Thanks! High risk for having a preemie, having a still born and having health issues. A few diff things mixed todether. Original reason I got sent to high risk clinic is Bc of health probs.
I am high risk. She just said find pregnant safe exercises so I got stuck. Thanks guys!
To be honest, my ob isn't that helpful. She doesn't tell me what I can or can't do. It's always "talk to someone." I thought this would help to ask strangers. Lol.
Thank y'all!
Thank you.
I'm here to gain but always up for friends. I'm still fairly new. This is like my 3rd time comin back, and very motivated this time! You can add me if you want. :)
Oh got it! Lol.
I don't know how to add people. Im still kinda new: it doesn't give me an option. How do I do it myself?
Filling. Hahah. Not feeling.
Sorry for the errors. It's my phone. Lol.
I feel you. I'm 123.4. I'm bigger down low then I am up too. My thighs literally juggle when I walk. I can pull my belly skin, and it looks just gross. But it looks tight until you pull at it. I want to tighten up but gain also gain. I can't go to a gym, cause Idk who would watch my kids, so I'm trynna stay eatin 2,000 +…
I just went through the same exact thing last month. I went in to the ER with weird symptoms and found out she passed away then was induced to have her. I need motivation to gain weight. I have had depression and not ate right. Feel free to add me! We can be there for each other.
My goal is to actually exercise and make sure I log it. I still have yet to try any of these exercise suggestions since I got this app again, because I'm always chasin the kids and feel like I don't have time, then I get preoccupied doin somethin else.
Same here. 3rd try on here, I believe?! Im feeling confident. :)
Thanks! Im eatin 2,100 calories plus without shakes right now.
Awesome. Thank y'all!
Thanks. I just wanna try a lot of diff ones and see what works. Or what doesn't.
I have 3 kids all under 4. What exercises can I do at home that'll help?
Thank you.
I'm 5'6. My weight is 122. My weight is more so in my bottom half than top. I wear a 5 in bottoms, could prob wear a 7, but my top is all a small. So, I feel as though I'm slightly underweight and want more weight gain plus muscle. Thanks for the replies. I'll keep it set at 1 for now then maybe go up to 2 later!
Thank y'all, and I feel fine other than that. It's family members that make comments, and, it does have a big part of why I wanna change some things, but it's also a personal want. Thanks for the support!
I know it takes time, I just am askin how to speed up the process. I'm tired of bein calls a toothpick and bein told I dissapear and bein told all my weight goes to my "disgusting huge butt.or my big thighs" I also don't care to be told my legs jiggle all the time. I just want help to change it thanks
Thanks. I'm not wantin to lose weight. At all. I'm wantin to gain but then my flabby skin into muscle also. I'm not over weight and want to weigh quite a bit more. I feel like it shouldn't take months personally bc I was 20 weeks and 6 days when I had her. I feel like I should be able to turn this flab into muscle some…
I do eat GF pasta. It's pretty good.
Thank you!!! That's sweet! I guess I see my tummy differently than others may, cause I want it to look so much better in my eyes.
I've never heard of those, except Dublin doughnuts. I love some doughnuts. Thanks guys!
No, it wouldn't bother me as long as I got my belly to look how I wanted it.
I can really only do at home exercises, bc I'm a full time mom. Push-ups and sit-ups and all that aren't cutting it. I feel like you. Any feel muscle anywhere. And thanks, queenLiz, I'll read that in a second.
It just went away with the other 3 is all, and I don't know why it won't go away this time. Thanks for replying though .
I'll take a diff pic in a min. My compplaint isn't rolls when sitting. It's just that's it's flabby and not tightening and I'm losin weight.