sarahspractice Member


  • I bought a pretty new bright yellow nail polish and painted my nails (butter london, Pimms).
  • Hey, all the answers here are great so far. I'm 5'7, 26 years old, it has taken me two years to get from 110 to 138, putting on muscle and fat after a mix of health problems including an ED. Mostly it is patience and persistence, there were a lot of ups and downs in the two years both weight wise and emotionally. Mainly…
  • Hi Ladies, I thought I would quickly drop in and say hello and goodbye before leaving the group. I hope you are all doing well. The plan of progressing from a Maters to a PhD got derailed by my supervisor who basically stabbed me in the back :disappointed: so I am now looking for a job. This means not TTC this year at all,…
  • Good question! Always so variable. We were plannting ttc October/ November but now it seems I will be working full-time for 4-6 months between the end of my Masters and beginning on my PhD which puts up back a bit further. I had wanted a winter baby July/August but I guess not this time. The phd has paid maternity leave at…
  • Thanks @samlovesthesnow ! I have looked at the Ava bracelet and ended up ordering a tempdrop ( I thought it was more useful? as it can be used for FAM and monitoring for ovulation while breastfeeding and after baby. Admittedly I ordered it while very much TTA and it will end up arriving this March…
  • Also, it is SO SO nice to be able to post that HAHAHA no one we know IRL knows the plan so I can't say anything yet, and have to try very hard not to be too obsessed with my friends 9month old girl <3
  • I am terrible at temping, and 2+ years ago when we were firmly tta I ordered this ( and it is finally shipping this month!!! The benefit being not needing to wake up at all to temp, and theoretically getting a more accurate temp as you get a true overnight low rather than a waking low. On another…
  • Thanks @VeryKatie I am happy to post the abstract and 2 page summary.... after the submission date XD
  • Hi ladies, looks like you all have very impressive goals. Mine this month is No coffee, and no added sugar! Trying to feel less bleh. Yoga and meditation daily, and try to get in some cardio (dancing or running) 2 times a week.
  • TTC later in the year, thought I'd drop in on the conversation I use the WPC from here 1 ingredient, whey
  • @VeryKatie I am doing my Masters in Medical/Cultural Anthropology, my thesis in due in April so it's crazy town here while I finish writing. My research project is on the emotional labour of obstetric sonographers, and their professional experiences and perceptions of ultrasound care during pregnancy. Such a fascinating…
  • @samlovesthesnow thanks! I will look into Expecting Better by Emily Oster, it sounds interesting. @VeryKatie TCOYF is by Toni Weschler and totally worth it, I got my copy via a special order so I could get the paperback which is 1/2 the price of the hardcover and easier to read and write notes all over! Amazing to read as…
  • Thanks, I will add data soon. Just not logging while renovating the kitchen, I don't want to know the mess eating out every meal is causing :) Rhythm method was basically just counting cycle days...when it was assumed all women had a 28 day cycle and ovulated on day 14. It didn't work very well for a lot of women as most…
  • Thank you both. Yes FAM is NFP but more in depth as many people associate NFP exclusively with the rhythm method... Lots of great info to learn from NFP and FAM and many other variations of this sort. Thanks @WifiresGettingFit it was incredibly challenging but it wasn't meant to be. It has been so grounding though. Before…