BeeerRunner Member


  • @zdyb23456 When it's really hot, I'll bring water with me even on shorter runs, especially if the sun is out of if I'm doing speed work. I may or may not drink any and I may or may not pour some on my head, down my back. Lol! Like @MobyCarp I use a hydration belt. I did get a hydration vest for longer runs since it's…
  • @amymoreorless I'm in Texas too, but today was my rest day. Thank goodness since it was super humid yuck today. @RespectTheKitty I'll be in Illinois tomorrow for the Chicago Spring Half Marathon on Sunday and a few days of work next week. Please keep the cooler weather there for me!! Lol
  • I become a morning person in the summer. In Texas, it's still super freaking hot in the evenings so my options are to run in the am before sun up, run on a dreadmill in the a/c after work, or suffer in the crazy heat while running during lunch or after work. Even though, the getting up part is hard, I truly love running in…
  • Great job on the PB @TavistockToad !
  • Congratulations @Wendy98 !! Well done on the 5K and the marathons!! I'm in awe. :smile:
  • The storms that @garygse referred to yesterday morning were over by the time I would normally start my morning run, but I didn't want to get my brand new shoes all dirty....yet! By the way, I love the Altra Escalantes!! My new fave shoe. They are much lighter than the Torins, yet they are cushioned yet springy feeling. The…
  • @RespectTheKitty Congrats on the smaller clothing size!! Huge NSV!! Also congrats on signing up for your 1st HM! It's my favorite race distance. I used the Hal Higdon training plans, but moved days around based on my schedule. When training for my 1st HM, I mainly did my long runs on Saturdays, but switched to Sundays for…
  • May Running Challenge 5/1: 8.69 miles biking, Strength training 5/2: 4.1 mile run 5/3: 5.2 mile run 5/4: Strength, 6.4 mile trail run 5/5: Tex Mex and a rest day 5/6: 6.2 mile super late night run 5/7: 12 mile super hot run 5/8: 10.24 miles on the bike 5/9: 4 mile run 5/10: 6.3 mile run, 6.87 miles cycling 5/11: 4 mile…
  •, you are missing your stride length too? What did Garmin say when you talked to them?
  • @mountainrun73 Mine is the Camelbak Circuit Hydration vest. The material underneath the straps is kind of what you'd normally find underneath back pack straps, which is fine for shirts with sleeves. It rubs wrong with tank tops, and since I'm in Texas, I need to be able to wear it with tank tops. I think if I can get dri…
  • Oh no @shanaber !! So close!! @lporter229 When road running, my cadence when just doing a regular run seems to be anywhere from 180 to 185. When racing it's an average of 188 to low 190s. I do notice my stride is a lot higher in races. It seems to be .93 to .96 when doing a regular run and has increased anywhere from 1.07…
  • May Running Challenge 5/1: 8.69 miles biking, Strength training 5/2: 4.1 mile run 5/3: 5.2 mile run 5/4: Strength, 6.4 mile trail run 5/5: Tex Mex and a rest day 5/6: 6.2 mile super late night run 5/7: 12 mile super hot run 5/8: 10.24 miles on the bike 5/9: 4 mile run 5/10: 6.3 mile run, 6.87 miles cycling 5/11: 4 mile…
  • @amymoreorless Now I don't normally run at 4:30, but I do if my schedule requires it. This past weekend, I had to run at 4:30 am on Saturday, and 4:45 am on Sunday. Although it was extremely difficult getting my butt outta bed, I have to say that I really enjoyed running so early. It was peaceful with hardly any traffic.…
  • I think I missed out on the poop conversation a few days ago, but I wanted to share this video. At least us runners wouldn't get DQ'd in a race for! Well, provided it wasn't right in the middle of the street. Poor doggy! I normally don't have too many bathroom issues, but we don't…
  • @KatieJane83 I've done an easy 2 mile shakeout run the day before my HMs and the day before my marathon. I do tend to throw in a quick stride towards the end so I mentally know my legs can go fast. I usually have my rest day 2 days before the HM. Both of my HMs were fantastic. It's my favorite race distance. Hope you have…
  • May Running Challenge 5/1: 8.69 miles biking, Strength training 5/2: 4.1 mile run 5/3: 5.2 mile run 5/4: Strength, 6.4 mile trail run 5/5: Tex Mex and a rest day 5/6: 6.2 mile super late night run 5/7: 12 mile super hot run 5/8: 10.24 miles on the bike 5/9: 4 mile run 5/10: 6.3 mile run, 6.87 miles cycling 5/11: 4 mile…
  • @kgirlhart I've run all my races that aren't trail races with music. I make different playlists for the various distances with certain songs coming on when I need an extra push. There are certain songs i find myself running faster to, so I strategically ensure those come on when I expect to cross the finish. I always run…
  • That's kind of how I'm doing the Spring Half Marathon in Chicago. My employer is paying for thr race entry for all employees that want to race. In a meeting they asked if anyone was going to sign up, and I said, if we can coordinate a business trip out of it, I'd love to sign up. So I told hubby I'm going on a business…
  • May Running Challenge 5/1: 8.69 miles biking, Strength training 5/2: 4.1 mile run 5/3: 5.2 mile run 5/4: Strength, 6.4 mile trail run Goals: Running: 15.7 / 100 Cycling: 8.69 / 60 Upcoming Races: Chicago Spring Half Marathon: May 21 (Registered) Run the Rails 5K June 3 (Tentative) XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (HM at night)…
  • @lporter229 I bought some compression capris when I was having Runner’s Knee, and they helped so much. I don't know if I would have made it through the marathon without KT Tape, knee sleeves, and compression capris. @Elise4270 Hope your migraine goes away!! @MNLittleFinn Your marathon is sooooo close! Yay! @_nikkiwolf_ I'm…
  • May Running Challenge 5/1: 8.69 miles biking, Strength training 5/2: 4 miles running Goals: Running: 4 / 100 Cycling: 8.69 / 60 Upcoming Races: Chicago Spring Half Marathon: May 21 (Registered) Run the Rails 5K June 3 (Tentative) XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (HM at night) Jul 8 (Tentative) La Sportiva Vail Half Marathon: Jul…
  • First of all, congrats in your decision. You have plenty of time to build up to your marathon. It will be helpful to run a half 1st because that will be significantly different than a 5K or 10K and the full will be an entirely new beast. You'll definitely want to get a GPS watch. You don't have to get the most expensive…
  • @HRKinchen If it's not technical (meaning lots of rocks with some steep ups and downs), I wouldn't worry about trail shoes. If you have the chance to check it out ahead of time, you can make a better decision. "Trails" here in Texas can be paved, flat crushed gravel, or technical. Since trail shoes are typically heavier, I…
  • Welcome to all the newcomers!! It's great to see so many people getting interested in running. Welcome back @kristinegift !! @RespectTheKitty Glad you are feeling better. @MNLittleFinn There is no way I'd test out new shoes on a 19 mile run. Lol
  • May Running Challenge 5/1: 8.69 miles biking Goals: Running: 0 / 100 Cycling: 8.69 / 60 Upcoming Races: Chicago Spring Half Marathon: May 21 (Registered) Run the Rails 5K June 3 (Tentative) XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (HM at night) Jul 8 (Tentative) La Sportiva Vail Half Marathon: Jul 22 (Tentative) Milwaukee Lakefront…
  • Finally putting my goal out here. Going for 100. If I'm still having leg issues after my HM on 5/21, I'm going to PT. I have a pretty decent deductible to meet before insurance kicks in. I want to make sure I'm in tip top shape for my next marathon on 10/1.
  • @ddmom0811 I do eat local honey, and now that I think of it, that may be why I suffer so much less from allergies than I used to. My husband came home with "organic" honey once, but it was from Brazil. I gave him the spiel about how we need to local honey. I'm actually feeling a lot better, even though we've still had high…
  • @Stoshew71 I know you were really hoping to BQ, and I'm so sorry the weather didn't cooperate. Humidity and heat combined are the worst. You still had a great race, and I hope you keep trying for that BQ. You are an awesome runner and an inspiration to many of us. You'll get it!! :smiley:
  • April Running Challenge 4/1 Eagle Mt cleanup: picked up trash with the family for 2 hours, filled 6 trash bags between the 3 of us. 4/2 13.1 mile run. 4/3 Strength, 12.3 miles stationary bike, yoga 4/4 9.8 miles stationary bike 4/5 12.35 miles stationary bike 4/6 40 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes stationary bike 4/7 40…
  • @garygse I haven't heard of it, but this is the 1st time my allergies have bothered me in about 2 years. Since it's not a common occurrence, I don't worry about it too much. Took Benadryl to sleep last night and took Claritin today. I feel much better. I guess I was just outside a bunch running and cycling in the wind and…