Skinny fat; please help!

Ok, so I do not know where to start. I've always been severely insecure about my body type. I've always been very skinny and I have been trying to gain weight forever. I'm 5'7 120 pounds and I would like to get to 135-140. I finally gained a few pounds ,but it always goes to my belly. I'm skinny but I have a pooch and I've been trying to eat as clean as possible. I drink ensure plus, 350 calories, 3 times a day which is the only thing that works.
How do i gain weight with the least amount of fat? Also, what ab workouts are most effective, do i do them everyday?


  • RoToQ
    RoToQ Posts: 93 Member
    edited December 2016
    Add a weights program to your exercise routine. You need to stimulate your body to use the extra calories to build lean mass rather than just store as fat. Check here for a decent routine.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Make sure you are eating a balanced diet, plenty of lean protein and good fats - meat, nuts, oily fish etc. There are plenty of ab workouts on the internet, DVDs etc but you need to work on your whole body, you cannot spot reduce. (Sadly!) The important thing is to mix it up so your body does not get comfortable. If you are building muscle you are unlikely to lay down fat as well, but I suggest you do see a doctor/nutritionist.
  • HamsterManV2
    HamsterManV2 Posts: 449 Member
    edited December 2016
    Keep in mind that on a bulk, SOME FAT GAIN IS INEVITABLE. But if you do a slow surplus, most of it will get used for building muscle. Commit to the bulk, build muscle and gain weight with a lifting program, then cut once you reach your goal weight to reveal your muscle and shed excess fat.

    Check out megsquats. She's strong as hell and looks good even at the height of her bulk (and you can always cut afterwards).
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    sardelsa wrote: »
    To gain with the least amount of fat, I recommend:
    -a small surplus (around 200-250 extra cals per day) which is about 0.5lbs per week
    -adding a strength training routine if not already, see the link above in RotoQ's post

    Things that won't affect fat gain:
    -eating as clean as possible. Yes a balanced diet is very important, lots of nutrient dense foods, hitting your protein and fat macros (the general recommendation is protein about .6 to .8 grams of protein per pound of body weight; .45 grams of fat per pound of body weight; fill in rest with carbs) but having ice cream everyday to fill in the gaps won't affect your fat gain.
    -ab workouts.. this won't do anything to prevent fat gain in the stomach.

    Also I want to add, there is of course nothing wrong with adding a supplement shake, but three.. 1050 cals worth per day? Not sure why you need so many. Have you tried eating calorie dense foods? Nuts, nut butters, full fat dairy, oils, juice, bagels, pasta, ice cream, etc. Or if you like shakes try making your own if you can: banana, peanut butter, protein, full fat dairy (Greek yogurt or milk), you can add anything you like.

    Check out this link if you have any more questions:

    Don't mind me, just throwing in another beneficial link:

  • Valcast4444
    Valcast4444 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks alot for responding guys.
    I take 3 cause i work 3rd shift 45+ hours a week so i dont always have time to cook everyday because always tired. I try to meal prep, but not always consistent. I'm trying to find my balance with my sleep schedule and other responsibilities. I'm usually in a rush, so i'll throw one down.
    Which ab workouts do you find most effective?

  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member Is probably one of the simplest full body starter lifting program. All of the lifts when done correctly will work your core. Several of the other posters mentioned that an ab workout will not change where fat is stored. It is pointless to only work your abs.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    Lift. Eating more will make you gain weight but wont necessarily go where you want it. Mine goes right to my *kitten* and legs, whereas my brothers goes to his face.
    With weight training you can take those extra calories and build a nice lean, athletic frame. Honest.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Most effective for what? The only ab work I get is through my compound lifts and some core work in yoga once a week. Otherwise, I don't work them directly. If you want to work abs to add to your core strength and build up the muscles, great. Unfortunately ab workouts won't help with fat storage.
  • CASEYSgirl93
    CASEYSgirl93 Posts: 42 Member
    I feel you. I'm 123.4. I'm bigger down low then I am up too. My thighs literally juggle when I walk. I can pull my belly skin, and it looks just gross. But it looks tight until you pull at it. I want to tighten up but gain also gain. I can't go to a gym, cause Idk who would watch my kids, so I'm trynna stay eatin 2,000 + and exercise at home. Add me if you want!
  • CASEYSgirl93
    CASEYSgirl93 Posts: 42 Member
    Sorry for the errors. It's my phone. Lol.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    Simply walking
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Thanks alot for responding guys.
    I take 3 cause i work 3rd shift 45+ hours a week so i dont always have time to cook everyday because always tired. I try to meal prep, but not always consistent. I'm trying to find my balance with my sleep schedule and other responsibilities. I'm usually in a rush, so i'll throw one down.
    Which ab workouts do you find most effective?

    All my ab work comes from compound lifts. I dont do any direct ab work currently.
  • monikker
    monikker Posts: 322 Member
    edited December 2016
    you definitely gotta hit the weights like they said, otherwise if you're eating surplus calories without using them throughout your body then you'll just add more fat on to the skinny fat you don't like.

    i am the same way, i've got maybe about 5 lbs around my belly/hips aka the love handles. the rest of my body is truly bony and slender. everyone says i'm very slender. but i want a six pack, and i want to stop gaining around my waist. i'm actually cutting calories and doing some body strength/weight lifting - not a lot at the moment. yes i'll technically lose fat around the parts of my body that don't have much fat since I can't spot reduce, but I'd rather not risk gaining more love handle. plus my muscles will be more visible when the fat is gone, making me look stronger - especially if i'm doing at least some weight training :) just my perspective on it. i feel you though, i've been there and i've had attempts at gaining and doing heavier weight lifting cause i thought gaining muscle was the answer, just didn't stick with it long enough. the most success i've had was with a crossfit challenge program where we lifted 3x a week and there was cardio in there - we had to follow a mostly paleo diet and i definitely didn't eat excess calories. i lost 4 pounds which was a pleasant surprise. i was starting to look really good! but that was a year ago.

    i should also note, since i just re-read the original post - i weighed as little as 114 in college, which was kinda scary cause I'm also just above 5'7." For the longest time my goal was to hit 130. I did hit that, but it was by eating whatever I wanted and having the love handles etc. I stay around 125-127 now probably. I guess I'm saying, 130-140 used to be my goal too - maybe one day it will be again but only if I'm doing an intense weight training program the entire time I increase my eating.
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    I feel you. I'm 123.4. I'm bigger down low then I am up too. My thighs literally juggle when I walk. I can pull my belly skin, and it looks just gross. But it looks tight until you pull at it. I want to tighten up but gain also gain. I can't go to a gym, cause Idk who would watch my kids, so I'm trynna stay eatin 2,000 + and exercise at home. Add me if you want!

    I went through this too. It's hard! Now my youngest is 7 and I'm in great shape again bc I have more time.
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    When I got married, I was 126 lbs (10 years ago). I had minimal muscle and was just thin; no glutes. Now I'm 132 lbs and have a lot more muscle with about the same amount of fat as when I got married.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Thanks alot for responding guys.
    I take 3 cause i work 3rd shift 45+ hours a week so i dont always have time to cook everyday because always tired. I try to meal prep, but not always consistent. I'm trying to find my balance with my sleep schedule and other responsibilities. I'm usually in a rush, so i'll throw one down.
    Which ab workouts do you find most effective?

    All my ab work comes from compound lifts. I don't do any direct ab work currently.

    Same. And my abs look better than they ever have.
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member

    All my ab work comes from compound lifts. I don't do any direct ab work currently.

    Same. And my abs look better than they ever have.[/quote]

    your back looks awesome!!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    edited December 2016
    serapel wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote:

    All my ab work comes from compound lifts. I don't do any direct ab work currently.

    Same. And my abs look better than they ever have.

    your back looks awesome!!!

    Thanks. I was really hoping it wasnt hidden by the straps. I would have been bitter if it was. ;)