point I have no glycogen stores but…
  • Yes Yes No. Well still paying for it but not doing it
  • Rain if forecast for Sunday. Looks like I'll have to get some stuff done around the house.
  • Just finished up a pretty tough ride. Some new roads I hadn't been on before. The planned ride was 50 miles with 4600' of climbing. Most of the group did that. Three of us were at a little slower pace. Since this was a straight out and back, we figured we see them eventually. The climbing is mostly over three longish…
  • Nice to see you again Lily! Our local organized ride was Saturday. But we didn't go. :smiley: It was also our anniversary so DW and I drove to the coast, and biked up into Ojai. Moderately uphill, 22 miles. Beautiful area. Had a nice lunch, and rode a more direct path down. 37 miles altogether. Sunday we rode our group…
  • Yeah It's pretty toasty at my house. Hot weekend too, which is a shame because our local organized ride is this weekend. They wisely moved it from July last year because of the heat, and now they get stuck with an atypical hot day. Tough ride too. granfondosantaclarita.com/ We're not doing it this year. That day is our…
  • Should be in the 3K club by Thanksgiving
  • Yeah Bob, expected to be unusually warm here next weekend. where are you going to be? Not sure what we are going to do about it. Our local organized charity ride..the SCV Gran Fondo is next Saturday. Not sure whether to ride in it or volunteer to help or neither as it is also DW and my anniversary. Decisions decisions...…
  • I'm in the same boat (numbers are different but story is the same). Kept weight off for 4 years and thought I had it licked! A couple months of significant events (father's passing, kids Bar Mitzvah, right into the holidays) and viola, not tracking or concerned about what I was eating anymore. Cue weight creep.