michelle225 Member


  • So it was your wife who was upset that you spent 2 hours at the gym (not the gym workers, I don't think it was clear). I totally understand getting into the zone at the gym especially if your outside life is so focused on taking care of someone else. I'm a SAHM and I take my daughter to the gym child care and work out for…
  • Are you still BFing? I had a lot of trouble losing while nursing. At 15 months I'm still nursing but it definitely still makes me hungry. Also, being so small with less than 10 lbs to go .2-.4 lb per week is actually pretty good. I'd eat what you feel you need to eat.
  • If I haven't been working out and eating right then the first week or two that I do, I lose a lot but it will stabilize around week three. Don't get discouraged when it starts slowing down. The initial weight you lose is a lot of water weight so it won't happen as you continue.
  • It is too good to be true. If you look at the serving size, it probably says something like “quarter second spray.” A quarter second spray probably has less than 5 calories which means they can round down to 0 calories. But realistically, who uses just a quarter second spray? No one. So you’re probably getting a lot more…
  • I find drinking peppermint tea in the evening helps me cut down on boredom eating. It gives me something to eat/drink without dding any calories. This is of course assuming you don't add sugar.
  • I do the same thing! Yoga 2x per week at the Y. My Sat morning class is Vinyasa flow and Tuesday night is Ashtanga Rocket. Both are relatively quick moving sweaty classes. I love going to the gym and running or using the eliptical first and then going right to yoga. I feel like being warm lets me open up so much more.…
  • I was able to watch it from the roof deck of my office building in DC! So cool!
  • They probably do higher intensity types of yoga for 90 minutes like Bikram or Power Yoga almost every day. In my Vinyasa class according to my HRM I burn between 250 and 300 in 60 minutes so I can see how a higher intensity class done for 90 minutes would give me a burn that's closer to the amount I burn doing an hour of…
  • I started losing when I was 154 and first noticed the loss when it was about 6 pounds. Now I'm in the low 120s and even 1-2 pounds makes a visable difference.
  • I eat and do the same level of activity when I'm on my period. I notice that when I'm being really good about eating right and exercising in the month before my period then when it actually comes I barely have any symptoms like bloating or fatigue.
  • I love baked beans but I don't eat them because they have way too many calories from sugar for me :(
  • Great job! It sounds like your boss is really nice. Would he be willing to bring in some healthier options in addition to the stuff he usually brings?
  • You can do this under the Food tab. Click on recipes. You put in all the ingredients, tell it the number of serving sizes and it calculates the calories in one serving. Then when you eat it. You click on the recipes tab and add a serving that way.
  • I think the vitamin goals come from the government's recommended daily allowances. You only really need to worry about getting too much of the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). The water soluble ones you'll just pee out the extra. The amount of those fat soluble ones that you'd need to get sick from too much is pretty…
  • When I first started at 154 it only took about a month to lost the first 10 but now that I'm 121 and working on the last 10 it's taking months! I think it all depends on how close you are to what your body considers a normal weight. It was like the moment I crossed over from 133 to 132 which is the cut off for overweight…
  • I just sent you a request too! I'm in the same situation 5'1" trying to get off the last few pounds but they don't really want to budge!
  • I'm another one who weighs everything. I don't trust myself to estimate that I'm pouring out the right amount of cereal. Plus it's a lot easier and than using measuring cups and it cuts down on things to wash. I also second the person who mentioned weighing bread. I buy sourdough bread at Trader Joe's and the slices are…
  • True! Also, I generally get annoyed when people quote the whole "Marilyn was a size 12" thing. Marilyn was a size 12 in the 50s and 60s. Anyone who's shopped at vintage clothing stores knows that vintage sizes are about 6 sizes larger than today's sizes so if you wear a size 6 today, you would wear a size 12 in vintage…
  • I had that a looooong time ago. I remember it being gross. I don't currently use any butter substitute. I feel like using a little big of real butter has to be better than all the chemicals in fake butters.
  • I found that it was not really realistic for me to try to stay within the guidelines that MFP sets for sugar. One piece of fruit put me halfway to what it said I should have in a whole day. Since there's no way I'm going to stay within that I ignore it. I know when I'm eating healthy (and apple) and when I'm not (a…
  • This used to be a huge problem for me! I could never get past 3 miles at a time. Then I joined a gym and started using the eliptical and lifting weights and running about 1 or 2 times per week. Doing that I was able to break the 3 mile barrier and then I started running more often. Now I run about 3 times per week 3-5…
  • I love vanilla soy milk. Not sure off the top of my head how much sugar mine has. I use the Kirkland organic (Costco brand). But there are a lot of different brands since it's pretty popular so you can try a few and see what has the stats you're looking for and what you like.
  • Having support makes it so much easier! Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • I'm lactose intolerant too. I just replace dairy with soy or almond milk. Recently I've been doing 3/4 cup frozen berries, 2 scoops trader joes soy protein powder, 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk and 1/3 cup light coconut milk.
  • Have fun with this! I would do fun things that aren't necessarily "exercise" per se but are fun thing to do that happen to burn calories. For example, instead of going out to dinner or for coffee with friends, go dancing or ice skating. Both of those will burn a lot of calories but won't necessarily make you sweat a lot.…
  • Fruit and yogurt. I like to mix plain greek yogurt with just a little bit of honey and then use it as a dip for strawberries.
  • My Mom had surgery on one foot last May and she was able to get back to the gym (eliptical, bike, swimming, no running) about a month and a half to 2 months later. It actually helped reduce the swelling. She still had trouble doing things like walking for long periods of time for a few more months though and then it was…
  • You need to get Healthy Choice frozen chocolate bars. They have 100 calories and 5g protein and 4g fiber which are pretty good stats for any food let alone something chocolate.
  • That sounds cool! I'm definitely interested.
  • I try to limit my snacks for the day to whole fresh frutis and veggies. Also, you can mitigate the effects of sodium by exercising hard and drinking a lot of water. You lose salt from your body when you sweat and drinking water flushes salt out too.