Semele0 Member


  • Hello! I asked to be added to any group, but I'm realizing that I will not be able to follow the challenge in the next months and would like to withdraw from the challenge and exit whatever group I was placed in. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience!
  • Hello, I'm new, I would like to sing up for any team! THanks!
  • Thank you very much for sharing your story! It's just that someday, in the midst of all the caos, I find it difficult to weight and load everything in the app
  • Thanks for the answer, I will give it a look, maybe being part of a team and confronting with other moms can help me!
  • Thank you for expressing what I was feeling! This is it, I'm right now mentally preparing myself for the journey, packing happiness and positive thoughts that I could use later on. But I need to start slowly, I'm one of those people that throws everything away if I don't meet my goal, so my goals have to be manageable. So…
  • Tomorrow I leave for a week long holiday, where I plan to eat, enjoy food, rest, play with my daughter, and wear bikinis. Fill up of positive thinking. Then start again my journey after two years of pause. So my mini-goal is to weight and measure myself, take photos of the before, and then just log everything for a week,…
  • I've done something similar in the past! I started restricting and losing, but it lasted few weeks or months and then I went back to my old habits and weight... I think the problem was in my main motivation and in my mentality: my motivan was purely to improve my appearance, and it was not enought to get me going the…
  • If you think you might be hypocondriac I think the best thing to do right now is to seek out therapy! Mental health is important and can impact significally your life! If you are really hypocondriac there is the chance that you are amplifying you symptoms, and getting a bood sugar test to measure it yourself could not be…
  • Thank you very much for all your answers! I know that it will be a busy moment in my life and my priorities won't be on being fit, obviously... But when I wrote the post I was a bit panicking because I'm a bit afraid of when I will have to slowly stop breastfeeding, will I be able to adjust my eating? Many people I know…
  • 30 something female, 5'2". Been trying to lose weight for years, but something finally clicked in late February, beginning of March this year (also thanks to the lockdown). I do rock climbing, both in the gym and outdoor, which has improved my strength and muscle. Starting weight (February 2020) 57 kg = 126 lb Current…
  • 30 something female, 5'2". Been trying to lose weight for years, but something finally clicked in late February, beginning of March this year (also thanks to the lockdown). I do rock climbing, both in the gym and outdoor, which has improved my strength and muscle. Starting weight (February 2020) 57 kg = 126 lb Current…
  • Hello, I would like to join you for this round, it is my first! I'm a 30 something female, 5'2". Been trying to lose weight for years, but something finally clicked in late February, beginning of March this year (also thanks to the lockdown). I do rock climbing, both in the gym and outdoor, which has improved my strength…
  • Hi, I'm not very familiar with RMR and similar calculation. But being of very similar height and initial weight maybe I can help you the same: one thing I noticed is that I was struggling at the beginning to understand why I gained weight because if I calculated what I ate in an average day I was around 1300 kcal. The…
  • 32 years old, 157 cm (5'2") SW 57kg (126lb) SW April 55.4kg (122lb) GW 52kg (115lb) Goals: 1) Reach one month of logging constantly (16th of April) 2) Log every day for all of April 3) Take my measurements and not only the weight (every two weeks) 4) Workout at least three times a week (especially strength training) 1/04 =…
  • 32 years old, 157 cm (5'2") SW 57kg (126lb) SW April 55.4kg (122lb) GW 52kg (115lb) Goals: 1) Reach one month of logging constantly (16th of April) 2) Log every day for all of April 3) Take my measurements and not only the weight (every two weeks) 4) Workout at least three times a week (especially strength training) 1/04 =…
  • Hello to everyone! It's been a while since I last entered this group, so maybe I should introduce myself again? I started using MFP some years ago and was successful for a while, but then stopped logging and gained it all back. I never uninstalled the App, but never logged with consistence. I'm finally able to log…
  • Yes I know, it is a worrisome situation, I hope everything is going to get better soon and that you don't loose your job... For me at least I know that I can trust my government (I'm in Italy), it has reacted well so far, and there is a sense of solidarity among the people and that is comforting. Everybody is doing its…
  • I love gelato, I could eat it every season of the year!
  • Yes, it is actually very hard to stay on track. It's more than a week that I can't get out of the house and it's starting to take a toll. Moreover, I'm working from home and have a ton of work, deadlines and stress. So I risk everyday to eat from stress and boredom. But paradoxically, I'm much more aware of the risk now,…
  • Today I was surprised by myself, I has able to be under my calorie limit and do some home workout, even if in quarantine (total lockdown in Italy). I'm working a lot and going out of my mind for not being able to get out of the house, but I've not eaten out of stress or boredom. Huge step forward!
  • You are an inspiration! I look a bit like you in the first picture (but I'm smaller, so my weight is lower), and seeing your transformation really motivates me!
  • THANK YOU! This is exactly what I needed. I can't stop looking at your chart and thinking how you must have felt the first time your weight went back to the start. I think pretty much how I am feeling now. But you did it anyway! Amazing work, thank you for sharing! I hope I will learn not to feel so down every time I have…
  • Thanks. This really helps. I can't deny that my main motivation is to improve he way I look, but is not the only one. I also would like to improve my climbing (I do free climbing, and as you can imagine, having fewer kilos on you helps a lot!), and my fitness level in general (the ability to hike, to walk long distances…
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who answered this thread. It really helped to read you stories and advice. As many suggested, I think I need to reevaluate my motivations. The fact is that I know losing weight in NOT one of my main priorities at the moment, and don't have the determination, the consistency, or…
  • You may feel less overwelmed by listing everything that you CAN eat. It may also help you find new combination and recipes. If I were you I would list things I can eat and search the web and then write down various way in which you can cook them, and combine them. Also ask you doctor if there are other things you can eat,…
  • I usually just cut a slice of bread and a slice of mozzarella and let it melt in the oven. You can add whatever you whant on top, maybe some garlic if that's the flavour you're looking for. I's a classic "crostino", and it's not super caloric, especially if you just make only one slice or two and eat as a part of a dinner,…
  • I'm more or less the same as you, height, starting weight and goal weight. I'm on 1200-1300 cals a day plus exercise, but since I don't usually burn much there is not much to add. Yes 1300 with all that exercise sounds a bit low. Anyway I believe that everyone is different, even if you've the same stats as me it doesn't…
  • I'm a carbaholic too, but I have no intention to stop! ;)