KassLea22 Member


  • I was responding to their observation with my observation. We appeared to a similar observation. And there have been other people who commented on here also saying that people were getting defensive so it's not just me that took some of the answers that way. And it's my post so of course I'm going to respond to replies on…
  • I think a large percentage of why many people give up on an exercise routine is that they don't like doing it in they view it as a chore. I think if you can find a type of exercise that you like to do, and then exercise becomes your entertainment and you're more likely to stick with it. That's why I always suggest people…
  • That's a good point and I didn't think about it like that. I also find it interesting that I am being judged for my diet by people who, in the same breath, are telling me not to judge them for their diet. I never came from a place of judgment in my post, I came from a place of curiosity, and people seem to get so defensive…
  • I'm skeptical that that's really what's being said, because it is being told to you by a Child who can sometimes misunderstand what an adult is saying. that's coming from someone who used to teach kindergarten. Have you talked to the teacher yourself? It is part of a health teacher's job to teach nutrition, which is a good…
  • Hard boiled eggs, turkey bacon, and avocado toast....my go-to
  • Totally going to second this! Every person's metabolism and appetite is different then someone else's. And depending on what food you were eating, 1200 cal can feel like a lot and be a lot of food. I think a huge misconception is that my fitness pal is just for people who are losing weight or trying to maintain after…
  • I would say junk food is not the only problem that people are obese as I stated, but I don't think Society should deny that part of the reason people are overweight is because of junk food. I actually recently just commented on the thread where I said basically the same thing you did, that portion control is probably the…
  • This...and lift heavy. I'm not saying so heavy it kills you, but you shouldn't be able to do more than 8 reps without getting tired.
  • Of course they do, but that's not what I was saying in my post and I'm not sure what that has to do with anything on this particular thread. Mfp is not just for people who are dieting or for people who are overweight, it's for people who are already active/healthy/whatever or are trying to gain weight as well. That's why I…
  • Oh of course you can, totally. I just recently commented on another thread that same thing, that even if you eat healthy if you were eating a large portion you're still eating unhealthily. I mean I never mentioned over eating once in this post. I actually wasn't even thinking about that. As I've tried to say my question…
  • Ha ha I wonder if that's how my and my sisters friends felt. I mean we would eat ice cream and stuff when they would come over but I guess I've always just liked healthy food. I genuinely enjoy eating all my vegetables and I don't have a huge sweet tooth most of the time. When I do get a sweet tooth I give into my craving…
  • Well your last little comment on your post was unnecessarily rude, but that's kind of beside the point at this juncture of the conversation. To answer your questions, I don't really have any answers because I don't think one way of living is better or worse than another way for everyone. That's why asked this question; to…
  • I totally agree! I think the environment you grow up in dictates largely what your attitude towards food is going to be as an adult. I am always reading articles and seeing new stories and TV shows about parents who are trying to help they're overweight children lose weight, but refused to make any changes themselves. I…
  • Well weighing yourself and finding out where your starting point is, is a wonderful start. Everyone has to start somewhere. What are some of your goals?
  • First of all, are you on medication for your thyroid? I have hyperthyroidism as well but ironically I'm very thin. However I know how my appetite and my energy level changes when I've been taking the wrong dose or when I've gone off my medication. I would say trying to make a few smarter choices here in there in terms of…
  • I used to have a similar problem. I have a really high metabolism and I get full really fast. However I did find a couple things that helped me eat more. I eat breakfast first thing in the morning. Sometimes it's bigger like avocado toast, eggs, turkey bacon, etc.....other times it's maybe just a smoothie or a little bit…
  • Don't be scared, everyone is a beginner at one point! Don't be afraid to ask the gym staff how to use machines or what types of exercises target different areas. The people who work at gyms love to help new people, and this is coming from someone who used to work at a gym and who has been going to the gym five days a week…
  • I'm skeptical of any "low or no" diet. While I think it's important to watch what you eat, our bodies do need a certain amount of fat, sodium, carbs, protein, and even sugar. I think portion control is the most important part of a diet. Even eating "healthy foods" like broccoli, chicken, turkey, spinach, etc can be bad…
  • Thanks for the reply. I'm not entirely sure I understand what you were trying to say. would you care to elaborate?
  • I'm a regular gym-goer and I am pretty laid back. I understand a lot of people are new to the gym and may not know some of the unspoken "rules." However it drives me crazy when people don't put their stuff away, as in leave free weights laying around. Or when people do their sets right in front of where the weights are so…
  • Are you shy? Are used to be really shy and I never noticed when guys were hitting on me until my friends point it out. That happens to me now all the time. I think a guy is being nice, when really they are totally hitting on me. I noticed that with some of my female friends too. They sometimes say that guys don't hit on…
  • There's going to be days where sometimes you meet your calorie goal, there will be days where you go over it, and there will be days where you go under it. There will be days where you're really motivated to go to the gym, and there will be a day that you just want to sit at home. Don't beat yourself up over the small…
  • I went to an informational training session with a personal trainer years and years ago when I wanted to start getting into weightlifting. She talk to me about what my goals were and showed me a bunch of different exercises I could do. Most gyms have a complementary training session when you sign up and I would suggest…
  • Yeah this is exactly how I feel. I guess I genuinely thought that other people thought the same way I do and I am genuinely curious. I like learning about other people's points of view. I think for me the food is not an emotional issue, I live a very healthy active lifestyle but I don't obsess over food or think about food…
  • To be honest, I'm a little surprised by the hostility. I don't think that I'm being rude or judgmental, in fact I have said that I am not advocating towards any persons diet. And I never said my way was the right way. I just think it's interesting that while one person can view cookies as a treat, another person can view…
  • Totally. That's what I think is the most interesting part really. I just think it's interesting that so many people have so many different views towards food, and towards different kinds of food.
  • We definitely ate like that when we had friends over to. I guess I never felt like I was missing out because I didn't eat a lot of junk food and I don't feel that way now that I'm an adult and can make my own choices. I'm not saying either way people choose to run their household is good or bad I just think it's…
  • I'm almost 27. But I also suppose that cultures differ State to state, and I grew up in one of the healthiest states in the US.
  • Oh of course I'm not saying there weren't. I guess it's just interesting how different peoples attitude and thoughts about food Are. And I think peoples attitudes towards food probably stems from how they were raised and the household attitude they were raised in. It's interesting to me because until I started talking to…