Sorry for the late reply, trying to get back in the swing of work now that my week on has started. I normally wait until I have the entire challenge done before I do the cardio. So for example I'd do one set, rest for about 1 min, then jump into another set and repeat until the challenge itself is finished, THEN I would do…
If it helps a few of us break it all down in sets (: so maybe 2 sets of 25 push ups and 2 sets of 50 dips may help when the time comes.
Day 8 done of countdown! I like how diverse these challenges are, my arms are probably the weakest part of my body so I'm happy to be working on them.
Day 7 done (for the most part). Didn't want to wake anyone up when doing my jumping jacks so I added up how long total I would have done them and will be doing 3 mins straight later when people start waking up!
Days 3-5 done of the countdown. Haven't been home much the last few days, so since I woke up before hubby I got it all done before he got up! Hoping tomorrow's eat clean challenge goes well.
Days 1 and 2 of Christmas Countdown done. Slacking because I hurt my back and lower leg somehow at work so I was resting those up. I envy those doing the Bootcamp challenge...I WISH I was in good enough shape to do that one as well! I can barely even do the 10 push ups in the countdown
Day 28 done!
Day 27 abs and legs done!
If you use the search bar and enter MiamiSeoul to the author line it should be the first thing on your list!
I'm in! Only going to do the first challenge though (:
Days 24, 25 and 26 done of abs and legs!
Day 23 abs and legs done! If I don't check in tomorrow I may be stuffing my face full of turkey for Thanksgiving ;)
Day 22 of abs and legs done. I will unfortunately be dropping out of glutes. The numbers are getting a bit too crazy, and now a pain in the back of my left leg is starting to make things difficult. I'm proud of myself for making it this far and once that pain subsides a bit i will probably continue doing some of the glute…
Days 20 and 21 done for abs, day 21 done for legs, and day 20 done for glutes. Rest days make catching up easier, yay!
Days 18 and 19 done! During abs one of the cats decided to lay next to me on the floor. Very hard to get motivated when the cats want to cuddle! Lol
Days 16 and 17 done! Gonna try to catch up in 2's, but if my body's up for it gonna try to squeeze day 18 in as well.
Sorry for answering you late. I decided the best way to avoid pain is to take out the hip thrusts all together. My doctor said I could continue since nothing seems wrong, but I am still able to do the squats, Bulgarian split squats, and even the one leg foot elevated bridges without any pain so I figured taking one thing…
Days 14 and 15 done. Gonna be playing catch up due to migraines the past 2 days. Hopefully going to get day 16 done today as well.
I really was hoping this wasn't the advice I was going to get :( I was only continuing because the pain never started until I got to 100. It may be because I haven't exercised in years and started a very challenging plan, but of course I'm no doctor and will be consulting with mine as soon as I possibly can.
Day 13 done! Anyone have any suggestions on ways to combat lower back pain during those hip thrusts? Not much money in the bank because of the holidays right now and I don't have a mat so I've been doing the floor exercises on the actual floor (carpeted, thank god). It just feels like every time I finish them I feel so…
Day 12 done! Still very sore but was able to manage all 3 challenges in an hour. My legs may be jelly but I feel great!
Day 11 done! Man am I feeling it after having to catch up yesterday!
Very busy past few days for me, so made up all 3 days this morning! (Day 8, 9 and 10 for all 3 challenges!) I do have to say though, thank god for rest days!
Day 7 done! So glad it's a rest day for the glutes. Made the other two challenges go a lot smoother.
Day 6 done!
You're welcome! I actually have terrible knees, they've always hated anything to do with squats, lunges, ect. I started off doing sets of 10 and alternating between the squats and hip thrusts to save me the pain. Now that I'm getting used to it (and the challenges are getting more and more intense) I wanted to start…
Day 5 done! The glute challenge is getting easier and easier to complete in one shot! Was doing sets of 15 of each exercise instead of 10! Gonna try for sets of 20 tomorrow!
Day 4 done! To make up for skipping glutes yesterday I also added half of the day 3 challenge on top of day 4. Burns but not painful!
Day 3 of abs and most of legs done. Had to skip glutes due to pain in my thighs. I did the 8 squats of the leg challenge but when I went to do the lunges the pain was starting to get worse. I'm hoping to make up for it tomorrow!
Day 2 done with minutes to spare! I thought I would have to leave out the glutes today, my thighs were so sore I could barely get up and down the stairs at home and at work. Decided to try anyway and completed the WHOLE challenge! SO surprised with myself! NO pain no gain, am I right? ;)