shirgify Member


  • The situation is having a positive effect on my weight loss. Before everything got bad, I had the foresight to get a bench and barbell set and setup a home gym. The inaccessibility of going to the grocery store really makes me reconsider all my food choices and I have been within my calorie limit daily. Not a binge yet.…
  • Please add me as well. Been maintaining around 167-172 for months now. Need to get to GW of 150-155 ideally for June.
  • Mine modified his treats to the ones I don’t like. And for the things I do like, he hides from me. Works great. If he came home with pies and cookies within my reach, my solution is to eat everything. And then he relearns my above rules.
  • Thanks for posting such a positive piece. Wishing you all the best!
  • So I'm sitting here trying not to eat a tub of candy candy ice cream. I ate a bowl of strawberries. Let's be best friends. I'm getting there with my goals, been some setbacks. Still ways to go. I can help cheer you on.
  • Exercise: Yes, 60 min. Lifting circuit class, full body conditioning Calories: Yes Tracked: Yes
  • This will be my second try at this challenge. I enrolled in January but my disordered eating got the best of me. I continued to get my exercise almost daily through all January, only missing 4 days. I feel great about that. So I'm back to try again 🤗 I really need to get my eating under control.
  • Pass day number two.
  • Exercise: Yes, 60 min circuit/strength training lower body focus. Then had a 60 min walk/zombie jog with my daughter. Calories: Yes, right on Tracking: Yes
  • Exercise: Yes, 40 mins indoor cycling Calories: Yes, under Tracking: Yes, everything Glad to be doing this challenge, I would not have gone to the gym tonight without it. o:)
  • Exercise: Yes, 45 min circuit lifting class, overall conditioning focus. I was the only person signed up so it turned into a private lesson (awesome!!). I pushed hard and lifted my heaviest yet. Calories: Yes Tracked: Yes After my pass yesterday, I'm even more determined. And I agree with the others above, this is a great…
  • Exercise: Yes, 45 min. indoor cycling Calories: No, went over Tracking: No, tracked until 8pm then didn't record my binge. My ed got the better of me today. But only once in almost a week is much better. I'll take my first pass day today.
  • Exercise: Yes, 60 min indoor cycling at the gym and strength training upper body focus Calories: Yes, ate all my exercise calories, with 3 to spare haha. Hungry day, plus had a nice donut treat. Tracked: Yes, everything.
  • Exercise: Yes, 60 minute strength/lifting circuit class, full body conditioning. Calories: Yes, ate back half excerise calories today Tracked: Yes, everything Day 4 awesome. As for CICO, it's obvious!
  • Exercise: Yes, 60 min circuit/strength training class focus upper body and abs. Calories: Yes, 70 to spare. Tracked: Yes On eating back exercise calories, I try to eat half back. But will allow some leaway if it's a special event. Like tonight I went to a hockey game with my family and was able to eat 4 sour candies and…
  • Exercise: Yes 25 minute indoor cycling and 60 min lifting/circuit class leg focus. Calories: Yes under my limit Tracked: Yes all accounted for.
  • Exercise: Yes, 70 minute First Day Hike along the Bruce Trail. Walked 5.5 km, slower because of the slippery mud. Also got some yard work done, raked and cleaned my greenhouse. Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • First ever challenge for me on here. I've been on mfp for close to two years now. Going for the last 10-15 pounds now. Excited for this!
  • It's funny you say that, my husband thinks there's another person too. Suddenly I'm never home, looking all hot and loosing weight.
  • Umm these salad containers look suspiciously small. I bring a big metal bowl to work and mini mason jar of oil vinegar. Ain't no salad unless it's a BIG salad
  • Banana Frozen cherries Fresh cherries Yellow beans Onions Garlic Mint Corn on cob Cherry tomatoes Yellow plums More cherries Lettuce Peppers
  • I'm a 32 year old mom of two. A nine year old boy and five year old girl. My original goal was to try to get back to my approx. wedding weight and a healthy bmi. Nearly there now and rethinking my goals. Next is to get rid of some vanity weight as they say. Then on to maintenance for life. Feel free to add me!
  • My plan is to eat all my kids Halloween chocolate the first day that way it's gone and I can move on like normal. That or my husband can try to hide it. Christmas is fine, the rest of my family is vegan so I just volume eat plenty of veggies and track accordingly.
  • I've had a Boston cream donut 4 out of 7 days a week since January and still losing weight. I never would have ordered one before mfp thinking they were horrible and would ruin me. This place was a wake up that I could eat some treats but just needed to be accountable for the whole picture. Instead of focusing on one 'bad'…
  • I like to incorporate activity with my kids. We bike to and from school, I garden like crazy when they are outside playing, my daughter and I dance in the mornings to YouTube. Actually dancing around the house as much as possible while cleaning/straightening up gets in a lot of cardio for me. It can get serious. Then after…
  • Great to hear! Keep it up! We all do seem to neglect our own needs without even realizing. It's amazing how our bodies can bounce back though. I'm in the same boat as you, finally feeling good again.
  • I'll do anything for a hazelnut.
    in Nuts Comment by shirgify September 2017
  • I seem to weigh in weekly but no set days. I like to see a pound gone and will wait to weigh myself until I think I lost one. Sometimes I'll wait a day or two extra even. I like the anticipation. I then log each time I lose.
  • We packed and brought in all our own foods. People waiting in the lines with us were asking where we bought our apples hahah. They don't advertise that they allow outside food in.