"I can't eat all my calories omg what do"



  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    ceiswyn wrote: »
    are you supporting someone eating under 1000 cals/day long term? Or that it is ok to not know what they are eating at all?

    Nope, and nothing I have written suggested that either of those was the case. Only that some people do actually have difficulty eating all their daily calories. It is a real thing that actually happens. Is that such a difficult concept?

    Nope, I completely understand why it happens, but when you said:
    ceiswyn wrote: »

    So... if someone who used to eat 4000 calories manages to 'kid themselves' in this way so successfully that now they actually can't eat more than 1000 calories, you think that is a bad thing... why?

    it sounded like you didn't think it was a bad thing to be eating 1000 calories and/or be unable to accurately track intake. As long as it is clear that isn't your claim.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    ceiswyn wrote: »
    are you supporting someone eating under 1000 cals/day long term? Or that it is ok to not know what they are eating at all?

    Nope, and nothing I have written suggested that either of those was the case. Only that some people do actually have difficulty eating all their daily calories. It is a real thing that actually happens. Is that such a difficult concept?

    Kind of...'cuz nobody got fat and to the point of needing to lose weight by only being able to eat a measly 1000 calories or whatever...
  • Klmom123
    Klmom123 Posts: 91 Member
    I was just going to add as well, surgical bands would make it difficult.
    But otherwise if you are a food lover, which I'm assuming you like to eat if you're here, even clean foods can easily add up to 1200.
    Some days I'm just under, but it's on purpose. Never by accident. I could accidentally go over on any given day if i didn't pay attention.
    Then again I've never understood people who say they "forgot to eat".

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    ceiswyn wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    I have been here since 2009 and I would suggest that @cwolfman13 is pretty much on the button. In fact, they are in line with what I wrote as well. So I don't agree with your assessment at all.

    Wow, and here I've been all this time thinking I'm a real person who often has genuine difficulty eating back my calories, when thanks to you random internet people I've discovered that I don't exist.

    Well *kittens*, that'll larn me.

    Its ironic how fast you throw stones about others opinions based on your own personal experience. Its extremely short sighted. And if you take a step back and look at my OP, i fully understand there can be struggles with eating enough calories, but I also understand how one can change that.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    edited March 2017
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    [That's TWENTY OUNCES OF CHICKEN AT ONE SITTING. Are you insane? Not everybody sits down and eats five servings of chicken. Or any chicken.

    Something is wrong there because 588 calories of chicken is about 8 ounces. 20 ounce would be over 1200.


    One ounce of boneless skinless breast is roughly 30 calories. Math is spot on. His log says 555 g. That's 19.5xxxxx ounces. 588 calories.


  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    edited March 2017

    That's TWENTY OUNCES OF CHICKEN AT ONE SITTING. Are you insane? Not everybody sits down and eats five servings of chicken. Or any chicken.

    if they have specific protein goal they may....at 2200 cal a day, I can easily eat 13-14g between lunch/dinner in chicken and still have wide variety of other protein to fill out my goal for the day

    Uh. Your math is very skewed. 13-14 g is very little compared to TWENTY OUNCES. A serving of 100g is only about 110 calories. 13 g is only a half ounce. That's miniscule. Multiply that by 40, and that's how much this person had in one sitting. That's 100 g of PROTEIN in one meal. Before adding anything else...
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    I read your whole post but this stayed on my mind:
    "Then my hair started falling out
    Then I felt lack of energy
    Then I stopped being able to pole dance
    Then I started fainting"

    Did you get back on the pole?
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    For those of you who decided to have a go at my motivation - it was an honest question, not an attack on anyone, not being dismissive or judgemental. I just wanted to know how people who were eating enough to put on weight all of a sudden "can't eat enough". Some of the above answers have been helpful, at least in explaining why some people DON'T eat enough (low fat/low carb). But I don't believe they "can't".
  • Rax1974
    Rax1974 Posts: 408 Member

    That's TWENTY OUNCES OF CHICKEN AT ONE SITTING. Are you insane? Not everybody sits down and eats five servings of chicken. Or any chicken.

    if they have specific protein goal they may....at 2200 cal a day, I can easily eat 13-14g between lunch/dinner in chicken and still have wide variety of other protein to fill out my goal for the day

    Uh. Your math is very skewed. 13-14 g is very little compared to TWENTY OUNCES. A serving of 100g is only about 110 calories. 13 g is only a half ounce. That's miniscule. Multiply that by 40, and that's how much this person had in one sitting. That's 100 g of PROTEIN in one meal. Before adding anything else...

    yup, that is a butt load of chicken lol. I would die...
  • KassLea22
    KassLea22 Posts: 112 Member
    lizery wrote: »

    What is the aim of these posts exactly? Is it attention?

    Just because someone else's struggles are different from yours doesn't mean that person is just posting for attention.

    Perhaps people would like suggestions of high cal foods that they can tolerate/like etc. Or maybe people are looking for people who can relate.

    People have reduced appetite (or opportunity to eat) for all kinds of reasons.

    You don't understand this predicament? Ok.

    You don't need to let it bother you that different people have food/diet/health issues and priorities that vary from your own.

    Totally going to second this! Every person's metabolism and appetite is different then someone else's. And depending on what food you were eating, 1200 cal can feel like a lot and be a lot of food.

    I think a huge misconception is that my fitness pal is just for people who are losing weight or trying to maintain after they've lost weight. I've been on the site since 2011 and I know that it's also for people who are trying to gain weight or just are already living a healthy lifestyle and are tracking calories and macros. I have never once used this website, and I started when it was just a website not an app as well, for losing weight. I am a pretty thin person who has a high metabolism and has a very hard time gaining weight and I only ever use this site to help me track my macros and make sure I'm hitting my calorie goals because I weight lift.

    I don't think it's fair to assume that just because people are asking for a different kind of help than other people (people who are asking for a diet help), that they are only wanting attention. this site is for everyone no matter what their current issue or goals are.
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    ceiswyn wrote: »
    Nope, and nothing I have written suggested that either of those was the case. Only that some people do actually have difficulty eating all their daily calories. It is a real thing that actually happens. Is that such a difficult concept?

    Kind of...'cuz nobody got fat and to the point of needing to lose weight by only being able to eat a measly 1000 calories or whatever...

    Yes; it's a huge change in appetite and behaviour. Isn't change in those things what many of us here are trying to achieve? Do you genuinely just not believe such a change is possible?
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    Those posts make me laugh as well and wonder. Seriously, 1200 is difficult to reach? Just grab a handful of nuts for an extra 300 cals and you're done. It's not rocket science. Simple maths.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    Just grab a handful of nuts for an extra 300 cals and you're done.

    Yep, grab away!
  • fkfl81
    fkfl81 Posts: 12 Member
    I sometimes have a hard time meeting my 1200 cals a day. I don't restrict any food, and try to make proper choices for my health, like eating celery sticks for crunch instead of a bag of chips.
    I am a single mom, work 2 jobs and run a house. I TRY to eat 3 meals a day and 2 to 3 snacks.... but sometimes, there isn't enough time, or after a very exhausting day, I dont feel hungry. I just want my bed.
    I believe sometimes meeting minimum calorie goals can honestly be a challenge. Just as some eat when stressed, some people like myself, can't stand food when stressed.
    I also have food allergies which limits what I can eat. For those who don't have a problem meeting calorie goals, and think its an attention thing, please don't judge. It is part of someones journey and maybe they need help to learn how to eat the right foods to reach their goals. I actually reached out and asked how to meet my cals in a healthy way, and a MFP friend suggested nuts or nut butters. Something I didn't think of. And now use that when I need to up the calories. We are all here supporting and learning. Whether its a similar journey as yours or not.
    Best of luck to everyone ☺

  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    Just grab a handful of nuts for an extra 300 cals and you're done.

    Yep, grab away!

    :D Good answer. :D And some chocolate.
  • fatgirlandrobin
    fatgirlandrobin Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, someone who has difficulty hitting 1200! I eat low calorie but filling foods so I don't snack much. It's not hard to do (not that I encourage it).
    Also to the "how did you get fat" people: uh maybe because a cheeseburger at McDonalds is 500 calories minimum, and a grilled chicken sandwich at McDonald's is just over 300. Making smarter choices and not eating cause you're bored cuts out a lot of calories.
    Tonight my dinner was 700 calories, I had lunch and snacks, and just barely hit 1200, and I burned 300 calories today so even then I'm at 900 calories when you cut out when I burned. And I'm not gonna make myself sick eating when I'm already full.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member

    That's TWENTY OUNCES OF CHICKEN AT ONE SITTING. Are you insane? Not everybody sits down and eats five servings of chicken. Or any chicken.

    if they have specific protein goal they may....at 2200 cal a day, I can easily eat 13-14g between lunch/dinner in chicken and still have wide variety of other protein to fill out my goal for the day

    Uh. Your math is very skewed. 13-14 g is very little compared to TWENTY OUNCES. A serving of 100g is only about 110 calories. 13 g is only a half ounce. That's miniscule. Multiply that by 40, and that's how much this person had in one sitting. That's 100 g of PROTEIN in one meal. Before adding anything else...

    That should have been 13-14oz not g!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Hi, someone who has difficulty hitting 1200! I eat low calorie but filling foods so I don't snack much. It's not hard to do (not that I encourage it).
    Also to the "how did you get fat" people: uh maybe because a cheeseburger at McDonalds is 500 calories minimum, and a grilled chicken sandwich at McDonald's is just over 300. Making smarter choices and not eating cause you're bored cuts out a lot of calories.
    Tonight my dinner was 700 calories, I had lunch and snacks, and just barely hit 1200, and I burned 300 calories today so even then I'm at 900 calories when you cut out when I burned. And I'm not gonna make myself sick eating when I'm already full.

    The point is there is no reason to pick low calorie foods - you can eat healthily/clean/better (whatever term you want to describe your eating patterns) but pick more calorie dense options...
  • Xvapor
    Xvapor Posts: 1,643 Member
    I have trouble cause I'm so busy and by night it's hard to eat a lot when tired