LowcarbLondoner Member


  • Baked Red Peppers stuffed with ground beef/ tomato. I fry 500g ground beef with garlic & a small chopped shallot, add a can of chopped tomatoes and leave to simmer until some of the liquid has evaporated. This makes enough for a few meals, so I freeze what doesn’t make it into the peppers. Stuff the peppers with the beef,…
  • Home made Sour Cream Dip. I usually wing it, but I think it was 2tbl Sp of Sour Cream, 1tbl Sp of Mayonnaise, half a tea spoon of onion powder and a pinch of salt. Normally I would make a Blue Cheese dip to go with the wings, but that day I couldn't be bothered to get the mini processor out of the cupboard. Blue Cheese…
  • Baked chicken wings (marinaded with buffalo hot wings powder) & homemade sour cream dip
  • Angailor, have you considered joining one of the groups on MFP? I have been following a lower carb/Keto WOE (Way Of Eating) for over 18 months and have lost 36 pounds. I'm not strict keto (20g net carbs), I generally eat 40g of carbs per day, but have found this way of losing weight very enjoyable. I used to be obsessed…
  • Thanks Gianfranco, I've signed. Although I'm UK based our dietary guidelines seem to follow the same pattern of the US. I find myself constantly having to 'enlighten' my friends when they worry about eating too much salt & fat, when they should be worrying about the excessive amount of sugar & carbs. Many of them are…
  • I would avoid all boxed cereals or porridge. Milk is not advisable either. There is a low carb recipe for grain free granola on the Ditch the Carbs website. you could eat that with a natural(not low fat) yogurt