cjdalla Member


  • Thankyou so much for the advice and real life success stories. I am a sugar fiend as well. I notice on MFP I am regulalry over my sugar level early in the day so that's one to look at.
  • Question for everyone. For the first 3 weeks I worked so hard at the gym and counted every calorie. I also made them healthy calories. In that time I lost only 2lbs. Measuring showed approximately 1cm lost on hips, waist and bust. Did anyone else find it slow at the start? I hate to perpetuate the cliches but it did used…
  • For the first time in my life I joined a running group. Its the "beginners" group but all of them could run for 40 minutes without stopping. The lady I ran beside said she has grown up children who had left home so lets say she's 40+. She had lost 10kgs over 14 months and now has kept her weight steady. She looked…
  • So impressed by you all. At 47 I found that lots of people tell you the negatives about why you won't lose weight. Why you shouldn't run when I love running. All the things you shouldn't do. Blah blah blah. Reading all of these posts is filling my head with why I will lose weight not why not. Week 4 and going well after a…
  • Congratulations. Thanks for sharing on the restarting and obsessive nature. I'm wired that way too and the down side is I know I can fall off the wagon too. Keep sharing!
  • Ha ha. Swimming, running, training. At least my skin looks good even if my tummy is being stubborn.
  • Yeh buckle down for sure. But don't beat yourself up. Think about the new you that's just around the corner. Thanks jm216. I am so happy to have made a change in my life. It took 3 weeks to start feeling even slightly better but I am so glad that I made it to week 4 without caving.
  • My mum just visited and told me I look glowing from all my exercise which helped. Today I will; 1. Run with my husband. 2. Stay under my calories. 3. Do a training session. 4. No alcohol.
  • Hi Folks. Thanks for the words of encouragement Jeyradan. Guess what? I joined a running group. Well out of my comfort zone. I'm naturally shy. Its something I thought only cool fit people did but it was great. Just a beginners group but we ran for 40 minutes. Lovely people and a good coach. I am finished with the crying…
  • Today I will; - Log every calorie - Do personal training session (Sometimes I cancel because I'm scared - it's so hard) - Have no alcohol - Like myself and remember to smile - Go for a walk after dinner - Buy healthy food to cook for dinner
  • oh yes and the big one I forgot: - no alcohol
  • Today I will: 1. Not get upset that the scales weren't kind this morning - But I really wanted to scream. 2. Walk with my lovely neighbour - 7km walk done. 3. Count and stay under calories. 4. Turn up at running club for the first time.
  • I'm 47 and getting back into running. Loving it but I really relate to what you wrote. Turns out indulging and 2 glasses of wine a night do not help with weight loss.
  • This is wonderful. Well done. You sound like your focus is nice and sharp. For me for some reason the motivation did not come straight away. For 3 weeks I've been just doing it. The good thing is its now kicked in. I am trying down food easily. I can't quite picture the new me but I feel the image taking shape.
  • Add me. I'm in the same boat. Remember to like yourself enough to put the time aside to look after your own health. That's what I keep telling myself!
  • I woke up feeling low because we got last minute invite for tonight and I don't want to go because my clothes don't fit so here's what I'll do today instead. - remember that I did well in the last 3 weeks and its been tough - go for a run - keep my calories under limit - Go spend the night with my best friend instead of…
  • How'd everyone go? Jey don't worry because you did lots of exercise which lays down all that helpful muscle for fat melting in the future. My result this week was a bit disappointing given substantial effort. To be fair though I've lost 1.0kg in 3 weeks. It just felt really tough and you know how it is - no visible rewards…
  • I'm on the wagon guys. Working hard with trainer and improved my eating. Writing everything down. Only 2 weeks and lost .7kg. Felt like crying when my weight went up overnight though. It's such a mental game. No falling off the wagon. Trainer reminded me he helped me once when I came to him at exactly the same weight.…