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Agree with all above! Also get advice from your doc about exercises or weight training with your shoulder injuries you've had. Don't want to re injure that again. Best of luck. We all are here for ya!
Agree with sskly48. Wait til it goes away for the most oart. You will get a much better workout in. You need to let those muscles recoup.
Start now and be dedicated. That's all it takes!!
Here for ya!
No need for luck... you got this. We are all here to support!
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I would start off with low weight and high reps to get started. Going to take your muscles awhile to adjust. Would definitely have a leg day, maybe bicep/abs, shoulders/triceps, and chest. Do all at least once a week. OK to incorporate abs a few times a week. They recuperate faster but you will use them with a lot of other…
Congratulations on getting clean. Agree with all... start alow... it will take time but once you see results it will motivate you. Eat clean and work hard.... within 3 months you will be amazed!!
Here to help motivate!!
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Hey Nicole. Sure.. we all need support. Friend me!
Staying motivated is the hardest part. Helps to have people behind you. Here for ya!
Whenever I start to fall off I turn to my fitness motivational quotes on pinterest. Know it might be weird for a guy to be on that but I'll tell ya... it works for me. I get right back to it!!
Frankfort Indiana
Are you eating preworkout? You made need to incorporate that in if you arent. It will help. A banana, cottage cheese, or peanut butter is a great choice.
Here to support if you need it. Just gotta stay focused for a few months and go hard.
Sounds about right. Just make sure they are healthy calories and stagger them out through the day. If you are working out hard you could probably do more than that though. All depends on your exercise regimen!
Hey there. Only been on less than week too so in the same boat. Everyone on here is great and will help! I'll add ya as a friend.
I'm adding you! Go vikings!! Best defense in the nfl!!
Protwin is protein for sure. But just remember. .. your body will only absorb 30 grams in one sitting. Anything over that at one intake is useless.
41 years young here! We definitely are the Kool kids!!
Stay away from sugar.. you are trying to gain lean weight not fat! Only time to have sugar is post training and that's only if it's intense enough where you need to replace what you've lost.
1 pound of lean muscle will burn 50 calories/day at rest! Add 5 pounds of lean muscle and thats 250 colors/day and so on. Of course you will burn calories working out too but just lifting weights doesn't burn that much unless you are doing HIIT! That's where the calorie burn comes from lifting... has to be more high…
Any place you can go and intake your entire day of caloric intake in one meal is not good. And the sodium and cholesterol is at an extreme! Stay home and make something. It's called fast food for a reason! Stay healthy all!!
50/50 your weights and cardio. The more lean muscle you gain... the more fat you will burn at rest. It will take you a good month to see the results as far as lifting weights.. but after that you will start burning fat off like crazy!